Chapter Eight

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Jade woke up with her body in pain, mostly between her legs. Tears rolled down her face as she remembered last night. The memories came flooding back. She had lost her virginity to a fifty year old man.

She curled up into a ball, hugging herself tightly. Her thigh was in immense pain from wear McGee had stabbed her a few days ago. She was certain that eventually it would get infected and would spread throughout her body and kill her.

Or so she hoped.

The hunger was hanging off her and she didn't know how long more she could last.

McGee sat in the kitchen, sipping a glass of blood. He happily sighed and sat back in his chair, taking another sip of his drink.

His partner came bursting through the door, panting. "Jesus, you look like you've been dragged through a bush." McGee said, finishing his drink and placing the empty glass on the table.

"Their coming, their searching the woods soon, we need to move somewhere deeper in the forest." He panted.

McGee's eyes widened. "Did it have anything to do with that boy?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"What boy?" His partner asked.

"The boy who came here earlier looking for Robertson's daughter."

His partner face planted. "That's her stupid boyfriend, we need to move now."

"Darren, relax, how far out are they?" McGee asked, eating a bit of meat.

"We have until Dawn."

McGee choked and coughed, letting the meat slide down his throat. "Dawn? We need to move." He said, getting up.

"How the fuck will we get them all out of here?" His partner asked, running a hand through his hair stressed.

"Knock them out obviously."

Jade heard the door open and weakly sat up. A plate with cod, potatoes, a salad, fries and water were thrown in front of her.

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "What did you put in it?" Jade asked, looking up at McGee.

"Eat it and shut up." He snapped.

"Let me guess, cops are close and you're either going to poison us or give us too much drugs." She said.

McGee gave a long cold stare. "Eat it or I'll force it down you're throat." He barked.

"Make me." She challenged.

He crouched down to her level and tucked a piece of her dark brown hair behind her ear. "Eat it, or we can have some more fun in bed." He said, staring into her cerulean eyes.

Jade gulped. She didn't want to be raped again. "You're choice, eat or get tortured, now you have ten seconds to make your decision.

Jades stomach curled. She didn't want it but she didn't want to get raped either. She gave him a nasty look and built saliva in her mouth and spat at him.

He wiped the spit away from his sleeve. He chuckled darkly. "I'll make sure you pay for that later, so eat or torture?" He asked.

If the food was poisoned she would die and wouldn't have to live through the torture anymore.

She grabbed the plate and scarfed it down. She drowned the water down her throat and glared at McGee.

Her eye lids got heavy. Her head Lolled to the side as she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. The last thing she heard was, "Sweet dreams."


Jade woke up groggily. She looked around herself and she was longer in the dreaded basement. She was on a bed with her hands tied to the bed.

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