Part 46

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Noah's pov :
Dixie slept for 45 minutes then I saw everyone walking over us. I actually didn't care about what they think of Dixie sleeping in my lap bc I'm not letting her lay on this uncomfortable , dirty chair.

Br: why is she sleeping in your lap ?
N: she wanted to rest and I let her sleep in my lap bc the chair is dirty.
S: aww so adorable
L: when did she fall asleep?
N: 45 minutes ago
Bl: should we wake her up or let her sleep ?
N: why do we have to wake her up ?
Br: bc she needs to enjoy the place , not sleep
N: she'll wake up when she gets enough sleep
S: ok we'll go to that way ok ?
N: mhm ok

They walked away and left me me and Dixie alone again. After 2 minutes, she woke up.

D: what time is it ?
N: 2:38
D: did I slept too much ?
N: only for 45 minutes
D: where's the rest ?
N: they walked away , do you wanna follow them ?
D: I just need to go to the bathroom first
N: ok I'll wait here

She went to the bathroom then came back after a few minutes. We got our things then started walking where the group went.

D: thanks for letting me sleep on your lap
N: you're welcome. Look there's an ice cream shop , do you want some ?
D: yessss !

We walked over the shop and got our ice cream. I paid then we continued walking.

D: thx Noah
N: ofc
D: next time , I'm gonna pay
N: that's never gonna happen
D: why do you always have to pay ? Yk I have my own money too
N: ik you do , but I don't like when people pay for me. Especially of it was a girl.
D: why ?
N: idk.
D: ( chuckles) ok

We kept walking until we saw the group in front of us.

L: gm sis ( kisses her head )
D: gm ( smiles )
S: Dixie you have to try this roller coaster! IYS super fun and fast !
D: I don't want to feel like I did in the last one
Ch: no no this one is wonderful!
D: idk guys
Bl: Dixie you have only regret this ! Just go !
Br: it's so much fun , and it doesn't takes too much time
D: ( looks at Noah and smiles )
N: I don't have an another choice don't i ?
D: ( giggles ) no
N: cmon let's go

We got in the line and waited for 7 minutes then they let us in. Unfortunately, they didn't let Dixie in bc she's too short to get on. So we walked back to the group.

S: why didn't you guys get on ?
N: she's too short for the ride.
L/Br/Bl/Ch: ( starts laughing)
D: this is not funny !
S: dw shorty ( hugs her ) I understand you
D: but you're not short , how do you understand me ?
S: I just do
Br: I'm sorry for laughing but this is so funny Dixie
Ch: yk I love you right dix ?
D: people who love me don't laugh at me !
Ch: ( hugs her ) Sorry I couldn't handle it
D: it's ok
Br: dix do you wanna continue walking or go to an another place ?
D: another place !
Br: ok let's go

We walked out of the place and walked over Louis's car. He was about to open the chair for us so we can sit in the back of the car but I didn't open. ( I hoped this make sense 💀 )

L: umm guys , I think y'all should sit in each other's laps for the rest of the day...
N: why ?
L: I think the chair is broken , I can't open it.
S: so now we only have 5 seats
Ch: and we're 7
Bl: yeah
L: ok so I'll drive , Noah next to me , blake in the back with Chloe on his lap , Dixie in the middle , Bryce with sophie on his lap.
D: this is perfect
L: ok then let's hit going.


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