Chapter 9: Blown Cover

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Albedo sighed heavily. He was glad to have a moment of peace. He held a book in his hands, staring at it absently.
Being around Kaeya normally never made him feel so stressed out. He didn't even know why he had felt so panicked. It wasn't like anyone would find out... but it was apparent that Kaeya was suspicious of him now...
He'd just return to Dragonspine sooner, then. But that might seem suspicious... Albedo sighed again. It was too complicated.
He continued to alphabetize books, trying to keep his mind away from such thoughts. Though, he still wondered how long it would be until someone did figure out what he was...

"It's- I mean-" Lisa fumbled with her words, "in the sense that he isn't human... he's not necessarily a beast..."
Kaeya stared at her.
"You're right about him being too perfect... it's the only option I can think of..."
Kaeya kneaded his forehead as he leaned against the desk. He honestly hadn't thought of the possibility that Albedo wasn't human... he thought that maybe Albedo had alchemied himself into being perfect. That showing little emotion was just a part of his personality... but not being human?...
Kaeya, himself, wasn't completely human, but he had a complicated situation...
"Before you try to protest," Lisa took a breath, "I want to point out how he doesn't... he's always neglecting himself. He never sleeps enough, I've never seen him eat, and... His eyes..."
He shook his head, "no, there's... there's got to be an explanation. If we just ask-"
"Kaeya." Lisa spoke sternly, "I don't know how he felt when you were asking him, but I can tell something is going on that we don't know about."
"He might just be tired," Kaeya tried to reason, "I'm sure we're just overthinking it or something."
Lisa bit her lip. She knew Kaeya wouldn't like it... but she had hoped that he would understand anyways. "I..."
"Besides," Kaeya laughed a little bit, "even if he isn't human, he's still a person."
Lisa nodded, "yes... but-"
"I... don't really care what species Albedo is or how he chooses to identify..." he clasped his hands together, "I don't think I'll ever stop liking him..."
Lisa blinked, then she laughed, clutching her stomach, "if that's why you thought I wanted to talk, you are very wrong!"
Kaeya paused, "so you aren't... trying to get me to stop liking him...?"
"No!" Lisa gasped for air, "I was pointing it out so that you would be careful! I was worried about you!"
Kaeya grew embarrassed, "well excuse me for being afraid that you wouldn't approve because he isn't a human..."
Lisa spluttered, "Kaeya, seriously, I've been trying to help you this whole time!"
Kaeya pursed his lips.
Lisa finally calmed herself, "really... I just wanted to make you aware..."

