Chapter 20: Finally!!!

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Albedo looked around, "this book goes..." He spotted where it belonged. He sighed, he'd have to roll over one of the ladders to get up there...
"Oh, I've got it," Kaeya took the book from his hand, leaning over him to place it in between the other books.
Albedo stared up at Kaeya, feeling a little claustrophobic. "Why are you so tall?... it's unfair..."
Kaeya bent down to his height, their faces almost touching.
Albedo held his breath, this was unexpected, though he should have expected it. This was so very Kaeya-like.
Kaeya smiled, "is this better?"
Albedo backup against the shelf, "no... It would be nice if you could donate some of your height to me, though,"
Kaeya laughed, "even if I could, I probably wouldn't."
Albedo sighed, "I don't mind being shorter, but it's a little inconvenient sometimes."
Kaeya smiled as he slid his hands under Albedo's arms and lifted him off the ground. He set albedo at his hip as if he were a child, "you're lighter than I expected."
Albedo furrowed his brows, "what are you doing?"
"You're taller now~" Kaeya chuckled, "would you rather me hold you differently?"
"I'm not that small..." Albedo's face became dusted in embarrassment.
Kaeya laughed again as he moved to holding albedo against his chest in a reverse-piggyback.
Kaeya let go of Albedo, forcing him to grab onto the Captain. He smiled to himself as he went back to putting books away.
"I'm supposed to be helping, too..." Albedo reasoned.
Kaeya shook his head, "you aren't tall enough~"
"I could just get one of the ladders, I don't need you to... carry me..." Albedo felt like he would fall if Kaeya kept moving around.
Kaeya smirked to himself, "but I want to."
"I'll only be in the way..." Albedo wanted to get down. Being so close to Kaeya... he didn't know how he felt about it... This was different than before because Albedo was the one holding onto Kaeya...
"If you want to get down you're welcome to," Kaeya giggled to himself, knowing full well Albedo wouldn't try to get down by himself.
"I'm hearing an awful lot of giggling and not enough working," Lisa marched over. Then she stared silently.
Albedo buried his face in Kaeya's shoulder, this was too embarrassing.
Kaeya smiled, "we're working."
Lisa stared in concern, "uh... First of all... uhm..." She was dumbfounded. Was Albedo clinging to Kaeya?... what was going on?... "maybe don't terrorize our alchemist. Second of all, what is..."
Kaeya laughed as he set Albedo down, "he was complaining about being short."
Albedo swiftly went back to book-placing, keeping his face turned away from Lisa.
Lisa narrowed her eyes, "mhm... sure... Just don't break Albedo, he's the head of two devisions." Lisa smiled to herself as she left, thinking it better to give them privacy. Kaeya seemed to be back to his shameless self which meant it was more likely for him to kiss Albedo! Lisa sighed in content, happy to have set up another couple. She was certain that somewhere in Albedo's heart, he liked Kaeya back. Well, mostly certain...

Albedo was dead silent, saying nothing for a good five minutes.
Kaeya started to feel bad. Had he broken Albedo? He wasn't really thinking when he decided to pick him up... maybe that wasn't the best idea...
He sighed quietly to himself, wondering how long it would be until Albedo would answer his question... He was worried that Albedo didn't like him back... but he probably wouldn't be able to stop liking Albedo so easily...
Meanwhile, Albedo was having an internal crisis. Kaeya was acting so differently towards him now. Was that because he had confessed? Was he being more open with his affection because Albedo knew? Albedo felt immensely pressured. He didn't know how he felt so how was he supposed to act? He didn't want to accidentally lead Kaeya on, so to speak. But he also didn't want Kaeya to think he hated him. He just... wasn't sure of anything right now...
The alchemist finally spoke, but only to ask a favor, "Kaeya, could you-"
He immediately turned, jumping at the opportunity to help Albedo, "of course!"
"I... haven't even said anything..." Albedo blinked.
Kaeya smiled, "there isn't anything you could ask me that I would say no to." Kaeya leaned against the cart of books, which Lisa had so kindly arranged for each pile. His visible eye gazed at Albedo with a soft and meaningful look.
Albedo looked down at the book in his hand, "how are you so sure?..."
Kaeya blew cold air out of his nose, "because I would do anything for you."
