Part 17

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Dixie's pov:
Ik I was so mean to Noah and Sophie this morning but last night, I thought of what will happen if I left everyone? Their life's would be so much better than now . Noah would stop being worried about me and the others too. So I decided yo leave them. My parents were always right when they say : "you're waiting everyone's time , Dixie . Just leave this world , it would be so much better without you" So I decided yo listen to them and leave everyone alone .

At lunchtime

I sat in a table by myself and put my food on the table. I didn't even eat it , I just stared at it and didn't eat any bit of it . I didn't eat anything since yesterday, which is making me feel really sick . But idc anymore , idc if I got sick or anything. After a few minutes of staring at my food , I saw Sophie , Noah , blake and Bryce walking over me . They sat next to me and in front of me with their food.

S: why didn't you eat anything dix ?
Bl: yeah your food is not touched , what's up ?
D: why are you guys here ? I want to be alone
N: bc you were acting strange all the day , and us as your friends, we should know what's wrong with you and help you.
D: I don't need anybodys help
S: ok but we just wanna-
D: ( sighs and gets up ) w-woah ( gets dizzy and holds into the table )
N: are you okay ?! ( stands up and holds her arm )
D: n-Noah , idk w-what's happening
N: look at me Dixie
D: huh ? ( faints )
N/S/Br/Bl: Dixie !
N: ( picks her up and takes her to the nurses room )
Tn: what happened??
N: idk ! She just fainted ( lays her on the bed )
Tn: please stay away , I need to focus
N: ok

Noah's pov :
We sat on the chairs then waited for the nurse to wake her up . I was really worried about Dixie , this never happens to her. After 5 minutes, we started heating the nurse saying "Dixie can you hear me ?" , so we all ran to the bed to see Dixie.

N: please dix wake up.
S: gosh I hope she's okay !
Br: she is Sophie , dw about her.
D: ( opens her eyes and looks at everyone) w-what happened?
N: ahh finally !
S: Omg dix ( hugs her )
Tn: did you eat anything today dixie ?
D: ( looks at Noah ) y-yeah I did
Tn: wired . Ok now eat something so you can get some energy
D: ok
N: want me to carry you back to our table ?
D: no I wanna walk ( gets up and walks to their table )
S: you can eat my food too dix , I'm full.
D: I'm not hungry
Bl: the nurse said you should eat for more energy, not bc you're hungry
D: I'm not gonna eat anything
N: Dixie stop being stubborn and eat
D: Noah especially you , please leave me tf alone !
N: what did I do to you ? I'm just worried about you-
D: I don't want you to be worried about me ! I'm not a baby and I can make the right decisions by myself!
N: no ! All your decisions are wrong ! You're gonna eat that food rn !
D: why are you yelling me ??! ( crying a little)
S: calm down Dixie ( about to hug her )
D: no leave me ! ( pushes Sophie away then looks at Noah ) you can't just tell me what to do and not to do , you're not my father- well even my father don't care about me , and I don't anyone to care about me ! I wanna be alone ! Just leave me by myself and I'll be fine ! It's better for me if I left this world . ( goes to the girls bathroom)
N: f@ck ( sighs )
S: I hate dealing with upset Dixie , it's so hard.
Br: we gotta tell her about my father guys , don't forget that
N: yeah she's mad at us now what are we going to do?
S: let's give her time
Bl: till when ?
S: maybe a week
N: a week ??! I can't stay a day without talking to her
S: oh please Noah , don't make me feel like you've been friends with her since she was a kid . Ik my friend , she needs some time alone
N: yeah you're right.
S: I'm always right .

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