Chapter 19 - Newfound Aspiration

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In my sudden awakening I am faced with an unfamiliar yet comfortable ceiling, I was back to the Hakurei Shrine, or perhaps it's more appropriate to say I didn't leave at all. After scratching my head a little bit, I notice my condition has yet again improved miraculously and I feel even stronger than before, no, I would be a fool to dismiss my strength as anything normal, my sudden empowerment had a familiar feeling to it, the selfsame I felt back in that memory of the past, if one could even call it that. I reach for my back by instinct and notice there is a strange sensation to it, a weird texture envelops my sense of touch and I find myself confused, yet strangely calm at the discovery of this alien sensation coming from my back. I grab the mirror at the left of my futon and angle it so I could see my back in perfect view, however I failed to see anything out of the ordinary, but I would not stop there, I squint my eyes and focus them as hard as I can and begin to see an illusionary back door opened on my back, I reach for the eerily opening in it but another hand which sprouted from it stopped me.

"Oh my you weren't supposed to notice it. How intriguing." A sweet feminine voice says from presumably my back.

"The hell is this supposed to be?" I ask while removing my arm from her grasp.

"Worry not, consider it a little gift of mine. The mistress of the dreamland approached me attempting to strike a bargain, and as the deal seemed quite favorable towards me I chose to accept it."

"Mistress of the dreamland... you mean that blue haired girl that appeared to me before?"

"So you've met her already? Fufu how very intriguing indeed."

"Well I don't quite get it but I know what I must do so tell me this, are you my ally?"

"For as long as the contract remains then you may consider me as one, however this will be the extent of my interference. A secret god is supposed to remain hidden after all. I was not going to come in contact with you but seeing as you've done it first I shall grant you a few words of advice. The back door sprouting from you will grant you power but let it not be seen by others, illusionary as it is some individuals are bound to notice it and I would appreciate it if you didn't make it clear I had a part in this scheme."

"Fine with me, anything else?"

"Right... I was not thinking of saying much but I suppose it will be fine for a being who managed to catch my interest. Do not trust the words of the gap youkai, for the moment she appears to act in your best interest but who knows when that will change, her first and foremost priority is to maintain the balance in Gensokyo, she will not hesitate to remove any undesirables if she deems them to be too much of a nuisance. That will be all, good luck Mister Ryan, I will be watching over you."

"...Alright then."

The mysterious god seems to no longer be in contact and the back door sprouting from me has closed, following that my sense of empowerment disappeared as well, strangely enough I had a feeling I could open it if I felt so inclined but for now that can wait. I discovered the identity of the being who granted me strength last time, knowing that they're on my side reassured me as they seemed to be as powerful as the gap youkai, but her words still resounded within me. I know not what to make out of all this, the mistress of the dreamland and the secret god seem to be helping me but what I could not understand is why Yukari would do all that if she planned to erase me, and how much does miss Reimu know about this whole scenario? Enough idle thoughts, I know what I must do, but I know not when or where I'll be able to redeem myself of my past sins.

After pondering for a while, I have decided to stay in the Hakurei Shrine for now, I have a feeling I could flee from Reimu's grasp with the power of the back door but such rash naive action would not lead me anywhere, what I need now are allies who would stay with me even if they were to discover what I once did. I put on the red and white robes I found in my closet since the clothes I was wearing seemed to not be here and prepare myself for what may be another day of exhausting manual labor. Walking towards the main hall I am greeted by a pink haired beauty who I have not met before.

"Hello there, would you happen to be Mister Ryan?" She asked in a serene tone.

"Y-yeah that would be me, how can I help you?"

"The Hakurei shrine maiden asked me to beat you into shape and I was searching for you to do just that." Said her in a calm tone, the contents of her phrase however were not calm at all.

"Beat me into shape you say... Well I suppose it will be more meaningful than carrying boxes from one place to the other in this scorching sun. Let's do this!" I clash my fists with determination.

"Eager are we? Hohoho very good, whenever I ask Reimu to be my sparring partner she always shies away. I look forward to your performance mister!"

We make way towards the Shrine's entrance and meet Reimu on our way there, who jumps back at the sight of the pink haired lady.

"K-Kasen!? When did you get here?" Reimu hurriedly asks while visibly sweating.

"You called for me did you not? Hmph how rude, though at this point it would be moronic to expect you to be reliable fufu."

"H-hey can not say that in front of everyone else? And I was busy... slacking off."

"I heard that. Well whatever, let us begin shall we"

While stretching my body and preparing myself for the duel, Reimu skulkingly approached me in a manner unlike her.

"Psst, Hey are you sure about this? I know I was the one who signed you for this but Kasen never goes easy on us."

"Don't worry about it. Although I was never the battle type I feel like I've been getting the hang of it and also my body has gotten stronger ever since I came here."

"Well... if you say so, even for me I wouldn't be able to beat an oni in a contest of strength, much less a hermit oni." The red shrine maiden says with a smirk on her face, I've been had, this ordeal was planned from the start.

"Wait what wai- Reimu you didn't tell me thi-" Before I could even finish my sentence, she pushes me forward and the fearsome hermit enters a battle stance.

I look back at the shrine maiden and see her looking away while whistling, I see now, this must be my retribution. I had thought of pink haired lady as a kind woman, but seeing Reimu's uncharacteristic actions made me realize I was in deep trouble, my opponent, a hermit, a sage of the mountain with unparalleled wisdom and power yet at the same type an oni, a being that by itself instills fear upon even the wicked, alas my foe would not wait for me any longer and I knew that all too well, I assume a battle stance of my own, full of openings as it was, to me it was the best I could do without relying on the secret God's power.


Disgrace, humiliation. I thought I stood a chance of at least touching her but all my movements were in vain, it ended too quickly to be called a battle and what was left of me was a man devoid of honor laying on the ground, in my weakest moment I was approached by the girl who threw me to my doom.

"Why the solemn face? Don't tell me you expected to do anything against her." said Reimu while grinning.

"It's not like I did but I didn't expect to get beaten up that badly."

"Hehehehehe well too bad cuz you'll be seeing each other frequently from now on."

"Stop teasing him Reimu. Sigh with all the enthusiasm you showed earlier I half-expected you to put up a good fight, but worry not, as Reimu said from now on every morning shift we will be training together so you'll at least have a body worth using."

"That's right, if you really want to be of use to me then show me your spirit and get stronger. Oh right I forgot to tell you as well but during night shifts you'll be training with the other shrine maidens in divine arts. Anyway, do you want to drink some tea together Kasen?"

"That would be most delightful Reimu."

As if forgetting about the dispirited man laying on the ground, the two make their way towards the Shrine's entrance and leave me all to my own. She didn't mention that I would stop working in the afternoon shifts so I guess I won't be able to sleep well for a while... Nevertheless this is a good opportunity to sharpen my strength, I'll have to make some time to look for clues of the ritual but for now I'll focus on the tasks ahead of me, I must.

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