Chapter Four

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The grandfather clock struck three in the morning and Robertson was starting to get anxious.

He was sat in his leather chair in the living room, watching the seconds tick by, a sickly feeling in his stomach.

He was exhausted from work and now sick with worry since Jade hadn't returned home yet. He checked his phone for what felt like the hundredth time, to find no miss calls or texts.

Maybe she went partying

Robertson shook his head at the thought. No, she'd be too tired, maybe she's with that boyfriend of hers.

His fingers curled into his armchair at the thought. If he did anything to his daughter, he'd butcher him.

He drummed his hands nervously on his armchair, all the possible different scenarios of what could of gone wrong, going through his head.

What if she's dead in a ditch and I'm here drinking whiskey and waiting? What if someone's kidnapped her and trafficked her and I'll never see her again?

He inhaled deeply through his nose, letting his head drop back against the chair and closed his eyes, taking deep breaths.

Before he knew it he was fast asleep.


"Ryan, wake up," a hand was on his shoulder, shaking him awake. "Ryan, get up."

Robertson jolted awake, grabbing the figures hand, ready to break it until he looked into the mans face to find a concerned looking Darren Cheverston.

"It's Jade," he chewed his lower lip nervously. "She's been kidnapped."

Robertson couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What?"

"Jade's been kidnapped." Cheverston repeated calmly. "There was a note down at the station, addressed to you." He searched inside his jacket pocket for the note, extending it out to Robertson.

Robertson quickly snatched it from his grasp, unfurling it as rapidly as his shaky hands would allow him to. His heart leapt into his throat as he read the note, both anger and fear consuming.

I'm going to enjoy butchering your daughter bit by bit, I'm going to make you suffer and cause you pain, like you've done to me.

Robertson slowly looked up at his partner, disbelief in his eyes. "Who the fuck did this?"

"I don't know," he admitted. "The postman dropped it by this morning with the other post, we interviewed him as soon as we read it and he doesn't know anything about it."

Robertson examined the note and the envelope it came in. There was blood on it. Jade's blood. All Robertson could think about the pain and suffering his daughter was through all because of him.

Robertson choked down his tears and looked at Cheverston who gave him a sympathetic look. He couldn't believe it. Jade, missing, kidnapped, by some sick fucker. His beloved daughter, her life in the hands of a murderer.

"I'll drive you to the station," Cheverston glanced at the half empty of whiskey bottle on the table. "We can start our search from there."

"What's going on?" Robertson and Cheverston looked to the doorway of the hallway to find Rachel in her nightgown, concern washing over her features. "Where's Jade?"

Robertson didn't have the heart to tell his wife that their daughter was missing because of him. Cheverston caught his eye, nodded and patted him on the shoulder.

"I think you should sit down," Cheverston spoke softly. Rachel looked at Robertson with harrowing eyes. "What's going on? Where's Jade-"

"Jades been taken," Cheverston stated. "And we don't know where she is," he cut a look in Robertson's direction who curled the note into his palm. "Or why."

Rachel squeezed her eyes shut in anguish and started sobbing. "Someone took my baby."Rachel sank to her eyes and wailed, her cries echoing throughout the house.

"Someone has my little girl." Cheverston brought her into a hug, trying his best to comfort her. Robertson stared at the wall, his fingers digging into the palms of his hands, jaw locked.

Rachel looked over at Robertson with pleading eyes. "Please find her and bring her back." She dropped her head again and sobbed into Cheverston's shoulder.

Robertson got up from the chair with unsteady legs. He shakily went over to his grieving wife and knelt beside her, wrapping his arms around her.

"I promise I'll find her," tears brimmed his eyes. "I'll bring her back."

Both Robertson and Cheverston had been down at the station for hours on end, examining every case file that they had on the murders, what they knew and went through all the different possibilities.

Robertson was re-reading every case file carefully, re-reading every paragraph, every line, every single word. He didn't want to miss anything.

Cheverston stood in front of the evidence board, trying to piece everything together, he was examining each bit of evidence carefully.

A knock sounded on Robertson's door.
"Pardon me," Robertson stared at Officer West and Cheverston gave him a nod to come in. The regular sized male swallowed nervously, running a hand through his raven hair. "I'm afraid Detective we have no new leads on your daughter."

"God dammit!" Detective Robertson yelled, swiping the case files off the desk in angry. Officer West flinched.

"My daughter is gone because of that creep and we have no God damn leads!"

"We'll get her back, I promise," Detective Cheverston assured his partner.

"You can't promise that, what if she turns out to be like all the rest? Gutted and left by that stupid river bank!"

Cheverston placed a hand on Robertson's shoulder. "Look, we will find her, she may be a little injured but at least she won't be dead, you have to look on the positive side, not the negative." He said softly.

Robertson sighed, placed his hands down on the table and closing his eyes. He just wanted Jade back badly. If anything would happen to her, he would never forgive himself.

Cheverston gave Officer West a look of dismissal and West quickly turned on his heel, letting himself out.

"Look, we'll go search the woods in the morning as long as you want." Said Cheverston from behind him.

Robertson stood up straight and rubbed his eye. "You should get some rest for when we go out, you'll need your strength."

Robertson nodded and sighed in defeat. "Thanks Cheverston, you're like a brother to me." Robertson said with a small smile, placing a hand on Cheverston's shoulder.

Cheverston placed his hand on Robertson's shoulder. "You too brother."

Robertson tossed and turned all night long. He couldn't even get a wink. He sighed deeply, lying on his back and staring up at the ceiling.

He looked at his wife Rachel who was sound asleep. She hasn't been sleeping but she's exhausted tonight and she needs her energy.

He looked back up at the ceiling, letting tears roll down his cheeks as he thought of Jade.

"This is all my fault." He whispered with a sniff.

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