Omake 40.5 - Her Sorrow

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A/N: Hey folks, writer-san #1 it's again. During the development of chapter 40 we have considered the prospect of outsourcing a chapter to a guest author, and this chapter is what we received. Enjoy this bonus chapter, and as always, continue waiting warmly for the next official one.

Also a word from this chapter's author: "List every bible quote for a prize"

Countless circles of light danced around the sky, looping around everyone in circles. It was like a storm; a storm of pure energy. And at the center of that storm was a singular woman. Her heart burning with pure resentment, as she faced the insects that were buzzing against her ears. The most infuriating of them all was that youkai. The gap youkai; Yukari, who's movements were just as fast as her own, and who's power was unmatchable.

The two wordlessly fought, aiming their danmaku at each other. Both were beings of an extreme level of power. Yet, even with her unmatchable power. Yukari found herself overwhelmed by the pure energy that continued to form around Junko. The longer the fight went on; the faster were Junko's danmaku. There was hardly any room to dodge the constant brigade of bullets leaving Yukari little choice but to utilize her gap ability to move away. Each time she used her gaps to move away, Junko would aim at the next opening aiming to hit her as she exited the gap. The more Yukari used her ability the more precise Junko would get in her attacks.

Yukari breathed harshly; she was unable to send a single danmaku back at Junko. The only thing she could do was try to avoid Junko's constant attacks. A single hit from one of her bullets could very kill her.

"You truly are powerful," Yukari shouted. "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

"For I watch over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction," Junko shouted out, as she continued to send bullets down to Yukari.

Junko floating with her hurricane of pure bullets; was only becoming thicker. So much so that, it looked like a wall of light had engulfed her. Her expression of pure rage was hidden by the bullets that blanketed her.

That human, he looked just like him!

It was the thought Junko had when she saw him. That weak human, who tried to stand in her way. He looked just like the man who killed her precious son. His mannerisms, his statue, and his face all matched that man.

"Houyi!" Junko screamed as her bullets swarmed Yukari. "This is love for my love: to keep my commands!"

The memories of her son flooded her mind. Her precious child, the only person she actually cared about.


"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your mom will be with you wherever you go," Junko's voice echoed in the bedroom as she cradled her son in her arms.

"Mommy?" the child cued at his mother.

"Yes?" Junko smiled, "I am with you always."

"Mommy how are you so powerful?"

Junko sat in her throne room, where she could hear countless voices echo from outside. The voices of the people who she decided to protect.

It was one moonlit day when Junko had appeared. On a whim she had come down to earth, peering around human civilization. Her eyes landed on a singular city; a city that was suffering from a horrific contamination. Their water had been poisoned, infected with variant of the plague. The people of the city had lost all hope, until a singular divine spirit had taken an interest in them.

"Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Junko!"

On a whim, Junko had purified their water supply. She had completely cured all the sickness of the city, making everyone pure. The city after realizing what she had done had started to rightfully worship her; for she was their savoir.

It brought a smile to her face.

"Oh, that's simple," Junko spoke. "The Lord is the everlasting Junko, the Creator of the ends of the earth. She will not grow tired or weary, and her understanding no one can fathom."

Junko kissed her child, cradling him as she flew out of the room. Her countless subjects cheered her name as she left her wonderful church in the middle of the city of Junkosalem. With her countless followers obeying her, she knew that her religion would only grow stronger.

"You shall love the Lord your Junko with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength!"

Junko shouted out, as she shined her light around Junkosalem making everyone pure and full of energy. Her son stood in utter awe at her power. Her ability to capture the hearts of countless people was something only she could do. Her blessings simply increased everyone's devotion to her.

"Mommy, Lord Junko? How can a young person stay on the path of purity?"

Junko smiled at her Son, petting his hair, "By living to your word."


Countless fires erupted around the city of Junkosalem. Arrows fell from the sky, erupting into the streets and burning down citizens. It was the Lunarians. The reason they came wasn't that they hated earthlings and wanted them to all die; but it was because they didn't believe in the Lord's words. They were heathens.

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your Junko; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand!" Junko cried out as her people ran to war.

Junko was not a fighter. She wouldn't be able to aid her people in this war. However, her own son would be on the front lines. He was filled with just as much power as her, her Son filled with pure energy would help defend the city. Yet despite this she could feel an anxiety swelling in her stomach. She rushed to the front lines as fast she could, searching for her son.

Her eyes darted around, unable to see anything the storm of arrows that were flying around the battlefield. Finally her eyes landed on the back of her son's head. He was facing away from her; facing towards the leader of the lunarians. The two were battling, each fighting with such power that the rest of the soldiers could not keep up with their movements. Yet Junko was able to see everything. With her all-seeing eyes she was able to see her son's body be tore apart by the man's arrows. With arrows piercing every part of his body her son fell to the ground. The man that had killed him, stared down at his body. His eyes shifting over to the divine spirit who was staring right at him. That man faced Junko; the man who killed her son stared at her for a single moment.


Her hand moved before the man could even blink.

His head fell from his neck, falling to the ground.

As it did, countless bullets of energy erupted from Junko's body. The battlefield utterly annihilated by the energy burning through everything in its path. Both sides of the war were unable to do anything as they were vaporized. In their dying moments the people soon realized that woman was not a god, nor a yokai, nor a divine spirit; she was a being of pure wrath.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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