Chapter One

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Jade's eyes fluttered open. She let out a groan of pain, clutching her head. She rolled over in bed, smuggling her face in her pillow.

The pain in her head got worse and she let out a cry of pain. Her mother, Rachel, stepped foot in the room. She had clothes in her hands and once she saw her daughter's pale face she dropped the washing basket immediately and rushed to her daughters side, concern washing over her face.

"Oh sweetheart, what's wrong?" She asked, stroking Jade's greasy hair since she hasn't had a shower in a few days.

"I have a bad pain in my head, it's worse then a migraine, mostly likely a double migraine." Jade mumbled.

"I'll give you some painkillers, if they don't help within an hour, I'll take you to the hospital to see Dr, McGee." She said sternly, planting a kiss on Jade's forehead and rushing downstairs to get some painkillers.

A moment later she returned and handed Jade the pills. Jade pushed herself up with her elbows and took the painkillers, while swallowing water.

"Thanks mom." She muttered, while lying down again, squeezing her eyes tightly shut.

"How about you go for a nice warm shower, it might help, you'll be fresher." She said, with a small smile.

Jade groaned in response but got up. She lazily walked to the bathroom and took her pyjamas off and took a shower.

She showered for over an hour and her headache was far from gone. She blow dried her dark brown hair and tied it into a messy bun at the top of her head.

She threw on some black leggings with a grey tank top. She walked downstairs to find her mother cooking breakfast.

Her other looked up from the pan and her smile faded. "Oh sweetheart, you look awful, I think you should go to the hospital."

Jade gave her a thumbs up and rubbed her forehead, trying to decrease the pain anyway as possible.

"Breakfast can wait, we're going now, I'll make an appointment on the way." She said, grabbing Jade's arm and luring her into the car.

Jade strapped herself in and her mother sped off to the hospital.

They entered the Hospital and they walked up to a woman behind the reception who looked to be in her early fifties.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" She asked, looking directly at Jade's mother.

"Is Doctor McGee free today?" She asked.

The receptionist looked down at Doctor Mcgee's schedule. "Ah yes! He had a cancelled appointment, you can go in now." She said with a warm smile.

Jade's mother smiled and they walked towards Dr McGee's room. Rachel rasped her knuckles on the door and there was a faint 'come in', they stepped into the room to be met with a man with dark curly hair and hazel eyes, wearing a white lab coat, a stethoscope around his large neck and a smile on his face.

"Please take a seat," he gestured towards the bed and for Rachel to sit down in the chair. Jade sat up on the bed, swaying her legs, looking down at the blue tiled floor.

"So what seems to be the problem?" He asked, walking towards Jade. Jade got goosebumps on her arms as he approached her.

"She's had a very bad headache all morning, most likely a migraine, she's had them before but nothing like this." Rambled Rachel worriedly.

"Hmm I see," Dr McGee responded, looking at Jade's medical history.

"I'll give you a shot that will make you're migraines stop for good, maybe in ten or twelve years you might have one." He said, going through a cupboard and getting out a needle.

Jade's eyes widened when she realised it was a large needle. She wasn't afraid of needles but needless to say, she didn't like them either.

"Just relax, it'll only be a slight pinch," he said, placing his two large gloved fingers on her skin. She tensed up at his touch.

She felt a sharp pinch in her arm. He injected the liquid into her system and took the needle out and set it down on the meal tray. He got a cotton ball and placed it on her arm.

"Wasn't so bad now was it?" He asked with a smile. Jade didn't return one and didn't answer him. Suddenly he pressed harder on her skin as if he ways angry and Jade winced.

He eased the pressure, "Sorry, must of put too much pressure on."

He took it off and dumped it in the bin. "All I need now is details and you're free to go, it should kick in, in half an hour."

He sat in a spinning chair and went on the computer as Jade's mother began to tell him all their details that he asked for. He made a few clicks and smiled and spun around to them.

"Well you're free to go, enjoy your day." He said with a creepy smile towards Jade. Jade shivered and quickly left the room with her mother.

"I don't like him, there's something weird about him," said Jade while walking down the corridor.

"You're so paranoid." Rachel replied with an eye roll as they exited the hospital.

Half an hour later, Jade's migraine had faded and she felt much better and happier.

"I think he's a Lovely Doctor, there's nothing creepy about him." Rachel reassured Jade.

Jade didn't respond and shifted in her seat. She knew Doctor McGee was weird and she thought he was a creep as well. She shivered at the thought of him.

Well at least I never have to see him again She thought with a smile on her face.

Doctor McGee watched them pull out of the hospital's parking lot. He was smiling ear to ear. He couldn't wait to get his hands on Jade. The thought made his insides tingle.

He grabbed a needle and made it into a sedative. He put enough in to make sure she would stay sedated for a good couple of hours.

He prepared more sedatives and placed them in a box for his partner. His partner burst through the door with black leather gloves on.

"You have it ready?" He asked impatiently.

"Yes, here, there's twelve in there, capture her tomorrow when she's alone like the rest of the victims." He said, dumping his blue gloves into the bin.

"I can't wait to get revenge on her stupid father." He said between gritted teeth.

Doctor McGee smiled. "I assure you will brother, but for now, we need to drive him nuts and make sure he suffers along with his daughter and I'll make sure of that." He smirked evilly.

This caused a smirk from his partner. "I like how you think brother, Soon enough he will pay for what he has done," "I'll be there often and I'll make her suffer as well while we're at it."

"Well Brother, sleep tight, I can't wait for tomorrow!" Said McGee excitedly.

"Me too Brother, me too."

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