Albedo looked taken aback, "even if I asked you to hurt someone?..."
Kaeya debated, "well, I'm sure you would have a good reason."
Albedo sighed, "Kaeya, if I'm not me-"
"Oh, I would know," Kaeya nodded, "If you were being controlled or possessed, I would know. No one can impersonate you, you're just so... unique~" He booped Albedo's nose with a smile on his last word.
Albedo held the book loosely in his hands, "I..."
"Now, what is it you wanted me to do?" Kaeya stood back up.
Albedo held a few books out to him, "I cant reach, so-"
Kaeya stepped towards him, accepting the task. He slid the books into place, "if you asked me to throw myself off a cliff, I probably would."
"What?! Why?!" Albedo sounded surprised and even a little upset.
Kaeya didn't turn to look at him, staring at the shelf before him, "because... that's how much I trust you..."
"But why?!" Albedo became exasperated, "I've done nothing to show that I'm trustworthy-"
Kaeya turned to him, taking his arms and getting closer than he needed to, "you haven't done anything to show that you are untrustworthy, either. And..." his cheeks grew red as he dropped his gaze, "love makes people do crazy things..."
Albedo closed his mouth, clenching his jaw tight. Would Kaeya really do something so suicidal if Albedo asked?... That honestly scared him a little.
"I guess it also shows how much I love you..." Kaeya said quietly, his face getting very red. His eyes kept away from Albedo's as they wandered around.
Albedo pulled at his coat nervously. Kaeya was so close to him... and for what?!
Kaeya wanted to just take Albedo in his arms! Well, why wasn't he? It's not like hugging someone was inherently romantic. Albedo probably wouldn't mind that so much. Kaeya internally facepalmed at his own overthinking.
Kaeya, then, pulled Albedo into his embrace, holding him close. He heard Albedo gasp sharply, apparently he hadn't expected this. Kaeya smiled, resting his face in Albedo's neck. He hadn't even really meant to but he breathed cold air onto him.
Albedo shivered, trying not to make any noise. Wether or not Kaeya was under the influence of a potion, Albedo... Albedo didn't want to do or say anything to make Kaeya think he liked him back. He didn't want to give him false hope when he didn't even know how he felt yet...
Albedo found it a little ironic how warm Kaeya was, since he had a Cryo vision. As Albedo breathed in, he noticed that, just as Lisa had said, Kaeya smelled like mint.
Kaeya figured he shouldn't hold onto Albedo for so long, considering he didn't even know how Albedo felt towards him. Still, there was a part of him that thought that maybe he had a better chance if he was touching Albedo more... But he knew that was very unlikely. Albedo wasn't a very physical person so it would probably make things worse. Without even thinking, as Kaeya pulled away he left a soft kiss on Albedo's neck.
It took Albedo a whole second to buffer. Then he stepped back and smacked his hand over his neck. He opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't form words. Why was he always unable to speak when he was around Kaeya? He was normally so level headed...
Kaeya smiled bashfully as his cheeks grew very red. He muttered a halfhearted apology before returning to book-placing.
Albedo stared at him. He could tell Kaeya didn't regret that, but he was obviously surprised with himself. The alchemist slowly dropped his hand again. What was he supposed to do?... It felt wrong to just let Kaeya do things like that... But it was always too late by the time he realized it was happening at all.
Albedo sighed quietly as he also went back to shelving books.
He really didn't know how he felt. He was just kinda... in shock? This was all very new to him and he had no idea how he should react at all.
They both turned as they heard Lisa's heels clicking against the floor. She smiled as she handed Kaeya a book, "I missed this one."
Albedo turned back to the shelf with a silent sigh. How long would this take? "Wouldn't it be more efficient if Kaeya was organizing on his own?"
Lisa shook her head, "not at all, you're too short to reach so you would have to be going up and down a ladder, which would take longer."
"I don't think your math is correct..."
Lisa chuckled, "are you trying to get rid of Kaeya, Albedo? I know he's annoying, but to annoy you he must have done something awful~"
Albedo felt his cheeks getting warmer, "he isn't annoying... It was just a thought..."
Lisa gave Kaeya a mischievous look, "what on earth did you do to make our alchemist so flustered~"
"I'm not flustered..." Albedo said quietly as he turned a book over a few times.
