Chapter 26 - Royal Decree

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Stepping through the door into the strange cosmos presented me with what I expected. I became weightless, flying through the expanse with the others was something I couldn't get used to. I internally panicked, and Marisa began to laugh.

"Hey, cmon, you're acting like you've never flown before!"

"He has, just not on his own." Reimu chimed in, with a smirk on her face.

"Come now, you two, stop teasing him." Kasen calmly talked them down. "Now, Reimu, you said you'd explain." Kasen turned her gaze towards the shrine maiden, who awkwardly looked away.

*Sigh* "Fine, I said I would, so listen up. Especially you, Marisa." Reimu pointed at the magician, then breathed deeply. "Like I said before, I was contacted about a month ago. Someone very important came to me and told me that some Lunarians are alive, hidden away in the realm of dreams. She told me to construct that place under the shrine and wait for the key. I had no clue what she meant until that rabbit showed up." Reimu sighed. "She didn't tell me how many Lunarians, or even who survived. All she said was to wait." Kasen spoke up.

"And who is this she you refer to? Though I can take a guess..." Kasen mumbled that last part with a sigh.

"It's someone we all know, Kasen. Well, except for you, Ryan..." Reimu awkwardly said that last part. "Well, we're almost there, I can see the exit." She pointed at a dark opening at the end of this galaxy-like hallway. Finally, I can stop trying to pretend like flying is normal. We all floated up behind Reimu. "You all ready?" I nodded.

"Let's go already, ze!"

"I just want some answers..." Kasen sighed. Reimu placed her hand on the opening and my vision went dark. It took some time to come back but I was soon met with a strangely familiar sight. Moon and stars were painted on the ceiling. A castle loomed above with a rollercoaster next to it.

"...this is..." I mumbled to myself. Reimu started shouting.

"HEY! YOU'RE HERE AREN'T YOU!? COME OUT ALREADY!" Only silence answered her, Kasen and Marisa were both looking around, until a familiar voice came from behind us.

"Loud as always, eh, Reimu? It took me a bit to get here, you know." I turned to the voice I somehow recognized to see an unfamiliar woman in a wheelchair. She held an aura of authority with her. I remembered where I heard her voice. That door on my back. I go to speak when I see her wink at me. Right, can't tell anyone about that. Kasen shakes her head.

"Of course it was you, Okina... *sigh* You really should tell me when you plan stuff like this..." Reimu starts to talk.

"So, Okina? Where are the Lunarians? That's what we're here for, isn't it?" Reimu crosses her arms. Marisa excitedly speaks up.

"Yeah, where are they? I wanna see the moon people!" Okina looks slightly confused as she glanced at Marisa.

"...I didn't expect you to be here, but oh well. Doremy is bringing them shortly, I just wanted to be the first here to tell you a few things." Doremy? She must be referring to that blue haired lady that wouldn't tell me her name.

"So, what do you want to say?" Reimu was growing impatient. Okina rested her chin on one of her fists and began to speak.

"No matter what past grievances any of the Lunarians have done, they are here to genuinely ask for help. No matter what grudge or crime you think they've committed I need you to put it aside and help them. Do you understand this, Reimu?" Okina was serious, but she was still smiling. Reimu sighed.

"Come on, Okina, am I really someone who wouldn't help because of some reasons like that?" Okina shrugged. "I'll help. It's what I do." Kasen smiled, Marisa smacked Reimu on the shoulder.

"Yeah, that's the Reimu I know!" Reimu blushed and looked away. I just stood there, I didn't know what to say. Just how much does Okina even know about what I've done? Okina catches my glance, we silently stare at each other while the others mess with Reimu. She turns her gaze away and starts talking to no one.

"Alright, Doremy! Bring them out!" We all turned to Okina, waiting for the survivors of the moon. A door appeared next to us, and out came that dream woman, Doremy, followed by two others. One had a long pink ponytail, and was carrying a very long sword. The other had greenish hair, and was slightly floating off the ground. Everyone tensed up, except for Okina and I. I didn't know who they were but I'm guessing they're important.

" the princesses survived, huh?" Reimu was the first to speak. Princesses? I started to get nervous. They would be the most angry at what I've done...

"I know most of us are acquainted with each other, but we have someone that needs to be introduced." Okina turned to me. "These are the Watatsuki sisters, the pink one is Yorihime, and the green one is Toyohime. They're Lunarian princesses. You two, this is Ryan. He's..." Okina glances at me, I feel myself start to sweat. "...someone that will help in your incident." I exhaled, I saw Reimu do it too. The pink haired one, Yorihime, bows. Toyohime slightly waves at me.

"Uh... hello. I'll help any way I can." I awkwardly bow, I don't know how to act around royalty, especially some from the moon.

"Please ease yourself, Sir Ryan. Right now, we are not royalty, but allies." Yorihime spoke with assurance. Toyohime giggled.

"She's right. Status means nothing if we have no home to return to." She might have laughed but sadness was in that statement.

"Right, introductions out of the way, great, now, can we get down to business?" Reimu's impatience had reached its limit at this point. She was rhythmically tapping her foot. "Do any of you have any sort of plan? I sure hope so."

"R-reimu don't be so-" Kasen got cut off.

"Don't worry," Toyohime spoke with a smile. "We have a plan."

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