Chapter 2: Tea Time

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After a while, they managed to get all the books in the library into twenty-six large piles. Then, they all sat down near the 'A' pile and started making small stacks for full alphabetizing.
After only a few minutes of working on that pile, the library door opened.
Sucrose poked her head in. She carefully picked her way across the room and pushed up her glasses, "Miss Lisa, I-" she noticed that Kaeya and Albedo were present. Her face got pink, probably because she was in her nightgown and her hair was strewn about her shoulders.
Kaeya spared her a glance, but kept his eyes on the books to avoid embarrassing her further. Albedo, on the other hand took one look and dismissed her as if she were dressed normally.
"U-Uhm, you- I came to return this," she handed Lisa a small vial and quickly made her exit.
Kaeya raised a brow at the librarian, "so you ask Albedo and I for help and not Sucrose?"
Lisa nodded, pocketing the vial, "I wouldn't interrupt a lady on her self-care day. Sucrose doesn't get nearly enough."
Kaeya nodded, "probably not. All cooped up in her lab all the time. I hardly see her at all."
Lisa smiled, "she's a hard worker. Unlike someone I know." She gave Kaeya a playful smile.
"Oh, ouch," he clutched his chest.
Lisa giggled, "Sucrose really should pay more attention to herself. She's such a cute little lady, don't you think?"
Kaeya nodded, "very cute."
"Albedo?" Lisa asked as they both trained their eyes on him.
"Yes?" He looked up.
"Don't you think Sucrose is adorable?" Lisa asked in all seriousness.
Albedo paused, his eyes wandering as he thought, "I'd say she is rather cute. Though, she doesn't possess the charm Lisa has or the commanding aura Jean has..."
Lisa laughed, "it was just a question, I didn't need an essay!"
"Oh..." Albedo seemed somewhat discouraged.
"No one can match Jean's aura," Kaeya shook his head, "where did that even come from?"
"It was just a thought..." Albedo placed another book down.
Lisa stretched her arms up, "I'm already starting to feel tired. I'm going to go brew up some tea to keep us awake." She stood up and walked over to her desk area.
Kaeya picked up another book, "do all alchemists disregard their health?"
Albedo looked over at him, "I don't know... why do you ask?"
Kaeya smiled, "Lisa stated that Sucrose doesn't take care of herself enough and I was wondering if it was the same for you."
"I don't require much maintenance if that's what you're asking," Albedo stated.
"Then you would be very lucky. Looking pretty isn't easy for most people," he sighed dramatically, "keeping up with everything is rather difficult."
Albedo hesitated before setting down another book on top of a stack of "ad" titles. "Looking pretty?"
Kaeya nodded, "or handsome. However you chose to describe it. I would even go so far as to describe some people as beautiful." He stated it very lightly, not really think too much.
Albedo seemed to be deep in thought for a moment, "hm, I see..."
Kaeya chuckled lightly, "must you analyze everything?"
Albedo nodded, "yes, it's the best way to understand the meaning..." He said it like he was surprised that Kaeya didn't already know.
Kaeya giggled into his fist, "you're so interesting,"
Lisa returned with a tray of three teacups, sugar, cream, and a pot.
"How do you two take your tea?" She asked as she set it down.
"Just one sugar and a bit of cream," Kaeya said as he stretched out his shoulders, letting his boa slide off and onto the floor behind him.
Lisa nodded, "Albedo?"
"Just cream."
"How much?"
"A lot."
Lisa held in a chuckle, speaking quietly, "always so matter of fact."
"Oh?" Kaeya continued in a taunting tone, "does our Chief Alchemist have a sweet tooth?"
Albedo shook his head, "no. I hardly drink tea. Cream just wakes me up more."
Kaeya blew air out of his nose, "adamant about being helpful, then?"
"The sooner we get it done, the sooner I can return to my research."
Kaeya rolled his eyes, "it's always work with you."
Albedo's brows came together slightly.
Lisa handed out the tea, "oh, that's right! Jean said that what you've been giving her has been helping."
Albedo nodded, a smile tugging at his lips, "good. Have there been any side effects?"
Kaeya averted his eyes from Albedo as if seeing him smile were equivalent to seeing him indecent. It didn't make much sense, but his cheeks became dusted with pink.
Lisa pressed a finger to her lips, "not that I've noticed... though, she did immediately pass out when I forced her to lay down."
Albedo sipped his tea, "I don't think it has anything to do with what I gave her, but it's good she's getting rest."
Kaeya finally spoke up, "is there some secret I'm being kept out of?"
Lisa shook her head with a chuckle, "Jean has become immune to caffeine, so Albedo has been giving her something... stronger..."
"That sounds dangerous..." Kaeya lowered his teacup slightly.
"It's absolutely dangerous, that's why I tested it first." Albedo stated.
"On who?"
"Who did you test it on first?" Kaeya asked as he blew on his tea, making a thin sheet of ice over the liquid to cool it.
"Myself of course," Albedo set down his teacup.
Kaeya almost dropped his tea, "on yourself?" He did his best not to raise his voice.
Albedo seemed surprised, "yes. What? Does that shock you? That I would rather get hurt by my own experiment then watch someone else get hurt?"
"No, that's very like you..." Kaeya said, "just... you really don't take care of yourself, do you?..."
Albedo shrugged, "I do what I need to."
Lisa looked back and forth between them, sipping her tea and silently enjoying the conversation.
Kaeya paused, "what happens if you do end up hurting yourself? Would you stop?"
Albedo shook his head, "I would simply try again. My first attempt at something stronger than caffeine kept me up for... a very long time..."
"... how long?" Kaeya was afraid of what the answer would be.
"About a week and two days," Albedo shrugged, "I got a lot done."
Kaeya closed his eyes, just thinking about being awake for so long hurt, "don't say it like it's nothing..."
Albedo stared at him, "but it wasn't an issue..."
Kaeya sighed, "Albedo, you are so smart. How are you so... oblivious?"
Albedo tilted his head, "is that a reverse compliment?"
Kaeya shook his head, "don't just move on."
Albedo paused, "well... to me, what happens isn't all that important. If I were to die because of an experiment then it would be my fault and I would have gained more knowledge about what I did wrong. So either way it wouldn't be-"
He was cut off by Kaeya abruptly taking his arm as he explained. He often moved his arms about as he spoke without noticing.
"... bad," he finished.
Kaeya seemed to realize he had moved, "... don't talk about your death so lightly... a lot of people care about you..." he let go and sat back, beginning to organize again.
Lisa resisted the urge to cover her mouth and gasp at the situation.
Albedo blinked a few times. He lowered his hand, staring at it. That's right... there were several people who would be sad if he died. But he didn't think talking about it would upset Kaeya. He had only meant to explain his reasoning...
Albedo murmured an apology as he, too, went back to organizing.
Kaeya heaved a sigh, "it's fine. Just don't speak about such awful things like it doesn't matter."
Albedo nodded, not saying a word.
Lisa really wished tea time had lasted longer. She didn't want to organize anymore... she sighed as she set down her tea. It really was no use trying to get out of it, was it? At least she had entertainment.

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