Chapter Twelve

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The world just seemed to crumble all around Jade. She felt numb. She'd gone through so much pain and torture, now all she felt was numb.

Tears streamed down her face as she stared at Julia's lifeless body that hung at the side of the chair.

Julia's eyes were lifeless as they were focused at the floor. Jade could see a tear on her cheek, just lying there.

Her ears rang out like bells from the sound of the gunshot.

Cheverston lowered his gun, tucking it back into his waistband, concealing it with his shirt and leather jacket.

McGees voice echoed throughout her head as he spoke. "I hope you learned a valuable lesson Jade."

He tossed Julia's head to the other side of her shoulder. Jade snarled but her voice came out as a rasp.

"Don't touch her!"

McGee knocked Julia's corpse to the floor. "You see Jade," he sighed as he played around with her head as if it was a ball. "Others suffer the consequences of your actions."

Jade didn't reply. She was too tired to care about anything anymore. She truly thought she had a chance at escaping.

But the optimistic can loose all hope.

And the brave can be terrified.

But even in the darkest times, there will always be a light

Jade was locked up in the room for several days. She couldn't stop staring at the blood that stained the walls.

McGee and Cheverston had moved Julia's body, most likely for McGees next meal.

She hadn't slept in days. She just lay on the bed. Unmoving, not thinking straight.

Cheverston regularly came in with a glass of water and a plate of food. He always forced the water down her throat but she never even dared make contact with the food.

Eating was the least of her worries.

On the fifth day, Cheverston untied her and she still didn't move. He had to drag her out of the room and because she was weak from not eating, he ended up carrying her.

She sat in the living room with the other girls who whispered quietly among themselves as Jade stared at random spot on the wall.

From the distance, she could hear Cheverston and McGee talking.

"Well, you defiantly broke her."

McGee chuckled. "More like destroyed her."

Cheverston leaned against the door as he kept a close eye on Jade. "I guess it's a good sign, she won't try to escape again."

"Yes, but she won't do anything else beside stare at a random spot on the wall." McGee replied.

Cheverston shrugged his shoulders. "It's less work for me, so I'm happy."

"How do you plan on leading Robertson here?"

Cheverston could feel a smirk dancing on his lips. "I'll torture him for a while longer and eventually reveal myself once he's captured."

"Any plans on what you're going to do to him?"

Cheverston chuckled darkly. "I'm going to make him suffer like never before, and then," he pointed a finger at Jade. "I'm going to make him watch her die as I slowly kill her and I'll kill him, slowly and painfully."

McGee rubbed the wrinkles on his forehead. "You sound like a sadistic."

Cheverston narrowed his slits. "Says the one who's a cannibal and eats human remains for a living."

Chevrston smacked McGee on the stomach. "No wonder you've gotten so fat."

McGee scowled. "I'd choose my words very carefully if I was you, Darren."

Cheverston laughed looking at him at last. "Or what?" He grinned. "You'll chop me up and eat me?"

"I'll feed you to my dogs."

Cheverston rolled his eyes. "You're so sensitive and psychotic."

McGee pursed his lips into a thin line. "Says the one who wants to gut alive a man and let him watch his daughter get killed."

Cheverston clenched his fists. "I'm out for revenge," he looked at McGee. "What are you out for? A killing spree?"

McGee curled his hands into balls of fists. "My heart was broken by the only woman I ever loved."

Cheverston rolled his eyes. "Let me get my violin out."

"So now," McGee played with the knife in his pocket. "Everyone else is going to suffer and I'll let them know how it feels like to lose a loved one."

Cheverston cracked his knuckles. "You go sob in the corner and I'll go gain little Jades trust back and see where her father hides the vault."

McGee knitted his brows. "What vault?"

Cheverston smirked, stepping forward. "The one that's going to make us rich."

McGee had left a few minutes ago to head off to work. Meanwhile, Cheverston called in a sick day to spend the day alone with Jade.

"Jade." Jade didn't dare look up from where she was staring as Cheverston sat down next to her, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders.

Cheverston looked around the room as he whispered into Jades ear. "I'm going to get you out of here."

Jade still didn't look at him. Cheverston sighed. "Look, I know it may not seem like it but I'm on your side, I'm pretending to be McGees partner so I can tell your dad that you're safe."

Jade slowly inclined her head toward him, her now red puffy eyes meeting his. "Then why bring me back here again?"

It was the first sentence she had said in days. She didn't even recognise her own voice anymore.

Cheverston sighed. "I had no choice, McGee was coming and I had to knock you out and bring you back here, otherwise we'd both be dead."

Jade looked away. "I don't believe you."

"Please Jade," Cheverston pleaded. "I'm trying to help you."

Jade gave him an ice cold look over her shoulder. "Then why haven't you told my father yet?"

"Because," Cheverston began. "If McGee finds out I'm not actually on his side, he'll kill everyone here including you and he'll kill your mother and father."

Jade looked away again. "I still don't believe you."

Cheverston sighed through his nose as he stood up. "You may not believe it Jade, but I want to help you."

He walked away from her as she stared ahead of her.

She didn't care what side Cheverston was on anymore.

She was now broken and didn't care for anything or anyone.

Crappy chapter :/ sorry

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