Chapter 15, Adorable

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A/N Just a warning this literally is just a fluff chapter. Nothing really happens besides cutenesss.

Angie's POV

I turned my head to look at the clock. It was 9:35am and Sean's arms were protectively around me, I smiled widely and looked down to the end of the bed. Mika was still there, she didn't move since last night I guess. She looked so peaceful at the moment, the window was cracked and the sun glistened on her fluffy coat of fur. She was definitely special, 3 legs and all.

I put my face close to Sean's and he slowly woke up and smiled. "Morning beautiful" his stunning blue eyes came in contact with mine, "Morning sleeping beauty" I giggled softly.

Sean leaned in and kissed me softly, it was cute because it was like a sleepy kiss. It was nice but then his mustache tickled my lip as he pulled away and I sneezed really loud. "jEESUs!!!" his arms flailed in the air and he fell off the side of the bed. "That sneeze almost killed me!" I started laughing hysterically.

"You awake now Sleeping Beauty?" I said still laughing. "Oh yes I am!" He quickly got up off the floor and started charging towards me playfully. "Oh shiz..." I threw off the covers, grabbed my phone and ran downstairs, Mika not far behind and I had a t-shirt and sweat pants on, Sean only had a shirt and boxers. I ran into the hallway closet before he noticed and quickly shut the door, Mika was right outside the closet door so I quickly opened it again to grab her and Sean was there.

My laughing was uncontrollable now because he had me down on the ground tickling me and saying "Tickle Tickle Tickle!". I kept trying to get away, I realized I couldn't because he was on top of me "It was a lie! The closet is a lie!" I said between my laughs. He stopped and leaned in and kissed me a little rougher than before, but still a bit sleepy. He was still on top or me to.

Mika got jealous and started yipping at us Sean pulled away and stared her down. Her ears went down and he instantly felt bad. "Aww Mika I'm sorry come here baby girl" She wobbled towards him ears still down. He picked her up and petted her softly, her ears shot back up and she gave him a bunch of kisses. "Awwwww" I took my phone out of my sweatpants pocket and got a really cute picture. "Adorable".

Sean got off me, "Not as adorable as you" he smirked and went down to the kitchen leaving me on the hallway floor. Mika gave me kisses and followed him down.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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