Chapter 7: Bully Kaeya Day

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"Mr. Albedo! Mr. Albedo!" Klee knocked repeatedly.
Albedo estimated that it was probably around 9 or 10 PM. He stood up from his desk and opened the door, "yes?"
"Lisa asked me to get you!" She seemed overly excited, "she said that if I did it would make Sir Kaeya very happy!"
Albedo tilted his head, "oh really? She said that?"
"... and maybe she said that she would teach me how to do a spell..."
Albedo chuckled, "that's what I thought. Now, you should go off to bed before you get too tired. You can't do spells if you can't keep your eyes open." He pushed Klee's hat down.
Klee giggled before running off. Albedo went back inside his temporary room and slipped his coat back on. He hesitated before grabbing his sketchbook and pencil as well.
Then, he went to the library, assuming Lisa wanted help with sorting again. He wondered why she put it off until night. They could have been organizing throughout the day, but he guessed that she had probably wanted to sleep.
He was right. Lisa was full of energy because she had been sleeping all day.
"Let's get to it!" She immediately started alphabetizing.
Kaeya, on the other hand, seemed preoccupied. He kept getting distracted.
Finally, Lisa stood up, "alright, you two are bing suspiciously quiet. Did something happen?"
Albedo cocked his head to the side, "I don't think so?"
Kaeya shook his head, "no?"
Lisa narrowed her eyes, looking between the two of them, "hmm... well you two feel off. Your aura's are different."
Albedo lifted his hand to his chin, captivated by the thought, "can you elaborate?"
Lisa paused, "well, it's hard to explain to people who don't normally do magic... uhm..." she sat back down and looked at a few books. "Oh!" She held up one, "see the title? 'Monsters of Mondstat'. If this were an aura, for the sake of an explanation, and it was different one day the title would change slightly. Maybe something like 'Beasts of Mondstat'. It's not a very dramatic change, but it's very obvious."
Albedo nodded, absolutely fascinated by the idea, "so how is my aura different?"
Lisa paused, "well, your aura is affected by your emotions and goals. You aren't very different from yesterday, though you seem more willing to help. And..." she stared at him for a moment. Lisa wasn't sure if this would be rude to say or not, "your aura's always been rather weak so it's kind of hard to read. Kaeya on the other hand,"
They both looked over at the Cavalry Captain.
"Is today bully Kaeya day?" He sighed quietly, "I'll have you know that Rosaria has teased me enough for the both of you already."
Lisa giggled, "it's never enough. You hardly let anything get to you. Anyways, Kaeya has a particularly strong aura compared to most people. It might have something to do with background, but I'm not one to pry and investigate what makes an aura. What I'm saying is, it's very obvious to me how Kaeya feels."
"That's how you always know what I'm thinking!" Kaeya slammed a book down, "that's cheating!"
"Cheating?!" She laughed, "it isn't a game!"
Albedo was deep in thought staring at Kaeya, "so how did his aura change?"
Lisa chuckled, "curious, are we? Why don't you ask him, yourself?"
Kaeya opened his mouth, probably to protest.
Lisa waved him off, "I'm kidding. Kaeya's aura is less potent than usual so he's probably feeling a little down. Then again, he might have just not gotten enough sleep." She decided to spare Kaeya the embarrassment, but she hadn't lied. Kaeya would make a move on Albedo by himself eventually. Whether or not it worked was something Lisa couldn't tell. Though, she was sure that if Kaeya was persistent enough Albedo would eventually cave. Now she had a thought: would Albedo really give in? He was a bit dense and oblivious, but sometimes he could be a little bit of a tease. Albedo was such a hard person to understand. And his aura was almost impossible to read! She had to use a lot of power to be able to see into his aura just a little bit. It was like he was blocking against magic somehow or... like he didn't feel emotions...
Kaeya seemed slightly relieved as he organized, "I think being able to see what people are feeling is a little intrusive."
"You're a little intrusive," she snapped back. Then she smirked, "touching Albedo like that yesterday~"
Kaeya almost dropped the book, mumbling an excuse, "I was tired..."
"Like what?" Albedo asked.
Lisa giggled, "you didn't notice how much his hands were on you? Certainly more than normal~"
Albedo blinked, "no... I don't think it was more than normal."
Lisa gasped and Kaeya's face got red. Her smile spread very wide, "oh~ so Kaeya touches you a lot very often?"
Kaeya was silently pleading with her to stop.
"Yes, whenever we go places together he always has an arm around me. Normally, at my waist or shoulders and sometimes my hand," Albedo confirmed. "Doesn't Kaeya do that with everyone?"
