Chapter 4: Oblivious and Insecure

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"You said you've never had leg hair? Ever?"
Somehow Lisa kept circling back around to this conversation and Kaeya couldn't tell if she was doing this to annoy him or because she was actually curious.
They had gotten all the way to the "h" pile by now and we're making surprisingly good time.
Albedo shook his head, "never. In fact, I've never grown hair anywhere other than my head."
"That is so weird..." Lisa was deep in thought, "huh... I honestly can't think of an explanation..."
Albedo shrugged, "I've done multiple tests as well, but haven't gotten anywhere near finding an answer."
Kaeya tried to ignore them as he stacked more books. This really was such a weird topic...
"But you take such good care of the hair you do have," Lisa ran her fingers through the ends of Albedo's hair, "it's so pretty!"
Albedo actually blushed a little bit, "thank you, Lisa."
Kaeya averted his eyes. Why did it feel so wrong to look at him?!
Lisa giggled, "no problem!"
"Oh, that reminds me..." Albedo trailed off as he undid his hair, his golden locks falling just above his shoulders. Though, there was a good portion of it that went down to his mid chest.
Kaeya blinked, "it's layered?"
Albedo shrugged as he undid the braids, which were the longer pieces, "I guess you could call it that."
"I think it's really cute," Lisa said, "don't you, Kaeya?"
Kaeya nodded, mumbling absently, "yeah..."
Albedo gazed over at Kaeya. Kaeya had been acting slightly out of character this evening... He wondered if something had happened.
Perhaps the Captain had just had an extra exhausting day. Or maybe Lisa put something funny in his tea earlier.
Albedo watched him for a long moment.
Kaeya noticed and sent him a small, brief smile before focusing back on the books before him.
Albedo hummed thoughtfully to himself as he tied his hair back into a messy ponytail. It'd be easier to focus without his hair tickling his neck and distracting him.
After another minute or so of sorting, Albedo noticed that Kaeya was staring at him. He turned his head and stared right back.
Kaeya looked away immediately, his face getting slightly red.
Albedo watched him for a bit longer, studying his reaction. Normally Kaeya didn't seem to care about much, but right now he was different. Was it because Lisa was here? Now that he thought about it, he'd never seen Lisa and Kaeya in the same room. They seemed close, maybe he was nervous because he was worried Lisa might share something he didn't want Albedo to hear.
Lisa spoke up, "Albedo, you're supposed to be looking at the books, not at Kaeya," she laughed.
Albedo looked back down, apologizing.
Lisa smirked, "fufu~ I know Kaeya's irresistibly handsome, but please, try your best."
Albedo tilted his head and gave her a questioning look.
Lisa giggled, eyeing Kaeya, "I mean, he's totally asking to be stared at with the way he dresses,"
"Lisa!" Kaeya whispered harshly at her.
She ignored him, "you know, with leaving his chest exposed like that,"
Albedo looked over at him, which make Kaeya feel like he was being indecent. It didn't help that Lisa made it sound so... suggestive. It was only his chest. Absolutely nothing to worry about.
Albedo looked Kaeya up and down, "yes... Kaeya does have a reputation among Mondstat's citizens..."
Kaeya forced out a chuckle, "shouldn't we be working right now..."
"This is an important conversation," Lisa said, sounding offended.
Albedo put his hand to his chin, "hm... Lisa, your choice of adjective... 'irresistible' doesn't seem all that accurate..."
"How so?" Lisa raised a brow curiously.
Albedo took a moment to collect the words he wanted to use, "he isn't irresistible. He is pretty, yes,"
Kaeya buried himself in his alphabetizing, growing red from hearing a compliment from Albedo.
"But if he was irresistible, then I think Mondstat would be... rather chaotic."
"True," Lisa looked at Kaeya, taunting him to say something.
He probably couldn't talk even if he wanted to so he ignored her.
"But how would you describe him?" Lisa asked innocently.
