0014: Bad Turn

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This was probably the most comfortable sleep you ever had. Waking up on Seek's chest, hearing his heartbeat was like music to your ears.
He was still asleel, breathing slowly. But the moment broke when you heard a loud sound outside. You hesitated as you looked at Seek, still sleeping peacefully. 'Maybe he wakes up when I get back.' You thought. You carefully walked out the door, and got closer and closer to the sound. Then you saw it. It's horroristic smile, horroristic gaze. Here Rush came, and he's not like Figure, Seek or Screech. He wants you dead. No closets on the room, no bed. Juat an empty hallway, and your fight or fight reflex killing you mentally. This time fight won. Your muscles were tingling from the adrenaline that was taking over you. At that monent you didn't feel afraid. But as it got really close, and you felt it's energy, realization hit you like a rock. Didn't Seek told you? You should'nt have face it. You laid on your back, as close to the wall as possible. It's the same feeling what you felt when you encountered Seek for the first time. Just waiting for death, no matter how bad it will hurt.

Rush passed, and you felt like millions of blades were cutting on your skin. Those few seconds felt like years. Then it just left you with cuts covering you, bleeding almost everywhere. I need Seek. I need him to save me. My one and only love.

You slammed the door of the bedroom open with blood streaming down on your face. Seek's heart shattered when he saw you like that. -Oh my god...who hurt you?Answer me!- He begged,but you just listened. You knew that he already told you to not face those monsters. -I'm so sorry but...- You started. -I tried to fight back...- You muttered with your teary eyes. Seek's terrified expression changed into a mad one. -I alrady told you before...Don't go near them,you you didn't have the fucking brain to understand that?Those creatures are murderest,a hundred times stronger than you,and all you are is a bumd human stuck here!- This one really hurt you,but you didn't have the guts to face Seek about it. Instead,you decided to show him what you've got. But everything you said was only said out because of anger. You didn't mean any of those,right? -I should have just went down that elevator and never come back...all of this wouldn't happen!If YOU wouln't exist,I wouldn't be on the edge of death now- You shouted back at him. Seek closed his eyes,then grabbed you by the wrist and started pulling you out of the room. -If you really regret meeting me,then just go home.-

As soon as he dragged you to the elevator, he let you down. You crawled in, still highly injured,then started going down again. Basically, the worst mistake he could ever make.


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