Chapter 4

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Andreas P.O.V
When I got home I sat on the couch and watched The Walking Dead and started on those stupid worksheets. It was almost 11:45 when I finished. "Well, guess I gotta head to bed" I turned off my tv and walked upstairs to my beautiful green and blue bedroom. I lay on my septiceye pillow my aunt made for me and slowly fall asleep.
Jacks P.O.V
I had my plan all layed out and ready to go. Problem was is that I was to nervous to sleep so I just layed there. Eventually I fell into a deep slumber. I woke up to myself screaming because Mark came into my room and played the jumpscare from Five Nights At Freddy's. Mark laughed hysterically. I jumped up from my bed and chased him through the house. He was still doing his Wilford Warfstache laugh. I eventually tackled him to the ground with a thud. "Was that really necessary?" I asked him laughing a bit "Yes, yes it was VEERYYY necessary" he was running out of breath from laughing so hard. "Well I need to go get dressed. I gotta leave soon" I got off him and went upstairs to change. I threw on my red sweatshirt and jeans. Nothing spectacular.
Andreas P.O.V
I was wearing a grey beanie with a blue and black flannel shirt with a white undershirt and dark blue pants. I grabbed my bag ,put on my dark blue Nike's and walked outside. Jack's house was on the way so I decided to stop by... at least I think this is his house. I walked up and knocked on the door. A man with dark brown hair and a red a black flannel. "Oh um I'm sorry I must be at the wrong house..." I stuttered. He tilted his head and looked at me, leaning against the door frame. Jack came downstairs just in time. "Oh! Mark this is my friend Angie." Jack politely said and walked towards the door. Damn it I love his accent. "Just friends eh?" Mark teased because he knew about Jack's plan "Isn't she the girl that's your wallpap..." Jack covered Marks mouth and let out an embarrassed laugh. "He is just messing around" Jack played with his hair. "Come on Angie we better go" Jack said I started walking. Jack turned around and glared at Mark and Mark just smirked and closed the door behind us. I couldn't help but laugh a little. Jack bit his lip and looked away. He looked nervous "Ready for the final today?" I asked to break the tension. "Yeah, I was up all night studying" he replied. We got to class and sat down.
Jacks P.O.V
"This is soon as she gets out of her's time" I thought to myself in my head.

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