Kaeya laughed nervously, "it's nothing, Lisa, we're all tired."
Lisa narrowed her eyes as she smirked, "mhm~"
Albedo slowly placed the book in its proper place, "Kaeya's right..."
Lisa nodded, "right, right." She giggled a little bit, "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone now~" she strutted off.
"... lovebirds...?" Albedo tasted the word as if he had never heard it before.
"Don't listen to her," Kaeya didn't look at him, "don't let her pressure you..."
Albedo nodded silently.
"And..." Kaeya looked over at him, slightly pink, "don't feel like you need to give me an answer anytime soon..."
Albedo nodded quickly, "right. Thank you, Kaeya..."
"What are you thinking me for?" Kaeya asked while a smile spread across his face.
"Uh..." Albedo blinked, "for giving me time... I suspected you would want an immediate answer..."
Kaeya sighed heavily, closing his eyes, "is my reputation seriously that bad?" He scratched at his head, "I really don't know where that came from, I don't think I've ever forced myself onto people."
Albedo shrugged, "I guess it's just your... overbearing... personality?"
Kaeya blinked, "overbearing?"
Albedo nodded slowly, "I don't mean to sound rude... but you can be quite intimidating..."
Kaeya chuckled, leaning his shoulder against the shelf as he folded his arms, "oh, really?"
Albedo looked to the side, "yes... just being around you can be... overwhelming..." he swallowed hard, finding it difficult to breathe normally. Why was Kaeya smiling at him like that?
Kaeya's visible eye stared at him, "how so?"
Albedo took a moment to collect himself, "well... you are very... large-"
Kaeya burst out laughing, Albedo blinking in confusion. Kaeya suppressed his laughter with his hand, "I'm sorry, that's just- you're intimidated by me because I'm taller than you?"
Albedo paused, "partially..."
"Then, why else?"
Albedo pursed his lips for a moment, "you are also... hard for me to understand... I can never tell what you're thinking..."
Kaeya sighed through his nose with a smile, "Albedo... you could just ask me. I'd be glad to tell you anything."
Albedo hesitated, "then... what are you thinking right now?"
Kaeya reached out, placing his hand on the side of Albedo's face, causing the Alchemist to get pink. "About how beautiful you are."
Albedo resisted the urge to step back, he didn't want to seem like he was retreating. Then again, it wasn't like this was a fight... or that he was scared... Well, he was a little scared... he had no idea what to do. He could feel his heart beating faster than normal and he could also hear it in his ears. He had to breathe manually now. His eyes were transfixed on Kaeya's kind and loving expression. Did Kaeya really think that of him?...
Kaeya chuckled nervously as he pulled back, "but that sounds pretty cheesy, huh?"
Albedo quickly took Kaeya's hand and put it back in place, "no, I-" He realized what he had done, getting incredibly embarrassed. He lowered his voice, "I think anyone would like it..."
Kaeya's face got as red as a tomato and he felt like he might pass out at any moment. He was overheating from the cuteness that was Albedo.
Meanwhile Albedo closed his eyes, feeling like he had failed himself. Now it was even harder to tell how he felt! Why had his body betrayed him?!
Kaeya finally found his words, "well, it-it's true..."
Albedo laughed a little bit, though no one was sure why he found it funny, "I can tell that you meant it..."
"Ah..." Kaeya knew they should be focused on the books, but he really didn't want to take his hand back...
"Uhm..." a familiar voice came from nearby.
They both looked over quickly.
Klee stood with her hands holding her backpack straps and she was swaying back and forth, "uh, are you two going to kiss or not?"
Kaeya withdrew his hand quickly, "hi, Klee, what brings you here?"
Klee looked between them both, "well, Klee was here to ask Albedo to braid Klee's hair but... now Klee wants to see you guys kiss."
Albedo knelt down in front of Klee, "I'll be there in a few minutes... and, Klee, you shouldn't say things like that..."
"Like what?"
"That... that you want to see people kiss..." Albedo explained in embarrassment, "it's..."
"Why not? It's not hurting anyone and mom said to always say how I really feel."
"Ah- Klee-" Albedo didn't even know what to say to that.
"And Kaeya looked like he really wanted to kiss Albedo, too," Klee pointed.
Albedo looked over at him, opening his mouth to speak.
