THE FIRST 10 MINUTES 10 MINUTES OF THE RIDE WERE JUST AWKWARD. But the further they drove, the more irritated she became.
Where was he going? Actually, they both had to be at school right away, but Billy was definitely not going there. Rose kept squinting over at him without turning her head. She almost didn't dare speak up, not knowing what reaction would follow. Whether he was angry because she had just left him standing there? And the blue cheek could only mean a what. After another few very silent minutes, there wasn't even any music playing in the car, Rose had had enough.
"You could at least say where we're going if you're going to kidnap me" she said, almost defiantly, but didn't look at him. Billy didn't respond.
"Okay, I understand if you're angry, just tell me!" she said louder than just now, but still no reaction. She did now turn her head to stare at him. Slowly she felt a kind of anger rising inside her, because he just didn't react. His eyes, however, were still focused on the road.
"Actually, I should be angry, after all, it wasn't me who seemed to have something going on with Nicole!" she now exclaimed energetically. Finally a movement.
Billy emitted an annoyed sound, his eyes flashing over to her for a moment.
"I wouldn't even touch her with a pair of pliers" he growled."Then why did she tell you you were stuck on her?" Rose just had to know now. Billy rolled his eyes in annoyance, then looked over at her.
"Because she'd like it that way, and she loves drama. Simple as that."
"Watch the road" Rose muttered defiantly instead of responding to this info. He looked at her for another moment, then did as instructed.
"Can we end this fucking topic now?" he groaned with a slightly aggressive undertone.
"It's enough that I had to run after you and had no idea where you were." he then added much more quietly.
What? What had he said? He had run after her?
"Just a moment..." she said, dumbfounded.
"You" she pointed at him. "Billy Hargrove. Ran after me" her index finger darted over to herself.
"Ran after you?" Billy grumbled in a bad mood.
"I didn't know which way you took off, probably ran into the completely wrong one."
Rose looked at him from the side with wide eyes.
His words were like a big Band-Aid stuck on her heart.
Billy Hargrove, even in his drunken state, had cared about her and wanted to run after her.She didn't know what to say to that, so she just decided to keep quiet
She sheepishly looked away and looked out the window.
But this time it was Billy who was waiting for a reaction.
"You're not going to shut me up now, not when I'm about to find someone good for the first time in my pathetic fucking life" he growled in her direction.
Again she froze. It just kept getting crazier and crazier. She knew Billy had gone further with her than with anyone else around him. But words like that coming out of his mouth? THAT was really crazy.Suddenly her heart began to race. She was getting hot all over.
"Hey," he now gave once more, his eyes flashing briefly over to her again.
"I well... sorry, I'm a little overwhelmed with the situation right now" she admitted honestly, but now looked over at him again."Do you want to at least tell me where we're going now?" she asked him, perhaps to get her mind off the subject. He grumbled up, pulled over abruptly to the side of the road, and jerked to a stop.

𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒖𝒔 | 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆
FanficBilly suddenly grabbed her arm and held it firmly "What was that?" he growled softly. But Rose wasn't afraid of him. She had an entirely different problem. Rather, her body was just riding a roller coaster again. This was absolutely not the right mo...