Part 16

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The next day at school

Noah's pov :
I was talking with Bryce and Blake by my locker then I saw Dixie putting her stuff in her locker . I walked behind her and put my hands on her waist, which made her flinch hard and push me away.

N: woah you ok ?
D: y-you just scared me
N: sorry. Can I give you a hug ?
D: n-no please
N: can I ask why ?
D: bc I said no , please go away
N: Dixie what's wrong ? Why are you pushing me away ?
D: bc I want to be alone okay ??
N: do you wa-
D: ( sighs and walks away )
N: I was literally talking to you . ( goes to Blake and Bryce again )
Bl: you good ?
N: Dixie's now okay , idk what's wrong with her.
Br: why ? What did she do ?
N: I asked for a hug and she said no , I answer her why and she told me she wanna be alone . I was about to ask her if she want anything before I leave but she just walked away while I was talking.
S: ( walks over them ) who's that ?
N: Dixie
S: yeah she's been acting strange today
N: did you talk to her ?
S: mhm , but she ignored me and walked away.
Bl: that's not our Dixie
N: ik , I need to know what's wrong with her
Br: also we gotta tell her about my dad
S: right !
Ad: ( walks over Blake ) gm Blake , I just got all the informations from the internet last night and you gotta do the rest , here ( gives him a file ) you'll need it.
Bl: ok I'll do it today
Ad: thank you ( walks away )
S: ( looks at them ) he's hot isn't he ?
N: eww Sophie !
Br: sorry but you have bad taste in boys
Bl: right
S: ( sighs ) ok...
N: oh cmon you can't be sad !
S: I'm not
Br: I'm sorry ! ( hugs her )
S: you didn't do anything it's fine ! That what you think about me and it's okay
Br: okay I feel really bad rn
S: it's fine Bryce !
Br: no it's-
Addi: ( walks over Bryce ) hi babe ( kisses him )
Ame: hey baby ( kisses Blake )
Bl: hi love
Br: hi addi ! Where were you last night ? I was calling you all the time
Addi: o-oh so sorry , I was busy with my mom.
Br: oh ok
A random boy: ( walks over addi ) last night was so much fun , we should do it again tonight ( winks and walks away )
Br: wtf Addison ? Did you cheated on me ?
Addi: no I didn't ! He's lying !
Br: we're done Addison ! I'm breaking up with you!
Addi: fine ! It's not like I love you actually! You're just a piece of sh!t that no one-
S: ( pulls her hair ) even when you're wrong you don't apologize?? Say sorry now !
Addi: owww my hair !
S: say sorry then I'll let go
Addi: okay okay sorry !
S: ( let's her go ) say something to my friends again and you'll be dead
Addi: yeah ok
S: I warned you Addison , and I'm not joking
Addi: cmon Amelie ! Let's go
Ame: coming ! ( follows addi )
S: sorry Bryce , you don't deserve her ( hugs him )
N: yeah sorry bro
Bl: I hope Amelie die do the same
S: oh believe me , she already did.
Bl: ( sighs )
N: it's fine guys , girls are cold hearted
S: excuse me ??!
N: I mean some girls are cold hearted !
S: yeah that's what I thought!
N: now what are we gonna do about Dixie ?
Br: umm , let's talk to her at lunchtime
N: yeah ok
S: I hope she doesn't ignore us this time
Bl: yeah I hope so.

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