Part 5

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Dixie's pov :

D: d-dad ?
M: yes it's me Dixie , I'm back
D: w-what are you talking about ? You're in jail !
M: nope , I just got out of it and now I'm heading to my house , where you and your mom live. Heidi loves me , and ofc she's gonna forgive me . See you soon Dixie . ( hangs up )
D: ( starts having a panic attack )
Addi: what's going on ??
S: she's having a panic attack !
Ame: wtf is that ?? How are we supposed to help her ?!

Noah's pov :
I was chatting with the boys then I heard the girls yelling next to Addis locker , and there was a crowd all over them. I walked closer and saw Dixie having a panic attack! I ran to them and sat on the floor next to Dixie .

N: what happened?!
S: idk ! Someone called her then she started having a panic attack!
N: ok ! Make everyone go and I'll calm her down
S: ok ( starts making the crowd go away )
N: Dixie , Dixie look at me
D: ( can't look at him )
N: ( holds her face ) look in my eyes
D: ( looks in his eyes )
N: let's breath together ok ? In...and out. Cmon again. In...and out.
D: ( copying him )
N: there you go , can you breath normally now ?
D: ( starts crying and hugs Noah )
N: ( picks her up ) guys me and Dixie will be in the field , tell the teacher we have an emergency ( goes to the field and sits on the chair with Dixie on his lap ) you're okay now ( rubs her back )
D: h-he's back , my dad I-is back. 
N: is that a bad thing ?
D: ( looks at Noah ) he used to abuse me all the time . He hit me , cut my skin , and rape me. And he treats me like a punching bag. He went to jail a few years ago , and now he's back . My mom loves him so much and she's gonna forgive him and let him stay with us. I don't want to be abused by him. Please help me Noah , ik we're not even friends but help me aid you can. And this is a secret, no one should know about it ok ?
N: your secret is safe with me , and I'll try to help you as much as I can.
D: ( hugs him again )
N: ( rubs her back ) we'll get through this together. I'll never leave your side
D: ( cries into his neck )
N: ( strokes her hair)
D: ( calms down after 5 minutes)
N: wanna go to class now ?
D: mhm , we have the same classes right ?
N: we do , cmon let's go

We walked in the class and sat in our seats , next to each other . This is really heartbreaking, seeing Dixie suffer from her family really makes me sad. I wasn't focusing on the class the entire time , I was thinking about Dixie and helping her. After the classes , we all headed to the cafeteria. We took our foods and sat in our table like every day.

Br: Dixie are you okay ?
Av: yeah you're not eating
D: I'm fine
Ame: you too Noah , you're not eating
N: yeah I'm just not hungry
Addi: is everything okay ??
An: yeah I'm worried
S: everything is alright guys .
D: ( looks at Noah ) I'm going to the bathroom ( walks away )
N: me too ( follows her )
An: these two are definitely doing something
S: guys leave them alone !
Ame: maybe they like each other?
Bl: no I don't think so
Br: yeah , Dixie's not his type.
S: you guys can't decide if they like each other or not ! Just leave them tf alone !
Addi: why are you so mad ?
S: I'm not mad !
Ame: yeah right

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