Chapter Five

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A smack stung Jade's cheek as she opened her eyes. She groaned and tried getting up but she was chained to a metal table.

Her breath quickened as she saw Doctor McGee smiling evilly down at her with satisfaction on his facial expression.

A light bulb hung above her. She tried getting free but her attempts were futile. Her wrists began to bruise but that didn't stop her.

Dr McGee got out a large butcher knife and played with it between his finger tips. He then unrolled some fabric to reveal all sorts of razor sharp utensils that made Jade's stomach curl.

"I guess I'll make my way down to the bottom......" he said with a cruel smile while brushing his fingers tips on the cold sharp utensils.

He placed his large knife at the back of the queue and got out a sharp tool.

He went over the cuts on her cheeks and made them deeper. She cried out, tears swarming her face, stinging her cuts.

He dragged the blade across her arms making the cuts deep enough. She cried out in pain. He set the utensil down and picked up a larger one. She began to fight her restraints.

He smacked her and growled at her telling her to keep quiet. He placed the utensil down and picked up the large butcher knife.

"This," he said, holding up the butcher knife, anticipation dancing in his eyes. "Is for disobeying me, and giving me cheek."

He slammed it into her thigh as she screamed her heart out. Dr McGee let out a soft chuckle and took the knife out, listening to Jade's crying.

He lifted up her shirt and began to carve letters into her stomach. Dr McGee smiled as he listened to Jade's screams. The feeling of the knife cutting into her stomach was unbearable, with each intensifying scream he seemed to cut deeper into her red roaring hot skin.

She panted once he finished carving the letters on her stomach. She felt queasy from the blood loss, blood dripped down her arms and face and she felt like getting sick.

He grabbed two thin metal, what Jade assumed was wire and dug it into her forearms and hooked her up to a machine of some sort. He placed leads on her chest and on both temples as she tried to shake him away.

He powered up the machine, sending jolts of electrifying pain through her body. She yelled her lungs off. She was getting electrocuted. She breathed heavily as the pain ceased for a short period of time.

He switched it on again and left it on. Listening to her cry's of pain. He laughed immensely enjoying her suffering.

He eventually switched it off and she could hardly breath. Everywhere felt numb yet she was in pain. Jade's head lolled to the side as she breathed deeply, trying to get it back to rhythm.

He untied her and began dressing her wounds. He couldn't let her die just yet. His partner wouldn't be too happy with him neither. He and his partner had more in store for her, a lot worse then what he just did.

He stopped the bleeding to all of her wounds and threw all the bloody tissues in the bin.

He looked at her face that was badly bruised and full of dried up blood. She had a black eye on her right eye as her lip bled.

The rest of her face was covered in bruises and blood. He sighed and dragged her towards the bathroom.

He made hot warm bath and undressed her. He washed her completely and dried her off again and placed her in her clothes again.

He smiled and looked at her stomach. It read: Victim 13


Nathan drove all over the place, desperately looking for his missing girlfriend, Jade.

He has looked everywhere, the only place left was the woods. He entered the woods and switched his headlights on and drove on.

He searched as far up as the river and got out of his red Maserati. He closed the car door and crouched down, staring at the river bank.

What's so special about this place to make him want to dump his victims? Is there something in it or something? Nathan wondered.

He stretched his arm into the river bank and once he reached the bottom, his elbow upwards was drenched in water. He swerved his hand around, trying to find anything out of by ordinary. All he felt is rocks, rocks and more rocks.

He took out his arm and sighed, watching the water drop from his arm. He hopped across the river bank and walked.

He walked a few miles north and stumbled across a house. He furrowed his eyebrows and cautiously walked up to the house.

His fist pounded on the door and he waited for a reply. He heard footsteps shuffling and the door swung open to reveal Doctor McGee.

"Dr McGee, I-"

"Yes?" He asked, cutting him off impatiently.

"Have you seen Jade Robertson?" Nathan asked, holding up his phone to reveal Jade's face.

Dr McGee took a long hard look at it before shaking his head. "Sorry no son, I hope you do find her." He said. Suddenly there was a high pitched scream. Nathan cocked his eyebrow.

"That's just the tv, I'm watching a horror movie, all the girls have high pitches screams." McGee explained rather nervously.

Nathan gave him a weird look. "Alright....thanks." He turned on his heel, heading back towards his car. He looked over his shoulder at McGee, who was staring after him with a creepy smile on his face.

Nathan quickly got into his car, muttering under his breath. "Weirdo."

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