Chapter 3: Self Care

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Kaeya sighed as he laid down on his side. They had made their way over to the 'C' mound at this point. He gazed over at Lisa, who stifled a yawn.
"Don't lay down, you'll fall asleep," Lisa waved her hand over at him.
He rolled his eyes, "sitting hunched over a bunch of books is not good for one's back."
Lisa sighed, "I know, but it has to be done..."
Kaeya sighed through his nose as he sat back up, "honestly who could have read almost every book?..."
Albedo shrugged, "someone who wants to learn."
Lisa shook her head, "but how could they read so much in only a day?..."
Something came to Kaeya's mind, "Lisa, you said Sucrose doesn't take many self care days. How would you know?"
Lisa giggled, "whenever she does she always smells like pine. And it isn't very often."
Kaeya nodded, "so you know when everyone takes a day for themselves?"
She nodded with a smile, "you always take a salt bath. Afterwards, you normally smell like mint."
Kaeya blinked, "so, you just smell people now?"
Lisa laughed, "I just noticed, that's all."
Kaeya chuckled, "then, what is Albedo's scent of choice?"
Lisa thought, "well... Albedo doesn't really... smell like anything... Now that I think about it, I don't think he's ever taken a self care day."
Albedo set down another book with a sigh, "please don't talk about me like I'm not here."
"Then, pray tell," Kaeya turned to him, his earring dingling as his eyes glinted, "have you ever taken a self care day?"
Albedo paused, "from context I can tell that you mean taking a day to bathe and treat yourself. Time to be nice to your body, I guess."
They both nodded, waiting expectantly.
"No... I have not taken a day for that. It would take too much time..." He picked up another book. "... what? Why are you both looking at me like that?"
Lisa looked like she might faint, "Albedo... please say that isn't true..."
"Albedo," Kaeya sounded betrayed, "how do you function?!"
He blinked, "I don't think taking time for luxury would be mandatory to complete any tasks..."
Lisa gasped, "Albedo, I am giving you supplies after this! It is a travesty that you don't care about yourself!"
"I have a whole shelf full of bath salts and bombs. I have different perfumes and colognes. I even have some dried herbs you can have if you want. I just- you need to treat yourself!"
Albedo seemed very surprised, "I didn't think you would be so... bothered that I'd never spent a day for myself..."
"I don't think I've ever seen you go out for fun, either," Kaeya lifted his hand to his chin, "you really are focused on your work."
Albedo hesitated before placing a book atop another stack, "well yes... I want to learn as much as I can about alchemy and this world."
"And why is that?" Kaeya asked, intrigued.
"Personal reasons," Albedo shrugged.
"Oh~ so innocent little Albedo has his secrets, too?" Kaeya taunted.
"Innocent?..." Albedo muttered to himself in confusion.
Lisa giggled, "everyone has their secrets. Even Jean."
"Well, I guess you would know," Kaeya chuckled.
Lisa nodded, "she's always overworking herself. I'm glad she's finally had some time to herself." She sighed, "she rarely has self care days, always saying there isn't any time for it."
Albedo looked up, "why would Lisa know?"
They both looked at him in surprise.
"You don't know?" Kaeya asked.
"Know what?..."
Lisa laughed, "Jean and I have been dating for a few months, Albedo."
Albedo's eyes widened ever so slightly, "I... hadn't noticed..."
Kaeya laughed, shaking his head, "I think you're the only one who didn't know!"
Albedo felt his face grow warm, embarrassed by his ignorance.
"Only you would be oblivious to something so obvious!"
"Hey..." Albedo looked up.
Kaeya pushed his hair over his shoulder as he stopped laughing, his eye sparkling with glee, "you're so clueless!" He reached out his hand and cupped the side of Albedo's face, "how are you so blind?"
Albedo didn't enjoy the teasing tone in his voice.
Kaeya was actually a little surprised by his own bravery. Then he realized something, "there is no way you've never had a self care day..."
Albedo tilted his head, un-purposefully into Kaeya's hand, "but I haven't?"
Kaeya shook his head, "that's just not possible."
"But it's true..."
"How is your skin so soft, then?"
Lisa almost chocked on nothing. Her eyes widened at Albedo, "have you been lying?!"
Albedo shook his head, "no, I-"
Lisa leaned over the books and put her hand on the other side of Albedo's face, "oh my goodness, Albedo! How in the world-"
"I haven't done anything," Albedo said again.
Kaeya removed his hand from Albedo's face and took his hand, pulling off his glove.
Lisa looked surprised, "you're serious? I have to use so many lotions daily to keep my skin as healthy as it is! I'm sure Kaeya does, too!"
Kaeya nodded as he held Albedo's hand, "honestly, wouldn't Dragonspine dry out your skin? How do you avoid that?"
Albedo seemed a little confused, "it's never been an issue..."
Kaeya pressed his fingertips to Albedo's.
"One of life's many mysteries, I guess," Lisa sighed as she sat back.
Albedo took his glove from Kaeya, then paused, staring at their hands. "Interesting... I would have thought that someone with a Cryo vision would be cold..."
Kaeya chuckled as he pulled his hand away, "are you asking me to be cold?"
Albedo took Kaeya's hand again, "is that how it works? Can you will yourself to be cold?"
Kaeya was surprised at how forward Albedo was being, "well, no, not exactly." He formed a layer of ice crystals over his fingertips, "but I can do this."
Albedo stared, examining Kaeya's hand, "fascinating..."