Albedo couldn't stop sighing. He felt an uncomfortable weight on his chest.
The alchemist rolled his shoulders, hoping to ease his burden. Of course it didn't help how strained he was. He had to be more careful, now... But he didn't think he could act the way everyone else did... even if he could, a sudden change like that would be obvious.
Albedo closed his eyes with another sigh. He had finished sorting a total of ten books while Lisa and Kaeya were... wherever they were.
Albedo had a realization. If Kaeya and Lisa were over at her desk... was she showing him what Albedo had chosen? But why? Albedo was suddenly very self conscious about his decisions. Had it been a bad idea to pick such a strong scent? They had both commented on it being abnormal... He felt embarrassed for some reason.
Then, he got a terrible feeling of dread. He turned partway around as quickly as he could. The moment he did, a pair of hands clasped around his wrist and his shoulder. A silent gasp escaped his lips.
Kaeya chuckled, leaning closer and teasing him, "did I scare you~"
Albedo dismissed his panic. It was only Kaeya. Nothing to be scared of. Well, that was a separate conversation...
"No..." Albedo forced himself to calm down.
Kaeya smirked, "oh, really? I'm pretty sure I had you shaking for a moment~"
Albedo pulled his hand out of the Captain's grip, "I wasn't shaking..."
"Sure you weren't," Kaeya was rather close now.
Albedo wanted to move away, but also didn't want to seem like he was uneasy because of their conversation earlier... He wasn't sure how to respond. He looked around for more options.
"Ah~ So that's what you look like when you get flustered~" Kaeya drew even nearer.
Albedo's brows knit together, "I am not-"
Kaeya chuckled lightly as his free hand found its way to Albedo's wrist again. This time, he took the alchemist's hand and laced their fingers.
Albedo stared at their hands for a moment. He hadn't expected him to do that...
"There it is again~" Kaeya mused, "it's easier to make you nervous than I thought. Or maybe you've finally noticed my charm~"
"No... I've known..." he forced himself to look at the Cavalry Captain's face again. "You just keep... surprising me..."
"Is it a good surprise?" He held his hand a little tighter.
"No... but it isn't bad..." he wasn't sure if he worded that correctly. He didn't particularly like being touched, but it wasn't like it was bothering him too much. Plus, he knew that Kaeya communicated better this way... Sacrifices must be made to remain unsuspicious.
Lisa giggled from where she sat, sorting books again. She was glad that she hadn't broken Kaeya, though she felt a bit of pity towards Albedo for having to be stuck with Kaeya. When Kaeya wanted something he almost always got it. She honestly wasn't sure how far Kaeya would go. Certainly not far enough to commit a crime, right?
Lisa rolled her eyes, of course not. Albedo made Kaeya all soft, there was no way Kaeya would be driven to do something bad just to be with him.
She smiled deviously across the mound of books. From her angle, it looked like Kaeya was about to push Albedo down and- NO! BAD LISA! She shook her head. It wasn't her place to think things like that.
... but if it did happen... Well, to be fair, Kaeya did seem like the kind of person to do that. It was sort of his own fault. Right?
"Well that's reassuring," Kaeya rolled his eyes, though Albedo could only see one.
Albedo smiled just a little bit, "sorry to disappoint."
Kaeya chuckled, "you really are so confusing..."
"I would say the same about you," Albedo said.
"Really?" Kaeya asked.
Albedo smiled wider, "yes. You act like... well, your reputation precedes you. But from what I've seen of you today and yesterday, I really don't think that's who you are."
Kaeya hesitated, what did he mean by that? Did he think that Kaeya was worse or better than his reputation?...
"I think that on the inside," Albedo pressed his free hand lightly against Kaeya's chest for a brief moment, "you're still just a child."
Albedo was surprised at how warm Kaeya was because he could feel it through his glove. Then again, he was supposed to be warm because he was alive... Albedo quite liked the feeling, considering he couldn't generate much of his own heat.
Kaeya wasn't sure if that was an insult, but he sure liked that Albedo was willingly touching him. He felt his temperature rising as he wanted to look away in embarrassment.
Albedo chuckled, "even now you're confusing me. Why is it that you're always so red when you're close to me?"
Kaeya felt like running away. He didn't want to answer that! He shouldn't have to! The answer was so obvious! Did Albedo just not understand the concept of love?!
. . . Now that was something he hadn't considered. Because Albedo wasn't human... could he even feel that way...? Of course he could... he smiled and he got tired... Klee was always upset when Albedo was feeling down so everyone knew... so of course he should be able to.
Kaeya forced a smile, "why do you think that is?"
Albedo paused to think, his hand falling back into his lap. "Well... it can't be because of me. At least, not in the sense of making you warm... you said yourself that I'm incredibly cold." He hadn't really meant to but he held Kaeya's hand back.
Kaeya felt even more warm. He just couldn't. Just couldn't. He felt so incredibly amazing whenever Albedo showed any semblance of affection towards him.
Albedo looked Kaeya up and down, faltering for a moment.
"Hm~ do you see why everyone wants to be with me now~"
The corners of Albedo's lips curled upwards, "becuase you're always showing your cleavage."
Kaeya laughed, "you make it sound so bad. I'm not a woman."
Lisa stifled her own laughter as she watched. Now that it came to mind, Kaeya wasn't the only person in Mondstat that everyone seemed to like. Whenever Albedo returned from the mountain, people tended to smile more. Albedo seemed to bring a little extra light to everyone's day. How was it that the two people that were liked most in Mondstat were perfect for each other?
Albedo actually laughed a little bit, "just pointing it out. I'm sure if you put on a dress and had Lisa do your makeup you could easily pass for a woman."
"Oh, ouch, my pride," Kaeya chuckled as he squeezed Albedo's shoulder. There really was nothing that would stop Kaeya from being absolutely head over heels for Albedo. Just looking at him made the Captain feel euphoric.
Albedo closed his eyes and shook his head with a smile.
Kaeya couldn't help but smile as wide as he mouth would go. He moved his hand across Albedo's shoulder and to his neck. He rubbed his thumb against the golden star, "now for my confusion. Is this a tattoo that Klee gave you?"
Albedo grew tense as Kaeya's fingers met his skin. Then he smiled, "no. Though, she has asked if she could color on me before."
Kaeya chuckled, "so then when did you get it?"
"When I was really young, I don't remember exactly when."
Kaeya smiled, "I think it's very becoming."
"Thank you," Albedo responded politely.
Kaeya sat back, letting go of Albedo, but keeping his hand for a moment. He unlaced their fingers and turned his hand so he was holding up Albedo's. Kaeya lifted Albedo's hand to his lips, placing a small kiss upon it. "We should get back to organizing before Lisa yells at us."
Albedo seemed shocked again, his eyes widening slightly.
Kaeya smiled as he stood up and moved to sit near Lisa.
She smiled over at him, feeling like a proud big sister. She whispered very quietly, "so when you getting married?"
Kaeya rolled his eyes, "when you get the guts to propose to Jean."
Lisa narrowed her eyes and folded her arms, "you know full well that isn't why I don't ask."
Kaeya chuckled, "mhm~"
Lisa jabbed him in the side with her elbow, "you're one to talk about guts, Mr. I-can't-even-be-near-him-without-blushing."
Kaeya threw her a glare that didn't mean anything, "hey."
Lisa chuckled, "mind your manners, Cavalry Captain."

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