0013: Outside

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It's Esther here, just to inform yall I'm writing this at fking 3AM

so join me in #nosleepgang 💀💀💀

You had a deep, comfortable sleep again in Seek's arms. This time waking up wasn't hard. You could jump in circles around in excitement. You could see your family, and show your reality to Seek. - So ready to go? - You askes inpatiently. - Yes sweet. Hold my hand and don't let go, okay? - He instructed. You did as he said, and held his hand strongly. He opened something like a portal. All you saw is the black liquid around everywhere, until you saw a flash of light coming closer and closer, until the blindig light finally reached you.

An unexpected turn happened. Instead of finding yourself in your familiar neighborhood, you found yourself in a loud city with full of people. - Damn Seek, wrong area. We're like 7 hours away from home. - You said looking around again. He accidentally took you two to a big city. - Well, like it or not, we'll have to spend the rest of the day just wandering home. We're lucky if we arrive before midnight. - Seek looked at himself with shame, but you gave him a fast hug and took him to the less crowded streets, hoping that no one would notice him. But still, in daytime it would be such a risk. Anyone could nitice him from a window, or a random person passing by. You had to wait until it's dark. So you decided to sit behind a bush nearby, and wait. Many torturing hours passed until nighttime came. You and Seek could finally stand up. It was about time to make your way home, but as soon as you stood up hunger hit in. - Let's have dinner before we go... - You said quietly, holding your stomach. You took a few bites of the food, but that spark of excitement filled your stomach. So you told Seek to follow you, and you'll get some energy for you two before walking that much.

The sky were full of stars, and ths bright city lights blinded you too. Now there weren't that much people out there, but Seek still had to be cautious walking around. You entered the empty shop with two cans of energy drink, then joined Seek in one of the alleys. You sat down on the ground next to him, crawling closer to his warmth. - Here you go. Just a shot of caffeine in case we would get tired. - You handed him the can. You opened it, then took a huge sip, enjoying the taste. Around you only were the night sounds of the city, cars passing by, houses and shops, night clubs. It would be a lie to say it wasn't romantic. Together with the energy drink, the moment itself gave you a rush of adrenaline too. When you finished drinking, seek already drank all of his. He might have been thirsty. You laid in Seek's lap, looking at his beautiful face. He meant everything to you. If he would'nt exist, you would never experience being truly alive. All of the stuff happening in this world was nothing compared to the tgings you experienced with Seek.
-Let's go now. Before someone finds us suspicius. - You said throwing the empty can into the dark end of the alley.

Another couple of hours later, your legs were now aching from walking, but you had to keep on going. Instead of stopping for a bit, you just inlocked your fingers with Seek's and leave a few pecks on his cheek to distract yourself from the pain. 'Only a few miles left. I can do it.' You motivated yourself, until you finally reached that one house you've known so well. A happy smile appeared on your face. - I have no words for how grateful I am for you,Seek.- You whispered, then pulled him into an emotional, long, deep kiss. His cold lips resting on yours felt like something you never wanted to end. Later, you two only parted for oxygen. Seek wanted to continue kissing you, but you politely pulled away. - Maybe later, okay? And if you'll be really patient today, you may get something more special back in the hotel. - You winked at Seek, leaving him in a comete shock, and you went in the door of your home.

-Mom? Dad? I arrived! - You shouted. Soon you heard footsteps coming from your parents room. When your parents saw you, they immadietly ran to hug you. - Sorry for not telling you about being over at a friend's house. It won't happen again, I promise. You had to fight really hard with your tears. Of course, you could'nt just tell them that you got into another reality in a hotel full of monsters, and one of the monsters literally became your boyfriend. - Are you okay sweetheart? It's really late night for a visit. - Your mother commented. - Yes I'm fine. I'm just staying a few more days out. But I must go because my friend is waiting for me outside. - You ended the conversation. Your parents gave you a coat and spare clothes in a backpack before waving goodbye.
Maybe it was just a few minutes with your family, but you still enjoyed every moment of it.

When you went back to Seek, you fell into his arms tiredly. He opened the portal again, and went back to the bedroom. You sighed, and laid on the bed. - How can I ever thank you for all of this. - You said with cracky voice. A secretful grin creeped on Seek's face. - Just kiss me the way you did in front of your house... - He whispered into your ears. You blushed at the thought of it. Wildly kissing on the bed with seek, even the image in your head made youd knees shake.

(we boutta make out so prepare yourself 😉✨)

You sat in Seek's lap , facing him. His eyes wandered on your face, exploring every little feature of it. - Damn just kiss me already. - That voice again. It shivers your spine every single time you heard it. So you grabbed his jaw, and pulled him intk another passionate kiss. You let out a needy little sound when he wrapped his hands around your waist, and his chest touched yours. You ran your fingers on the back of his neck, making his entire body shake from the caring touch. When he was done kissing your lips, he traveled down to your neck. You could'nt deny that you were really sensitive there. He gently nibbled on your skin, and slid a hand up under your shirt. You threw your head back in pleasure. - I love you so much. - You whispered into Seek's ears, pushing him back on the bed. - I love you too. - He answered. Very soon, you fell asleep on him.

(welp if u horne this isn't THE part so sucks for you)

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