"Well, yes, but-"
"See, completely normal," Kaeya laughed it off, "you're thinking too much about it."
Lisa narrowed her eyes at him. If he was able to go places with Albedo and touch him just as much, then why would it become a problem recently? Had Kaeya only noticed his feelings not that long ago?
"I presume Kaeya's just a very touchy person," he turned to the Captain. "Are you more physically stimulated than visually?"
Kaeya blinked, "uhm..."
"Most men are visually stimulated, preferring to look at things they find attractive. From how much you're always touching people, I figure you're more physically stimulated."
Lisa couldn't hold it in anymore. She busted up laughing. Albedo really just called him out!
Kaeya grew embarrassed, "I don't think that's important-"
"But I think it is," Albedo moved towards him, "I've noticed that you stare at people quite a lot. Maybe that's because you only use one eye, but it's considerably more than some people."
Kaeya was going to say something, but he lost his words. Was Albedo really that interested by him? He felt his insides flutter at the thought.
"So maybe it isn't just the one, but both?" He seemed utterly fascinated by this idea.
"Well, you seem to be the expert," Kaeya smiled. He just liked seeing Albedo so enticed.
"I would-"
Lisa cut him off with a cough, "working, boys."
Kaeya frowned a little bit as Albedo moved away.
Albedo picked up a book, "I was thinking that we could conduct an experiment... well, it's more of me just asking you questions," he finished his thought as he placed the book down on a small stack of 'me' titles.
Kaeya looked at the stacks around him, trying to find the 'mr' one. "I don't mind, ask away."
Albedo hummed to himself, a smile creeping across his face.
It came to Kaeya's mind again. That thought of how suspiciously perfect Albedo was. He felt a little unsettled that it had returned at this moment. He was enjoying Albedo's company right now, he didn't want to think about something so worrying.
"Then, let's start with this," he pulled a small pile of books towards himself, "what was your first thought when you met Lisa?"
Kaeya blinked, a little confused, "well..." he had to think pretty hard. That was a long time ago, "I guess my first thought was that she was pretty? That's typically the first thing I notice..."
Albedo nodded, "and Rosaria?"
"Probably the same? I might have noticed how angry she seemed before that," Kaeya wasn't sure.
Albedo took note, "who are you closer with?"
Kaeya felt like this was a trick question. Lisa was right there, wasn't this kind of a mean question?
Lisa seemed to be ignoring them, but it was obvious she was listening. She always was.
Kaeya sighed to himself, "probably Rosaria, I spend more time with her..."
Albedo's eyes drifted over to the Captain again, "I've heard that the two of you often go drinking together..."
Kaeya had a realization, "is that what this is about? You think Rosaria and I are a couple??" He almost laughed.
Albedo tilted his head to the side slightly, "no... that's not what I'm asking for... but it's good to know."
Kaeya chuckled, "sure, next question."
"Do you have issues keeping your hands to yourself when it comes to anyone, or is it just with people you find attractive?" He set a few books off to the side, making a new pile.
Kaeya felt like this was another trick question, "Uhm..."
Lisa was making direct eye contact, giving him a warning look. Did she expect him to lie?...
Kaeya wasn't sure how to answer that question anyways. He never really thought about how much he touched people, "Uhm..."
"Hmh," Albedo seemed to have come to a conclusion, "you probably just communicate through touch better than with your words. It's just natural for you to be touching someone you're spending time with."
Kaeya blinked. He hadn't even answered and Albedo had made a hypothesis... the Cavalry Captain couldn't understand how Albedo was able to do something like that.
Lisa giggled from her corner, "you don't have to look so shocked, Kaeya. Be happy he hasn't accused you of something bad."
Kaeya pursed his lips, he wasn't sure what to say.
Albedo paused for a moment, "I... have another question, if you don't mind."
"Of course," Kaeya smiled, glad Albedo hadn't dismissed him as boring now.
Albedo met his eyes with another look Kaeya couldn't read, but he didn't look empty, at least. "I've noticed that you don't touch Lisa much... is that because she's dating someone?..."
Kaeya tilted his head from side to side, "maybe? But Lisa is... kind of like a sister to me. We hug every once in a while, but... it's just different." He shrugged, not completely sure of his own response.
Albedo looked back at the books around him, "then... you're more comfortable with touching Rosaria?..."
Kaeya nodded, "I guess so. Rosaria doesn't really care and I know she would definitely hit me if I did something she didn't like." He snorted, "out of anyone I know, she'd be the one to keep me in line."
Albedo paused, "then... am I the only one you've touched in that way...?" He shook his head, "never mind, according to how a lot of people act around you I'm sure that-"
Kaeya spoke up, "no. You aren't the only one, but it doesn't mean anything. I only do things like that to tease people." It was a half truth.