Lisa rolled her eyes, "stop messing around, boys. We still have work to do."
"Right," Albedo let go and pulled his glove back on.
Kaeya wiped the ice off his hand, kind of missing the feeling of Albedo touching him. But he didn't dwell on it, getting back to sorting through the books.
Even though Kaeya distracted himself with this job, he kept finding himself gazing over at the Alchemist. The Cavalry Captain thought himself a hypocrite. He was always boasting about how he could get with anyone he wanted so easily. But when it came to the person he actually wanted... he felt like it was a crime to even look at him for too long. Why in Teyvat would someone like Kaeya be utterly useless against the person he liked?
Even he didn't know. He just couldn't bring himself to get close enough to Albedo to say anything romantic towards him, save for his usual teasing questions. He felt utter despair at his situation. There seemed to be no way out! Even if he did manage to ask Albedo out or flirt with him, it would probably go right over his head!
Kaeya ran his hand through the long portion of his hair absently as he stared at the cover of a book he wasn't even reading.
"Kaeya?" Lisa placed her hand on his shoulder, "are you alright?"
"Fine," he smiled, "just have something on my mind, is all." He lifted the book up and actually read the title before placing on a small stack to his left - in Lisa's direction.
She took her hand back slowly, "okay... if you need a break just let me know. I have plenty of tea and plenty of other things to do."
"Like what?" Kaeya asked, intrigued.
Lisa smiled, "we could paint our nails, do face masks," she used her fingers to list off various activities. "Oh! And I think you're due for another waxing," she giggled as she flicked Kaeya's knee.
Kaeya sighed, "it has been a while..."
Lisa covered her mouth, "I bet you feel like a cactus right now!"
Kaeya sighed, his shoulders slumping as his face was sprinkled with pink, "Lisa... stop..." Despite her incessant teasing, Lisa was very nice to Kaeya and was like an older sister to him. He honestly didn't know what he would do if she decided to stop having "girl's nights" with him.
"No, go on," Albedo suddenly spoke up.
The other two stared at him.
"Keep going," he restated, "this is rather interesting."
Kaeya pleaded with Lisa not to with his eye. He really did not want to have such an embarrassing conversation in front of Albedo. But Kaeya really did like how interested Albedo looked... How his eyes would light up when his interest was piqued... that turquoise color shimmering in the dim light of the library. It made him look alive.
Lisa smirked deviously, "Every few days Kaeya and I have a night to just hang out. Normally we do each other's nails and wax our legs. It's been a bit, so I was just pointed out that he's probably all prickly by now."
Kaeya felt like he might die right there. He felt complete and utter betrayal. No way Lisa just said that... and twice!!!
Albedo raised an eyebrow, "oh?"
Kaeya felt he might choke on the air. Why did Albedo have to sound like he was enjoying this so much?!
Lisa chuckled, "honestly, Kaeya wouldn't be half as good looking without my care!"
Kaeya laughed lightly, trying not to let his embarrassment show.
"That reminds me!" Lisa smiled, "Albedo, if you ever need to be waxed don't hesitate to contact me!"
Albedo shook his head with a small smile, "that won't be necessary."
"Ah, I guess Dragonspine is so cold that you'd need the extra insulation," she nodded to herself.
Albedo's smile stretched further, "yes. But I don't have any issues with body hair."
Lisa blinked, "what do you mean? *GASP* are you fortunate enough to have been blessed with hairless legs?!"
Albedo closed his eyes, his smile lingering, "if that's what you wish to call it."
"I can't- seriously?!" She crawled over to where Albedo sat.
Kaeya honestly wasn't processing fast enough. Did Albedo really not have leg hair? He pushed away the mental image of Albedo's bare legs from his mind. He didn't need that right now.
Albedo took off one fo his boots, setting it to the side.
Kaeya's eyes widened, he was really telling the truth?
Albedo pulled off his sock and started pulling up his tights, letting them rest right above his knee. "See for yourself."
Albedo's incredibly pale and unblemished skin seemed to shine in the lighting. But that didn't make much sense. It seemed like he was made of porcelain- no, Kaeya knew he was much prettier than that. Opal. That's what it was like.
Lisa was in awe, "my goodness..." she ran her hand across Albedo's leg in complete disbelief, "no way..."
Kaeya really didn't like the idea of Lisa touching Albedo like that. He was about to say something about how weird that was when Lisa suddenly grabbed his arm, "feel it!" Her eyes shone with mischief as she abruptly pulled Kaeya forward and placed his hand over Albedo.
Albedo didn't seem to care at all, continuing to sort books without any issues.
Kaeya stared at where his hand was. Normally, he would say that he was all for this sort of thing... but when he was actually in the moment... he felt like a different person.
The Cavalry Captain opened his mouth to say something but no words formed.
"See?" Lisa asked, "isn't he super soft? It apparently isn't just his hands."
Now that Kaeya thought about it, this was rather odd... No one he had ever met didn't have at least one or two scars or discolorations somewhere. Why was Albedo so perfect?... Even his hands didn't have callouses... But he was an artist. All artists should have callouses...
Kaeya looked up at Albedo in confusion. He didn't want to be suspicious of him, but something was tugging at his mind.
Albedo met his gaze, "yes?"
"Nothing," Kaeya threw on a smile as he moved back.
Lisa took his wrist, "but you haven't even felt it yet." A smirk pulled at the corners of her lips.
Kaeya smiled rather passive aggressively back at her, "I've felt all I needed to."
Albedo was already pulling his tights down over his leg again.

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