0008: Separated

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Later, you told Screech a thing or two about yourself, completely forgetting about time passing by. Meanwhile Seek was walking in the room stressed, thinking about the worst. After another twenty minutes of you being away, he decided to search for you. The friendly conversation broke when Seek broke in the room, with pure anger in his eyes. - What the fuck have you done to them.- He said trying to not swing his arm and punch Screech. You gently held Seek's hands down. - Hey don't get the wrong idea. We were just... Talking. I can't even make friends without your premission. - You insulted him in a slight way. - They're NOT your friends Y/n! Especially not this thing right here! - Seek fought back. - You know what? I don't need your shitty help. I can escape by myself. -

You left to go on without Seek, not packing any food or drink. Once you found a comfortable room, you went to rest for a while. You were still mad at Seek, but regret hit you a little bit. He really did protect you, he was there with you every minute ever since you met him on that hallway with the red carpet.
'I don't need him.' 'I can go without him' Thoughts like these flashed in you mind.
After a while you decided to continue your way. You hardly stepped into every new room, but a few doors later you suddenly stopped. You were about to open the door, but somewhy you couldn't move. Not because something held you down. Because you didn't let yourself move. No matter how hard you tried to go straight forward, you body refused to move. So you sat down on the floor with a sterssed sigh. Yoh lost the only person who cared about you, and someonr new who could be your friend. You felt so damn guilty, yet you did not know why.

Again, you heard a siled "psst" again. You slowly opened your eyes to see screech there. - You can't get rid of me that easy. - He said with a grumpy expression. - You know that Seek Is worried, do you? - You didn't answer, insted you nodded your head. - You won't make it too far alone. Go back to him. Like yeah, he may be a scary rude guy or sum, but he has a heart in fact. -
You felt to soften up a bit, but that's not enough. - I just don't want to see him for now, ok? - You commented. - Then close your eyes, but ya can't be out here all alone with monsters that are thirsty for your blood. - Screech didn't give up easily.

You stood up agressively. - You know what? I'll go. But if he treats me as his damn pet again, I'm out. -
You made your way back to thw room you're sharing with Seek, while Screech was watching out for you. You were afraid when you arrived. 'What if he reacts terribly, and kills me? - You thought. But you finally knocked anyways. As you opened the door, Seek wanted to say something offensive, but he didn't. He didn't want to say it because he' s angry at you, he was simply worried. - Welcome back and I... I'm so sorry for what happened earlier. - This time you saw the emotions overflowing in his eyes. But instead of saying something back, you ran to pull him into a strong hug. - I'll by by your side now seek. You better know that. -
Minutes that felt like hours passed with hugging. You didn't know what comes next day, or how deadly it will be. But you didn't care. You had Seek with you and now that's the only thing that truly matters.

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