Chapter Seven

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"Detective Robertson, a video has come in for you, from the kidnapper." Said Officer West.

Robertson immediately went into the control room and West played the video. For a minute it was silent. A camera was set up in a room with a bed and cuffs.

Suddenly his daughter was dragged in, screaming. She kicked him in the jaw and threw a vase at him. He punched her and she hit her head pretty hard on the bed frame.

The kidnapper managed to cuff her and he began to strip all of her clothes off until she was completely naked.

He noticed all the scars, bruises and blood she had on her body. He also noticed written on her stomach read victim 13 his heart sank.

"This Detective Robertson is what revenge feels like and it's only the beginning." Said the kidnapper and took off his pants and boxers.

He watched his beloved daughter get raped and loose her virginity to some sick old bastard. His fists clenched, his knuckles turning white.

He watched his daughter scream in pain and cry her eyes out. All he wanted to do was get her back, kill this son of a bitch. He wanted to beat the lights out of him and make him suffer for what he has done to his daughter.

"That felt amazing, we should do it again maybe tomorrow, when I have time," panted the kidnapper as he finished. He had his pants on again.

"You see that Robertson?" He asked, showing Jade on the camera who was in immense pain. "it's the sound of your daughter in pain and I can do a lot worse to her, don't worry I'll eventually kill her, in a few months if she's lucky or maybe I'll keep her as my personal sex slave," he said with a smile. "Yes, I'll do exactly that."

"Dad help!" Jade screamed at the camera. Tears flooded Robertson's eyes along with hate-red and anger towards the kidnapper.

"I'm in the woods! Next to the river!" She yelled.

The kidnapped walked over to her and gave her a hard punch, knocking her unconscious. Robertson's knuckles turned whiter as his teeth clenched.

He walked back over to the camera. "I'll send another video soon Robertson, best be watching out, I might just scar her a little more." He said, flipping a knife between his fingers.

"Well I hope you enjoyed the show, there's more to come." He said with a smirk and ended the video.

Everyone's eyes were on Robertson as his jaw clenched while tears rolled down his face.

"Get every cop in the woods right now! I don't care how long it takes, search the whole damn place!" Robertson yelled.

Everyone immediately scattered and began to get into groups. Robertson was head of this investigation and he wouldn't stop at nothing to get his daughter back and make that sick fuck pay.

A hand landed on his shoulder and he looked to see Cheverston. "Ryan, conducting a search at this time of night is no good, we won't be able to see anything and we'll be going in blind, it's best to wait till morning. I think the best thing to do is go home, sleep, rest, and we start first thing in the morning."

"No I can't rest-"

"Ryan," Cheverston cut in. "if you want to find Jade you need to have energy and strength, just go home, rest, and we'll do it tomorrow, I'll have some of the boys keep an eye out on the river overnight."

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