Dark Plague Quotes #11

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Quote: "No one loses anything that they did not have."

Definition: It's a common saying, but holds true - you can't lose something that you never truly possessed. The idea feels like a slippery fish, sliding through your grasp and leaving behind nothing but the lingering sense of what could have been. It's a painful truth, one that stirs up regret and longing, reminding you of missed opportunities and paths not taken. But as much as it hurts, it also brings a sense of relief - the weight of expectation and disappointment is lifted when you realize that there was never anything to lose. It's a bittersweet realization, but one that ultimately leads to acceptance and moving forward with a lightened heart.

Memoir: The saying goes, "you can't lose what you never had." But what if I did have it? What if I just didn't realize it until it was gone? The thought weighs heavy on my mind, leaving me unsure of what to do next. Should I keep searching for something that may have never been mine, or accept that it's lost and move on?

Fable: The realization hit her like a ton of bricks - she couldn't lose something that she had never truly possessed. It was like trying to hold onto a gust of wind, impossible to grasp and keep. The feeling of emptiness settled in her chest, as if a piece of her had been missing all along. She had built up this fantasy in her mind, but now she saw the truth - it was never hers to begin with. The disappointment washed over her in waves, crashing against the shore of her heart. She took a deep breath and let go of the illusion, understanding that some things are not meant to be and that's okay.

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