Wounds | Chapter 3

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"YOU'RE DRUNK NANCE!" she heard Steve shout, however, at that moment. Rooted to the spot, she stopped. She didn't understand everything, but she definitely heard Nancy say "You're bullshit".
In the next few seconds, the bathroom door flew open and Steve rushed out, slamming the door behind him. Since Rose had stopped, Steve almost slammed into her. He stopped, startled, and stared at her.

"Steve, what-?"

But he didn't let her finish, looked at her in deep consternation, then stormed past her and disappeared into the crowd. Should she rush after him or check on Nancy? Who would need more support right now?

In seconds, she decided on Steve, hurried down the stairs as fast as she could with all those people, and somehow scrambled to get to the to the door. Once outside, she saw Steve get into the car and slam the door. If he closed his own car door so rudely, he must be very rattled. He didn't start the car. Lucky for Rose, that way she could reach Steve before he could drive off. She opened the passenger door and settled into the seat.

Steve didn't react at all. He had his elbows propped on the steering wheel and his face buried in his hands. Pityingly Rose looked at him.

"Steve?" she said very quietly, looking to see if he responded. No response.

"Hey," she whispered now, turning left in the car seat to look directly at him without having to turn her head. She raised her left hand and wanted to touch Steve's shoulder but suddenly he sobbed loudly. She had not expected that.
Was he crying? Tough Steve?
Maybe he had been right on the way there. King Steve wasn't his thing anymore.

"Hey, it's okay." said Rose gently, now really putting her hand on his shoulder. He continued not to respond. Concerned, she looked at him, not really knowing what to do.

BOOM! Rose was scared half to death when something banged on the passenger side of the car. Steve was scared too, but still didn't change his position, he just flinched. He didn't even bother to look.

Rose, on the other hand, turned and looked into Billy's blue eyes for the second time that evening. He was standing bent down on the passenger side, and had slammed his hands against the roof of the car with all his might so he could see right through the window. Since his Camaro was right next to it, he was probably about to drive home, but had noticed the people in the car next to him.

"HEY HEY!" he yelled now, but it sounded muffled since both car doors were still closed.

"Just a minute, Steve...just wait, please" Roselyn said half aloud, trying to open the door. Billy was still standing in front of it, now straightened up and took two steps back. The door now opened and Rose got out.

"This isn't the time, Hargrove," she said irritably, looking coolly at the blond.

"I'll decide when the right moment is" he countered with a grin, running his tongue over his lower lip. He sounded anything but sober as he did so.

"Is that Harrington in there? Is that wimp crying?" Billy sneered loudly, leaning down a bit to look through the windows at Steve.

"It's none of your business at all. Just go. Best to go back to the house, you don't want to drive like that, do you?" Typical Rose, still worried about this idiot wanting to drive drunk, absolutely out of place in this situation.

"Just said I'll decide that" Billy replied, still distracted by Steve in the car. He suddenly banged on the window and yelled:

"Harrington! What's the matter? Did your dolly leave you? Did she go off with another stud? HUH, HARRINGTON?" With each of the last two words, he banged the window again, rumbling. She knew this wasn't going to end well if Billy kept provoking like this. She had never seen Steve in such a state as he was now, she had absolutely no idea what would set it off. However, it didn't take long for her to figure it out.

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