Chapter 1: Dirty Job

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The Cavalry Captain knocked twice. There was no answer. He tried the handle, expecting it to be locked.
Surprisingly, it turned all the way. He slowly pushed the door open.
As he stepped in the room he saw that only a single candle at the desk was lit. As he looked around he noticed that the person he had come to see was laying on the bed, sleeping peacefully.
Albedo lay on his side with his eyes closed, his hands in front of himself and he was slightly curled up.
Kaeya blew air out of his nose, thinking that rather cute. He quietly closed the door and stepped farther inside. Then, he got a devious idea.
Well, not devious. It wasn't meant to annoy Albedo, it was more... Kaeya doing something for himself. He slid his boa and cape off his shoulders and set it gently on the back of the chair next to the desk.
Then, he silently made his way over to the bed and sat down next to the alchemist. Kaeya brushed a bit of Albedo's hair out of his face and behind his ear with a smile. He'd never seen Albedo asleep, he was actually convinced for a while that the alchemist didn't know what that word was.
Kaeya laid down next to the person he cared about most, taking his hands. He wished that Albedo would open his eyes and look at him with that adorable curiosity he always had. He wanted Albedo to slowly smile at him with a tired look and greet him.
Unfortunately, that didn't happen. In fact, none of it did.
When Kaeya opened the door there was one candle lit at the desk, but there was also a person sitting at said desk.
They turned their head, "yes?"
Kaeya threw on a smile, internally disappointed his fantasy had not been real.
"Oh," Albedo looked around the room for a clock but there didn't seem to be one, "... good evening..."
Kaeya chuckled, "evening. Did you not hear me knock?"
Albedo set down whatever he was doing and turned partway around, "no... what brings you here?"
"Lisa has requested our help in the library," Kaeya explained briefly. Even he wasn't sure what she wanted from them.
Albedo sighed heavily, "pushing off her work again, I see." He lifted himself out of his chair and blew out the candle.
Kaeya watched as Albedo approached him, studying his movements carefully.
Albedo stopped right in front of him, looking up, "shouldn't we get going, then?"
Kaeya stepped to the side, holding the door open. He was unable to keep a smirk from his face because of Albedo's obvious sleep deprivation. He had deep semicircles under his eyes but didn't even seem the slightest bit bothered. It was all quite funny to the Captain.

Lisa sighed, perplexed, "someone came in here and read almost every book I have! And they left them all unorganized! It's driving me mad!"
Albedo tilted his head, "you want our help organizing? Don't you normally ask Jean for help with these sorts of-"
"Yes, yes," she waved him off, pinching the bridge of her nose, "but she's sleeping for once and she needs it. Besides, having two strong young men helping me seems like things will go faster."
Kaeya chuckled to himself.
Albedo hummed in thought, "alright then. How would you like us to help?"
"Well, I have twenty-six different piles right now. It took me all day to alphabetize them, but even now they are still unorganized and all over the place." She sighed in defeat, "it seems like getting everything right isn't possible."
Albedo brought his hand to his chin as he thought, "I know this sounds counter intuitive, but I think we should reorganize everything. That way we don't end up throwing everything out of place."
Lisa nodded, "I had thought so, too... Just the idea makes my head hurt..." she sighed again. "Alright, let's get to it."
Lisa instructed Kaeya and Albedo on where the twenty-six piles were and that they could fully alphabetize after collecting all the books. She said it shouldn't be a problem with shelving becuase currently no one was borrowing any books.

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