Camp Hamil-blood

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I'm sorry about the title.  It's terrible.  I know. 

This was requested, so I'm going to do my best, but I'm really not sure how to do this. 

 Thank you SO MUCH FrenchBaguette190 for reading this and requesting things!!!

Spoilers for Hamilton, Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus. 

So, I'm not really sure how to cross-over these two worlds since their SO different, so I'm just going to give some headcanons of who the Hamilsquad's godly parents would be and stuff.  

To start off, it says in The Lightning Thief that George Washington ("historically") was a child of Athena.  Based off the play version though I at first thought I'd headcanon him more as a child of Zeus, cause he's such a strong leader.  Then, I thought about it, and I honestly think he's a lot like Reyna, and I really like the idea of him being a son of Bellona.  Also because he just feels more Camp Jupiter to me.

Alexander himself feels like an obvious Athena child to me

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Alexander himself feels like an obvious Athena child to me.  He's all cunning and strategic, but also loves to fight and do battle.  It just makes sense.

  It just makes sense

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Now, John Laurens.  I honestly wasn't sure with him, but I think he would be like a child of Eleutheria and legacy of Areas.  For anyone who doesn't know, Eleutheria is the goddess of freedom, and John fought until him dying day to abolish slavery, so that feels right to me.  Also, like Alex, he's really into the revolution, but not so much the planning aspect, so that's why I would say legacy of Areas.

  Also, like Alex, he's really into the revolution, but not so much the planning aspect, so that's why I would say legacy of Areas

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Lafayette I would probably say Athena as well, because " . . . no one has more resilience or matches my practical tactical brilliance!" 

Hercules (his name is funny in this scenario) I'm going to say Hermes, because I feel like he has many talents, and Hermes children just seem like good spies

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Hercules (his name is funny in this scenario) I'm going to say Hermes, because I feel like he has many talents, and Hermes children just seem like good spies. 

And finally

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And finally . . . BURR!  I'm a little torn with this one, but ultimately, I really think Burr would be a child of Hades.  Not because he's "evil" but I think his just silent patience in the world and what it will throw at him is a very Hades trait.  


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I know I didn't even do HALF the characters, but I'm not sure this is cool or if I should do more, or anything, so let me know if I should do more!  I can do this for other series, also do Hogwarts Houses, and headcanons for that.  I'll do one-shots too, this is just so broad that I'm not sure what to do with it. 

Thank you so much for reading and sorry this took so long!!  I'd LOVE requests!  

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