"I don't think that's important right now," Kaeya managed to speak, "shouldn't we be working..."
"I don't mind answering," Albedo said, looking over at Kaeya.
He couldn't read the Alchemist's expression and elected to look away before he said something stupid.
Albedo surveyed the Cavalry Captain for a moment, "hm, I'd describe him as... well, he has a certain allure and he holds himself with an air of confidence. All of this adds together to create a... an aura of "you cannot have" or... I cannot think of a singular word to explain it..." Albedo stared at the floor in thought.
"Take all the time you need," Lisa said quietly, beginning to sort books again.
"He is a... people magnet..." Albedo continued, "many people find themselves drawn to him, which is why I understand your usage of the word 'irresistible'. But no one ever has the bravery or the gall to make a move on him, so to speak."
Kaeya stared at Albedo as he spoke. It was like he was picking apart- no, dissecting Kaeya's social standing. It made him feel uncomfortable, but... Albedo seemed to like sharing his thoughts. He wasn't smiling or anything, but his eyes had more light in them than before. The Captain enjoyed seeing that look on his face.
"I believe that is because..." he paused for a second, glancing in Kaeya's direction only for a short moment. "Because he has set up walls. A barrier around himself, inadvertently pushing people away with his icy exterior. This isn't even a conscious decision to other people, or perhaps even himself. Many citizens might just assume the Cavalry Captain and Rosaria are together because they often go drinking with each other. Or they might think he has a secret lover. They probably wouldn't guess that he's blocking them out."
After Albedo finished his analysis the room was dead silent.
Lisa wore a look of concern and regret, her hands tightly gripping a book. Kaeya was staring at Albedo. How could he have gotten all that just by observing Kaeya for a short time?... Albedo was hardly away from dragonspine so how... How could he have unearthed something about Kaeya that he didn't even know himself.
Had he been putting up walls... Was he really blocking people out of his life...
Albedo looked over to the taller man, apparently oblivious to the tense air in the room. "Well? Have I surmised correctly?"
Kaeya opened his mouth, but didn't have a response anyways. He just sat there. He looked back at Albedo with an expression of defeat. The one person he didn't want knowing his insecurities... his embarrassing hobbies... his secrets... It was like he was completely see-through to Albedo. All his imperfections on display...
"Oh, my apologies," Albedo hurriedly added, "I hadn't even answered the question. My choice of word would be "elusive". Many people, I'm certain, wish they could be with the Cavalry Captain. They simply believe they don't stand a chance with someone like him. Or they might just give up immediately, thinking he's too good for them."
Lisa discreetly changed the subject, but not entirely on purpose, "Albedo... you keep saying 'many people'... do you know this to be true for a the majority of Mondstat?"
Albedo nodded, "I've seen first hand how many people ogle at Kaeya when he walks by. It's that mysterious, cold, and enticing aura. His confidence and self-sufficient demeanor make for a very coveted prize."
Lisa seemed more confused than trying to tease, "prize?"
Albedo hesitated, "I've heard some people refer to their significant other as a 'prize catch'... is that not correct? Am I using it wrong?"
"No, no, I understand," Lisa seemed oddly stressed, "I just didn't expect to hear that from someone like you..." She shook her head as she stood, "on to the next pile, then."
Kaeya hadn't even noticed that they had finished. He had been staring at the floor, trying to ignore his intrusive thoughts.
"Someone... like me...?" Albedo murmured as he stood up.
Kaeya lifted his eyes, how did Albedo know so much? And why was he so different than anyone Kaeya had ever met? And how did he seem to know Kaeya so well when really they had only spent time together every once in a while.
Truthfully, Kaeya had been convinced that his feelings for Albedo were just a childish crush that would go away. But it hadn't, and it honestly really hurt to know that Albedo knew his guts. No wonder Albedo acted so indifferent and void around him... he must have no interest in Kaeya whatsoever...

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