Chapter 30 - Unconsciousness

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We were both just staring at each other. The girl locked my gaze with her own empty stare. She never stopped smiling.

"...who the hell are you?" I finally broke the silence. How did she even get in here? Doesn't the shrine have all sorts of protections on it? The moment any unknown magical energy gets in every maiden would be on here in an instant. The girl starts to pout.

"Hmmmm? You really don't remember me, do you?"

"Can't say I do..." Something about her was familiar, but I can't say I really know who she is. Besides, something about her creeps me out... Her smile snapped back onto her face, and she leapt off of my bed.

"That's fine! You'll remember me eventually!" She adjusted her hat, then reached her hand out to me. "Now come on, let's go!"

"Huh? Where?" First she just appears, now she wants me to go somewhere. Before I knew it I had already reached my hand out to hers, but I pulled back my hand once I realized. What was I doing? Something about my mind was unconsciously trusting her. Her hand fell to her side.

"You don't wanna come with me?" She was still smiling, but her eyes... I was about to respond when a knock came from my door.

"Ryan, it's Kasen." Before I could say anything she had already entered, my head snapped to her. "I'm just coming to say we are starting our meeting shortly, have you rested?" She was acting totally normal, I turned to my intruder to see nothing. The only people here were Kasen and I. My head turned around my room, trying to see where the girl went. "...are you ok?" Kasen took me out of my thoughts. She had a worried look on her face.

"Y-yeah... just, uh, nerves, I guess." I could feel my eyes bulging out of my head, trying to find that girl. Kasen was quiet, staring at me. "I'm fine, Kasen... Just lemme rest for a bit longer." She sighs.

"Alright, but if you aren't feeling any better in about an hour you'll get an earful from all of us." She half jokingly said that last part, she still looked concerned.

"See you, Kasen..." She shut the door, and I forcefully fell onto my bed. I placed my hand over my eyes as I lay there. "...I must really be losing it..." I whispered this to myself when I felt my bed move. I slowly moved my hand from my eyes to see that girl, kicking her legs, staring at me. We stare at each other for a few seconds before I put my hand over my eyes again. I heard her grumble.

"Hmmmmm! Don't ignore me!" With this I fully sit up.

" did you do that?" She tilts her head.

"She didn't need to see me, that's all!" I pinch the bridge of my nose, I doubt I'm going to get a cohesive answer from her. I sigh.

"Would you at least tell me who you are?" I see her smile twitch for a split second.

"I shouldn't have to introduce myself to you, of all people." Her eyes turned cold. I felt myself instinctually move back. "But fine!" She went back to her happy face. "I'm Koishi Komeiji!" On hearing her say her name something in my mind clicked. It was like hearing a fact you already knew. She's Koishi. It seemed impossible to forget, like the sky being blue.

"Right... Koishi..." I whispered to myself. "Oh yeah, I'm-"

"You don't need to tell me." She cut me off. "I wouldn't forget who you are."

"R-right, we started with you saying my name..." I nervously looked to the side. She sure can go a long time without blinking. "Anyway... where did you want to take me?" She never gave me an answer to that. She tilts her head again, staring at me in silence.

"I changed my mind! Until you remember everything I won't take you back!" She crossed her arms. Take me back? She's acting like I left somewhere... As familiar as she is, she might be getting me confused with someone...

"I... see." I glanced out the window, the sun was crawling slowly across the sky. I could tell it was near the time when we were all supposed to meet up. I slowly start to get up. "Sorry, Koishi, I have to go."

"Hm? Why?" I was about to answer her when she suddenly started talking again. "Oh, right! You need to go beat up Yukari!" Koishi brightly smiled.

"Huh? How do you-" How the hell does she know about that? No one has mentioned Yukari a single time at the shrine. The only time any of us discussed taking her down was in the realm of dreams. My questions were cut off by her giggling. Her strange floating eye was getting closer to me.

"It's fine, it's fine. Go ahead." She motioned towards my door. "It's important after all, isn't it?" Her smile never dropped. I quickly move towards the door, turning my back to her. I hear her speak up again. "Just remember, I'll always be right behind you." My head snaps back to my room. Koishi is gone, but it still feels like she's here. I stare at my now empty room for a few seconds, then hurriedly open the door. I nearly run face first into Kasen.

"Oh! Ryan! I was just coming to get you. Are you ok now?" I was still looking at my room. I turned to Kasen and closed my door.

"Yeah... I'm fine now." I run my hand down my face. "Let's go." I start to walk in front of her. I don't need her noticing how pale I am.

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