"Uh, I think it's Klee's bedtime," Kaeya smiled nervously.
Albedo really wanted to know. He felt it was important for some reason, "... did you?..."
Kaeya looked away as he rubbed the back of his neck, "ah... would you be mad if I said yes?"
Albedo blinked, "no..."
"So does Albedo want to kiss Kaeya, too?!" Klee was very excited.
"AH-" Albedo turned back to her, his face getting very hot, "Klee-"
She giggled, "Klee thinks this is very funny!"
Albedo sighed, feeling defeated, "Klee, you shouldn't ask things like that..."
She folded her arms, "you're only saying that because you know that Klee is right!"
"Ah-" Albedo looked up again in exasperation.
"Oh?" Kaeya raised a brow.
"N-no," Albedo cleared his throat, "no, I..."
Klee laughed as she pulled her hat off and sat down, "braid Klee's hair!"
Albedo hastily sat down behind her, eager to change the subject.
"Klee doesn't know why Kaeya hadn't kissed Albedo yet anyways. Rosaria told Klee that Kaeya kisses people all the time!"
"I do not!" Kaeya said quickly. "It has been a long time since I've..."
"Oh! So then Kaeya must want to Kiss big brother Albedo really bad!"
Albedo lowered his head even more, trying not to think about that. Why did Klee have to keep this conversation going?!
Kaeya was silent for a moment, "Klee... I really don't think it's any of your business," he sat down and poked her nose with a smile.
She giggled, "maybe it's not Klee's business, but Klee wants to be in it anyways!"
Albedo sighed, feeling hopeless.
Kaeya chuckled, "maybe Klee needs more discipline..."
Klee folded her arms, "Klee has been a good girl recently! Jean said so!"
"Did she, now?"
Klee nodded vigorously.
Kaeya brushed some of Klee's hair out of her face, "well then, good job for that."
"Hehehe! Klee still thinks that you and Albedo should kiss. Klee thinks it would be good for you."
"Good for me?" Albedo asked curiously.
"Lisa told Klee that kissing is very good and that it makes people more happy! Klee knows that's true because Klee always feels better when Albedo kisses her ouchies."
"That... Klee this is different..." Albedo said quietly.
"No it's not," Klee stated, "if Albedo is hurting on the inside, then he needs a kiss to fix it."
Albedo froze, "what?"
Klee nodded, "it makes sense to Klee."
Kaeya paused, "that actually does kind of make sense..."
"Kaeya, you can't possibly-"
"What does she mean, Albedo?" Kaeya was suddenly very serious, "that you're hurting on the inside?"
Albedo hurriedly tied of the first braid, "I don't know..."
Klee looked up at Kaeya, "hello? Klee's right here!"
Kaeya smiled, "then why don't you tell me?"
Klee looked around, "well... Albedo's never very happy-looking so that must mean he has an owie somewhere..."
Kaeya looked worriedly at Albedo, "he just isn't very expressive..."
"But Klee feels like Albedo's sad a lot of times..."
Kaeya waited for Albedo to say something, hoping he'd prove her wrong. Was Albedo sad and he hadn't noticed?... He felt awful. "Albedo?..."
Albedo tied off the second, very messy braid saying softly, "done."
Klee stood up and turned to Albedo, "stop being sad! If you keep being sad Klee will make Kaeya kiss you!"
Albedo didn't seem to care anymore. He couldn't look at Klee. There was no way he could explain how he felt. He didn't like talking about his teacher and how that had impacted him...
Kaeya moved forward, taking both Klee and Albedo into his arms, "you know you can talk to me, right?"
Klee pat Albedo's head, "Klee is a good listener, too."
Albedo sighed, "I'm not... ready yet..."
Kaeya smiled, "I think you're right, Klee. Albedo does need a kiss."
She squealed in delight.
Kaeya pressed his lips against the top of Albedo's head, caressing his arm softly, "I'm always available, Albedo."
"Hey! That's not what Klee meant!"
Kaeya chuckled and Albedo actually laughed. He leaned into Kaeya as he was clutching his stomach.
Klee frowned, "that's not what Klee meant..."
Kaeya squeezed them both tight, "I know, Klee, but I think Albedo's scared of real kisses."
