Chapter Six

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Trigger warning, there is rape and sexual content in this chapter.

Jade woke up with a sore body. Every time she moved pain spreaded across her body. Her eyes adjusted to the bright bulb that was hanging from the old dirty ceiling.

She looked down at herself to see no blood as she expected there to be. While she was out cold Dr McGee had washed. She shivered at the thought of him touching her and undressing her.

The door flew open to reveal McGee with his famous soup. This time he had a black mask on to Jade's confusion. Jade's bowl rolled over to her and she looked inside to see the same dirty old slopper as last time.

Her stomach curled as she saw a rabbit leg and a half cut tongue. She gagged as the awful smell filled her nostrils.

Jade pushed her bowl away with her leg and pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged herself. McGee came over to her and scowled.

"Eat it."


McGee arched a brow. "Do you want to be taught another lesson?"

Jade swallowed hard but kept her ground. She wouldn't let this sick bastard take control of her. Her father always told her no matter what, stick up for yourself.

"I said no, asshole."

"No one ever speaks to me like that!" He yelled, the anger flaring inside of him.

"First time for everything you sick bastard."

This earned her a slap to the cheek. Her face was forcefully brushed sideways and she looked back up at him with hateful eyes.

"I will not tolerate with such attitude from you, I think you need to learn another lesson." He snarled, grabbing a fistful of her dark brown knitted hair.

She yelped as he pulled at her roots and uncuffed her. He dragged her outside the basement as she kicked and screamed. Her body ached immensely as she tried to get free.

He dragged her into a room and she got carpet burn from being dragged on the dusty carpet. He threw her onto the bed and she fought him.

She managed to swing a kick to his jaw. His head flew backwards and he growled. She grabbed a vase that was on the bedside and threw it at him while it collided with his face. He shielded his eyes from the impact.

She began to scramble away but he swung his large fist back and it collided with her head. She landed on the bed and banged her head on the bed frame. Her vision doubled and he easily overpowered her and tied her hands over her head.

He went to cuff her legs and when her vision returned to normal, she realised what he was doing. Her eyes widened and she screamed, shutting her legs tightly together.

He forcefully opened up her legs and she kicked with her free leg which had no effect on him. He cuffed her right leg to one side of the bed and cuffed the other to the other side of the bed.

"I was going to do this later for fun but I guess we can do it now for your punishment as well." He said with a cruel smirk.

She noticed a camera was sitting on a stand. He was going to film this and most likely watch over it later for his pleasure.

He cut off her top as she screamed, struggling to move. She tugged at her bonds but it was hopeless.

He took off her bra and tossed it aside as tears rolled down Jade's cheeks and she let out ugly sobs.

He came down to her pants and slipped them off. He came to her panties and she screamed her heart out as he took them off.

She was fully naked and she couldn't stop crying. She looked down at her stomach to see victim 13 Engraved on her stomach. She had multiple bruises around her body and her face wasn't much better.

Doctor McGee slipped off his belt and unzipped his pants. Jade screamed and cried as he took of his boxers.

"This Detective Robertson is what revenge feels like and this is only the beginning." He said looking at the camera.

He went straight into it and dug his crotch into her vagina. She screamed out in pain and cried more. He grabbed her hips and began to move faster and faster, moaning and going even faster.

Jade cried and cried. She screamed as he went deeper and yelled for help. He continued this for over ten minutes. He took out his crotch and panted.

Blood stained the bedsheets as Jade cried in horror. He got on top of her and gave her some hickeys. She cried out in pain and he moved down to her breasts and began to suck them.

Jade screamed again. She looked away and closed her eyes and sobbed. He began kissing her lips, and all over. Jade kept crying and screaming, all she felt was pain and more pain. She just wanted it to end.

He eventually stopped kissing her body and he gave her a long and hard lap dance. She let out a piercing scream.

"Stop!" She yelled, tears rapidly rolling down her face.

"Please!" She sobbed.

She gagged and put her head to the side and puked. She emptied her insides what was left and lay back on the pillow, crying again.

He eventually came out and gave her one last bit of his crotch before pulling his pants back on and panting.

"That felt amazing, we should do it again maybe tomorrow when I have time." He panted with a smile.

Jade cried in horror and shook her head. He walked up to the camera and cruelly smiled.

"You see that Robertson? It's the sound of your daughter in pain and I can do much worse to her, don't worry I'll eventually kill her, in a few months if she's lucky or maybe I'll keep her and make her my personal sex slave," he said smiling. "Yes, I'll do exactly that."

"Dad help me!" Jade screamed.

"I'm the woods! Next to the river!" She yelled.

McGee walked over to her and gave her a hard punch, knocking the lights out of her.

He walked back to the camera. "I'll send another Video soon Robertson, best be watching out, I might just scar her a little more," he said, flipping a knife in his hand.

"Well I hope you enjoyed the wonderful show, there's more to come." He said, ending the video with one of his cruel smirks.

He sat on his spinning chair and sighed happily. He took off his black mask and breathed in the air. He was enjoying this very much and it was only the beginning.

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