THE NEXT MORING WAS NOT LONG IN COMING. After all, Rose had only fallen asleep on the sofa in the living room. Her bed was occupied unplanned.
She slowly woke up and stretched out on the couch. This was definitely not so suitable for sleeping. Her neck hurt and somehow everything else hurt. Especially the laceration in her face hurt. Sleepily she looked at the clock in the living room, which hung on the wall. It was almost 8 o'clock in the morning. Why was she already awake? Normally she slept really much and gladly even long. She had not slept very well during the few hours, which was certainly not only due to the sofa.
The thought, who lay there straight in her bed, did not go out of her head. And how he would react when he was no longer completely drunk anymore. She was almost afraid of the reaction. She sighed softly and sat up. It
was no use to toss and turn anymore. Rose was incredibly tired, but she just had to see how it went on.To sleep she had put on pajamas. As always, they were in the bathroom, since she always undressed there. But unfortunately she had no fresh clothes here, they were of course in the closet in her room. There where Billy was probably still sleeping. She saw virtually already his lewd looks when she would stand in front of him in her pajamas. Maybe she was lucky, if he was actually still asleep she could purely sneak and fresh things from the Closet, without that he would notice it.
Rose went to the stairs and climbed them quietly. up. At the top, she noticed that all the doors were still closed, so it seemed that her family was still asleep as well. That Ebony so long slept was also surprising, normally she was a little whirlwind and always very early on the legs. However, she went
she then also liked to go back to her parents in bed and cuddled there a little. She was only 6 years old.Roselyn hoped it was the same this time, because she still had no good explanation for a completely strange boy in her bed.
Of course, she would just tell the truth, that he hadn't made it home by himself and she just wanted to help. But the thing with the laceration was another. She could not tell that she had it exactly because of the guy in her room. Her parents were always friendly to their friends and acquaintances, but would they still be friendly? Would they still react kindly to such a story?
Unlikely.She just stepped up to her room door and was about to reach the handle, but changed her mind and put one ear to the door and listened. There was no sound to be heard. So she had good chance, Billy still seemed to be asleep.
No wonder with the alcohol level, which he had apparently spent the night building up. She opened the door as quietly as possible and looked in.
Then she exhaled with relief: he was still asleep. He was lying on his back, the blanket had slipped a little and just covered his hips.
He was breathing evenly. Good, so he was also alive. She had been a little worried, after all, how many people had already chocked on their own vomit because under the influence of alcohol and drugs.Rose leaned the door, tiptoed into the room to her closet and opened it.
Unfortunately, it squeaked a bit when she opened it. She turned her head to Billy. No reaction. So far so good.
She now looked in her closet and rummaged a bit for the Clothes she was looking for. Rose was quite a neat person, but tidy person, but she couldn't really keep her Closet organized. The things were always mostly just
thrown in, sort of. At that moment she hated herself for it and firmly resolved to tidy up her stuff better in the future."Who would have thought it?" suddenly said a rough Voice softly behind her. Rose flinched madly and dropped the clothes she had just been holding.
She turned jerkily and stared at Billy. He had apparently just woken up, whether it was from the sound of the door or whether luck was simply not with her today, she could not say. Her heart felt like it was pounding in her throat.

𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒖𝒔 | 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆
FanfictionBilly suddenly grabbed her arm and held it firmly "What was that?" he growled softly. But Rose wasn't afraid of him. She had an entirely different problem. Rather, her body was just riding a roller coaster again. This was absolutely not the right mo...