Part 2

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Noah's pov:
Thank god she forgave me , I don't like when someone's mad at me , it makes me feel guilty. I sat back in my seat while was in front of Dixie , she was behind me . The teacher walked in and we tarted studying. Halfway through the class , my head started itching me. I rubbed it a little then the itching didn't go . I rubbed my head more times then I heard Dixie's giggles.

N: ( looks at her ) stop it
D: no
N: ( looks back at the teacher )
D: ( pulls his hair again )
N: stop Dixie !
Tt ( the teacher ) : what's going on Noah ?
N: it's Dixie ! She's not making me focus !
D: I did it do anything!
Tt: do you want a detention Dixie ??
D: no
Tt: then stop it
D: fine !
Tt: ( goes back to teaching )
D: ( starts playing with Noah's hair )
N: Blake can we switch places?
Bl: no I'm good here
N: Dixie please stop !
D: no
N: ( pushes her hand away )
D: miss can I go to the bathroom ?
Tt: only 10 minutes Dixie , then I want you here again
D: ok

Dixie's pov :
I went to the bathroom and did my stuff , then I came back to the class . I sat in my seat and focused with the teacher.

At lunch time.

Me and the girls went to the cafeteria and took our food . We sat in our usual table and started eating. Then Noah and his friends came up to us , all the girls sat on their boyfriends laps , except me . I sat between Noah and Sophie. We finished eating lunch then everyone went to separate ways . I went to my locker and went on my phone. Then I saw Noah walking toward me

D: yes Noah ?
N: look little girl , when you did in the math class was very annoying. So you better not do it in the next one , if we we're together.
D: first of all , don't call me little girl bc I'm not , I'm just short. Second of all, I'll never stop doing that , what are you gonna do about it you lamp post ??
N: I'll tell the teacher to give you a detention bc you're really bothering me !
D: yeah okay whatever , now get out of my way
N: no
D: ( tries to push him away)
N: you can't , I'm too tall for you ( laughs)
D: leaveeeee ! I don't want to see you rn!
N: so you wanna see me put not now ? ( smirks )
D: noooooooo ! That's not what I mean
N: then what do you mean ??
D: just leave Noah !
N: no
D: then I will ! ( walks away ) finall- ( falls on the ground ) oww
N: ( laughs)
D: it's not funny !
N: ( helps her ) gosh that was so funny
D: ( walks away )
N: no thank you ? Okay ( goes on his phone )

I walked to my next class , and my fav , it's chemistry! I love chemistry soooo much ! It's really easy and fun . I sat down next to the girls and the teacher started the lessons.

After school

Wow ! The first day was really good tho . I chatted a little with Sophie then her mom picked her up . I don't have a car and I don't have anyone to pick me up , so I go home by walking . I started walking back home then a car pulled up next to me , oh no , I don't want to get kidnapped!

N: ( gets out of the car ) Dixie , why are you walking ?
D: oh it's you. Well that's normal , I always walk home since I was in first grade.
N: do you want me to take you to your house?
D: no , my mom doesn't allow that
N: then let me walk with you
D: why are you being so nice ?
N: I'm not being nice , I just don't want you to get hurt
D: yeah you're being nice . But no , I don't want you to know my house address
N: Dixie this is not a joke
D: Noah just leave , I'll be fine !
N: ok , can you at least text me that you're home when you arrive there ?
D: no , leave Noah !
N: fine , be safe
D: I won't
N: ( gets back in his car ) are you sure you don't want me to drive you home ?
D: yes !
N: ok ( starts driving)
D: ( continues walking )

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