Chapter 12

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A/N I know I know, don't murder me please...

Marks P.O.V
"Can we keep it?!?! Can we!?!?! Please oh please Sean?!" I pleaded as we looked at the damaged little thing in his arms. "Maybe, you think it would make Angie feel better?" He asked while looking down at the thing petting it cautiously. "She lost her mom Sean, but maybe? Oh shit, look!" I said out of shock, the poor thing lost one or his back legs! "We gotta go now!" Jack said panicky. Jack held on tight, but not to tight as we ran to the nearest vet. "Nurse?!?!" I exclaimed, "it's a vets office you doof!!!" Jack screamed at me. A vet ran in and asked us a bunch of questions and the puppy was taken into immediate surgery. After surgery, she told us that a homeless person most likely did it, looking for food or something. Jacks face was filled with utter shock. The dog was gonna be alright though, but was only gonna have 3 legs for the rest of its life, poor thing.
3 days later
Angie's P.O.V
Jack knew I wasn't going to get up willingly so he picked me up and put me into the car with Mark in the backseat. "Where are we going?" I said super quietly, not in the mood for anything. Mark put a blindfold on me and helped inside. I think I heard Jack walk away for a moment and them come back, "ok Mark take it off now" he said excitedly. When I could see, Jack was hold a small puppy in his arms. All nice and fluffy, "She is a bit different and damaged, but that makes her even more special. Me and Mark found her in an alley," he said somewhat happy but also sad because of the memory. "Why is she damaged? She is beautiful!" I took the bundle into my arms and sat again, I uncovered the towel and found a huge bandage, one leg missing. "Oh no! What happened!?" "Vet thinks that an homeless ate her leg, hunger makes you go insane sometimes" he said while looking down. " Can she walk?" "In a few months , physical therapy". "Can we keep her?!" Mark asked enthusiastically. "Of course we can! We have to" I said smiling and looking down covering her back end up again. "I have a name! I have a name!" Sean said while jumping up and down like a school boy, "How about Mika?" He said while smiling. (Me-ka) "I heart it!" Mark said joyfully. Sean gave him that 'the fuck man' look, but couldn't help but smile a bit. "Then that's it!" I stood up and we walked and signed papers from the surgery and papers for adoption and carried 'baby Mika' out to the car. She doesn't quite full the wounds from my mother, but close enough. I can't wait buy a lot of cute puppy stuff!

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