"I am- I am not," he looked up, feeling the need to defend himself even though this was something so very stupid.
Klee giggled, "Albedo is totally scared!"
"No, I..." Albedo spoke quietly, "I've just never done it before..."
"And?! Klee never has either and Klee isn't scared!" She placed her hands on her hips, almost elbowing Kaeya in the chest.
He gently pushed her arms down, "well, everyone's afraid of something. Albedo's just happens to be a little silly." He said it so matter-of-fact-ly.
Albedo felt embarrassed and upset, "but I'm not..." He never cared when people would poke fun at him over something like this. But now that it was two of the people he really cared about, it was different. ...When had Kaeya become someone Albedo cared about so much?...
"Hm, I don't think that's a very compelling argument," Kaeya looked to Klee.
"Klee doesn't think so either!" Klee giggled, "Klee thinks Albedo should prove it!"
Kaeya and Albedo both stared at her in shock. Albedo felt betrayed. Kaeya didn't think Klee would go so far with this. Did Klee really want them to be together? Kaeya remembered that Albedo said that Klee wanted them to be friends. Was this her real motive? Was a devious little kid!
Albedo squirmed uncomfortably, "Klee..."
"Klee won't leave you alone until she has proof!" She smiled triumphantly.
Kaeya looked between the two of them, unsure what to do. Rosaria and Lisa both really wanted him to kiss Albedo... and now Klee did, too... He just didn't want to push Albedo away by doing so.
Albedo sighed as he closed his eyes and nodded, "I... Lisa said that I would be able to give you an answer if we..."
Kaeya blinked, "what? Lisa said that?"
Albedo nodded, "she said that I would know how I feel if you were to kiss me..."
"Then hurry up!" Klee stamped her foot.
Kaeya smiled, "I'll take that as an invitation, then."
"Invitation?" Albedo barely got the question out.
Kaeya quickly shoved his hand out, covering Klee's eyes as he slid his arm around Albedo's waist and pulled him closer. He gazed into Albedo's surprised expression for a moment before closing his eyes and kissing him.
Albedo inhaled sharply. He knew it was coming but was still surprised. He hadn't expected Kaeya to act so quickly. He didn't know what he was supposed to do in response. He should probably close his eyes, so he did that. He really had no idea what to do in this situation.
Klee pried two of Kaeya's fingers apart, peering through and holding back her malicious giggles. Yes! Her master plan was coming to fruition! She laughed evilly in her mind as she watched.
Kaeya couldn't help himself. He knew he should pull away and be done with it, but he had been waiting so long for this. Would it really be wrong of him to take the opportunity? Kaeya pressed harder into Albedo, holding him even closer as he exhaled deeply through his nose. He was in complete ecstasy.
To Kaeya's surprise - and even his own - Albedo pushed right back, kissing Kaeya as well. It would be wrong if it were one-sided right? He told himself it was for Kaeya's sake... but maybe he wanted to kiss Kaeya a little bit, too.
Then Kaeya pulled away, satisfied. He sighed as he let go of Klee.
Klee spun around, stomping her feet and screaming.
They both stared at her.
"Mom's gonna be so proud of me!"
"What?" Albedo asked.
Klee squealed again, "mom told me one time 'Klee, Albedo is very lonely and needs a friend. Maybe even someone more than a friend. Klee, Mom needs you to find Albedo someone so he's not lonely anymore!'" She laughed, "and now Klee has finished her mission!"
Albedo felt his face getting incredibly red, "Klee..."
Kaeya chuckled, "you're such a little stinker~" he poked her nose again, "now that Albedo's braided your hair and you have your proof, you should run off to bed before Jean finds out you're still awake."
Klee's eyes widened, "oh no! Please don't tell Jean!" She sprinted out of the library.
Kaeya sighed in content, this was certainly an eventful night.
Albedo leaned into him, "I... I think I have an answer now..."
Kaeya looked down at him, running his fingers through the ends of Albedo's hair.
Albedo hesitated, "I... I think I really like you, too... and I wouldn't mind if you kissed me every once in a while..."
Kaeya quite literally melted. His face got incredibly red and his fell backwards, his head making a dull thud against the floor.
Albedo started to freak out, "Kaeya?! Kaeya!!"
Lisa laughed to herself downstairs. It was about time!

The end ig

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