Chapter 11

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I'm not dead!
Sean's P.O.V

I went upstairs to check in with Angie. She was still upset and she hadn't moved from our bed in a week, silently sobbing with her headphones in. She wouldn't talk to me, or Mark. I felt super bad but their was nothing I could really do. Mark and I walked down the street and we were just talking. Then this little thing popped in front of us as we passed an alyway and we almost stepped on the poor thing. Then we realized it was a little dog! Shepard I believe. It's fur was all messed up and scruffy and had millions of gross things caught in it and it's eyes were a deep brown with endless sadness in them just looking up at us. Mark looked over to me as the dog was staring deep into my eyes. I gave in of course, picked the poor thing up and me and Mark walked back to our place witch ended in a hour end bath. I think it is a girl.

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