Chapter Eleven

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I'm so sorry for not updating.

Jade forced open her heavy eyelids. Everything was a white blurry vision for a split second until she regained her sight back.

The agonising pain in her head returned as she lifted her head up to find herself chained in his 'dungeons'

She couldn't even cry anymore.

There was no tears left.

She brought her knees into her chest, curling up into a small broken ball.

Everything ached and she was sick to the bone. She knew she'd eventually die of starvation and possibly dehydration.

She couldn't believe that Cheverston was McGees partner. After all this time, he was the mole down at the station and she couldn't do anything about it.

Her stomach growled at her in hunger. She rocked herself back and forward, desperately wishing that she was with her father.

She wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare and get up as the sun shined through the blinds of her window as her mother gently shook her to get up and eat breakfast.

To be back with her dad again. She didn't care if she only got to spend small amounts of time with him, all she wanted was to be in his arms, to be safe again.

She glanced around the cold bitter room to find Cheverston plopped in a wooden chair as he watched her every movement, a smirk dancing on his lips.

He flicked a pocket knife slowly between his hands, his eyes not moving as he continued to stare at her which made her feel even more uncomfortable.

She narrowed her slits at him and he let out a low dark chuckle. "Don't be like that Jade, we've known each other for years."

Cheverston was like an uncle to her. Whenever it was her birthday he'd always give her gifts and spoil her rotten.

She curled her fingers into fists. "You betrayed my father."

Cheverston stood up, tossed the chair aside, storming over to her, the pocket knife now at her neck.

The cold blade sent a shiver down her spine as she gave him hatred eyes. "I'm going to let you on a little secret Jade that no one else knows about."

He held the pocket knife in his hands as he dragged it across the concrete floor causing her to wince.

"You're father," he pointed the pocket knife at her. "Killed my son."

Jaded face paled. She shook her head furiously. "No, he would never do something like that."

Cheverston chuckled darkly. "Oh but he did my dear darling Jade," he ran a dirty finger through her matted hair. "And now," he settled the tip of the knife just above her left breast. "I'm going to kill you."

"I have nothing against you," he continued tracing the blade around her chest. "I just want your father to know what it's like to lose what you love most, to suffer that pain, that grief."

She began to back away but he grabbed her wrist, pulling her forward with such force. She screamed as he dug his sharp finger nails in her wrist, causing blood to be spilled.

"But I won't kill you now," he slipped the pocket knife into his pocket. "Not yet, anyway."

He let go of her throbbing wrist as he stood up. She clutched it to her chest as she controlled her breathing.

He fished some keys from his pocket and unlocked the cuffs around her legs and arms.

He dragged her up by her elbow as he stumbled to her feet. Her legs were like jelly as she was dragged up the stairs behind Cheverston.

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