Chapter 19: Romancing

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Kaeya sighed as he placed books in their proper place. How was he supposed to romance Albedo? He was Albedo! He shook his head, this would prove to be a challenge.
Kaeya gazed over at the Alchemist. He really did love him... he just felt like the way he was used to expressing himself was wrong...
Even so, Kaeya walked over to him, placing a book in place near where he had just slid one in.
Albedo looked up at him.
Kaeya smiled, why did Albedo just looking at him make him so happy? He felt his cheeks getting pink as he spoke, "how long do you think it will take?"
Albedo looked like he had been snapped out of his thoughts, "what?"
"To put all the books away?" Kaeya asked. Had Albedo been staring at him?...
"Oh," Albedo looked around, "if we really wanted to, we could get it all done tonight."
"You think so?" Kaeya leaned against the shelf, gazing down at the object of his affection.
Albedo nodded, "yes, I do..."
Kaeya blew air out of his nose, "you're so cute when you're unsure~"
Albedo visibly froze as he was about to put another book away. "I... I'm not unsure..."
"Your voice says otherwise," Kaeya placed his hand under Albedo's chin, making him meet his eyes.
Albedo had the same empty look, but Kaeya could feel how tense he was.
Kaeya let go, "I don't know why you're so afraid of me."
Albedo was quick to respond, "I'm not-"
Kaeya rolled his eyes, "then you must really hate it."
"Hate what?"
"That I'm like this," Kaeya gestured to himself, "because of that elixir. You've never cared much when I'm touching you, but now you're all... skittish." If Albedo wasn't afraid of him, then was he afraid of love itself?...
Albedo paused, "it's just..." He wasn't all that comfortable with sharing this but he had the feeling it didn't really matter. He put another book on the shelf, "no one's ever... liked me like that and acted on it... I don't know what to do about it."
Albedo let out a small gasp as Kaeya drew close, taking both Albedo's hands, "you could let me kiss you." His smile never wavered.
Albedo stared at him, "uh... no... thank you..." he pulled his hands back slowly, "I don't... I..." He looked confused, like his brain couldn't decide which sentence to say.
Kaeya smirked, "now I've got you all flustered~" he ruffled Albedo's hair.
Albedo took a step back, "no, I just... I was just thinking..."
Kaeya hummed, "of course~"
Albedo looked away, "I'll... be back..." he quickly went down the stairs.
Lisa caught his arm, "Albedo!"
He almost yelped in surprise.
"Shh!" She instructed him as she pulled him behind a bookshelf. "I figured something out."
"What?" He blinked at her.
Lisa looked around carefully before speaking, "the potion isn't affecting Kaeya."
He tilted his head, "it certainly seems like it is."
She giggled, "Albedo, he's been in love with you for months!"
"He... he has?..." His face grew warm. "Ah, well, recently I had been getting suspicious of him..."
She nodded, "exactly! I'm sure he's just acting right now because he's too shy to tell you!"
Albedo wasn't sure what to say, "Lisa... I'm flattered, of course, but what do you want me to do with this information?..."
She smiled, "pretend like you don't know. He's only recently gotten his courage back. He'll tell you himself soon, I'm sure."
"Yes, but-"
"Oh..." Lisa's shoulders dipped, "do you... not like him?..."
"No, it's not that I dislike the Captain..." Albedo fiddled with his coat, "I just... don't know if I feel the same... I don't know how to tell..." His stress pertaining to Kaeya had lessened but now he was anxious about himself.
Lisa smiled, "the easiest way to tell is to imagine them kissing you. How would you feel about that?"
Albedo blinked, "what?"
Lisa rolled her eyes, "goodness! Okay, uhm, I'll figure out a way to get him to actually kiss you, then you'll know!"
"What? No! Lisa!"
"What~ You afraid you might like it~"
Albedo felt his temperature going up, "no, I just don't think that would be..."
"Be what?"
"We're supposed to be helping you organize, aren't we?" He turned and started walking away. He certainly didn't want to imagine Kaeya... doing that. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind.
He slapped his face once he was far enough away from Lisa.
"Oh, don't do that!" Kaeya grabbed his arms.
When had he gotten here?! He was too close! Lisa's teasing voice came to the Alchemist's mind.
Albedo backed away, "uh, I'm not hurting myself-"
"But what if you do?" Kaeya kept with him, his hand suddenly against Albedo's face, caressing him lovingly. "You shouldn't be so harsh with yourself..."
Albedo had the thought that he didn't mind too much when Kaeya touched him like that- NO! That wasn't right?! When had he started to feel that way?!
"Ah..." was all he could say.
Kaeya chuckled, "Aww~ has Albedo realized how sweet I am~" Kaeya, himself, seemed to be melting on the inside as he spoke.
That was actually kind of what happened. Kaeya could be really kind... and he kept saying he'd never hurt Albedo... and he would randomly do things for him... and he was always so concerned about him...
Albedo's eyes met Kaeya's.
Kaeya smiled, his pupil expanding. He spoke softly, "Albedo, I-"
Albedo stepped back, abruptly interrupting him. He felt his stomach twisting in a way it hadn't before. What was happening to him?!
Lisa voice rang loud and clear in his mind. "Oh, I think I should point this out, but I think my spell might have made you more human... so just be careful. I'm not sure how that will effect you, but it's probably nothing bad." Is this what she had meant?! He certainly didn't like how his stomach felt!
Kaeya grew worried, "Albedo?"
"It's- it's nothing," Albedo pulled his hands away, "we should be working..." he quickly walked off.
Kaeya chuckled to himself, was Albedo really so flustered over that? Maybe Albedo would be easier to woo than he thought. He squealed on the inside, he felt like a little kid again: so incredibly happy, and he didn't feel the least bit embarrassed of his feelings.

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