Albedo looked a little surprised, "so you were..."
"Yes," Kaeya felt himself get pink, "I will admit that I was trying to tease you... but it seems that you are un-teasable..."
Lisa was enjoying this a little bit too much. She kept having to hold in her gasps and giggles. Thankfully, Kaeya was too distracted to notice.
"Oh..." Albedo looked away, "I'm sorry..."
"It's nothing to be sorry for..." Kaeya said quietly, "it's just who you are..."
Albedo kept his mouth closed. He couldn't think of anything else to say to Kaeya so he stayed quiet.
Then Kaeya had a thought. He smiled, his eyes gleaming in the dim light, "Albedo? Why were you asking anyways?"
Albedo looked up, "I just... wanted to know..."
Kaeya pushed the books between them aside as he came closer, "really? You were only curious?"
Albedo nodded.
"You know, you've been asking me an awful lot of questions about myself recently. It really makes me wonder why..." his smile shifted into a smirk, "why have you taken such an interest in me, Albedo?"
Albedo leaned away just a little bit, "well... I don't know you all that well... and Klee said you were a good person... she's always bugging me about becoming friends with you..."
"Hm? So you aren't doing this for yourself?" Kaeya asked.
Albedo hesitated, "I... am getting to know you for Klee's sake... but I can't say that I don't want to know you..." he seemed to realize how close Kaeya had gotten.
Kaeya chuckled, "really, now?"
"Yes..." Albedo looked up at him, "I find you... interesting... It is very hard to tell what you're thinking... or your reasons behind doing things... I... just want answers..."
Kaeya couldn't help but notice the nervousness creeping into Albedo's voice. Of course, because he liked Albedo very much, he didn't want him to suffer. ... But he did find Albedo rather cute this way, he almost never showed any sort of emotions. The fact that Kaeya could make him nervous was invigorating.
The Cavalry Captain wanted to tease him about it oh so much, but his previous attempts at teasing hadn't worked so he was a little discouraged. Still, he'd take when he could get. "Are you sure that answers are all you want?" Kaeya asked.
Albedo blinked. He seemed to do an internal double-take at the surprising question. "I... I cannot think of anything else I want..." He honestly had no idea what Kaeya meant. He cleared his throat quietly, "I don't have any ulterior motives, if that is your concern..."
Kaeya chuckled, "that is not what I meant."
"Oh," Albedo felt bad for not understanding, "then, what had you meant?"
Kaeya laughed as he sat back, "it really did go right over your head!"
Albedo blinked, "but-"
"It's because you're so short~" Kaeya ruffled Albedo's hair.
Albedo slowly pushed his hand away, "but I want to know what you were asking..."
As much as Lisa wanted to let this play out, they still had a lot of piles to go through. "Working, please," she smiled.
Albedo shook the thoughts from his head, "right, sorry..."
Kaeya chuckled as he lifted a book to his face. He was debating on telling Albedo the meaning behind his words... it would certainly be an easy way of hinting at his feelings. He set the book on the 'mo' stack. There were only a few unsorted books left in the 'm' area.
Lisa seemed to notice this. It seemed like she really didn't want to get up, though. She moved slower to avoid her fate.
Albedo kept stealing glances over at Kaeya, as if waiting for something.
Well, it was now or never, right? Kaeya smiled, thinking how stupid this must sound, "I was asking if you had an interest in me. You know, romantically~"
Albedo froze. Visibly, his entire body just stopped. He was about to put down the last book, but became stuck in place. Then he gently set it down, "..."
Kaeya laughed, "at a loss for words? Is that a yes?"
Albedo shook his head, "I'm just... surprised..."
"Surprised?" He raised his brows, "you're the one always pointing out that everyone in Mondstat wants to get with me, so of course I would assume you feel the same." He was trying to get Albedo to maybe get caught on his words. He just wanted to see that rose color powder Albedo cheeks and make him look alive.
Albedo shook his head, "no, I don't feel that way towards you,"
He hadn't even finished what he was saying and Kaeya felt his insides twisting. He felt his lips twitch as he fought desperately to keep smiling.
"But I am... as you said 'interested' in you. Everything I know about you isn't entirely fact. There are always things you do that are contradictory and I can never tell how you actually feel." Albedo took a breath, "I would describe my interest as... as if I were lured in by your... distant personality. I saw you and just wanted to know more..." He stood up.
Kaeya stared at him. So, did that mean that Albedo liked him or not? He looked over to Lisa who shrugged in response. She was of no help. He stood as well, stretching out his arms with a yawn.

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