Scott's POV

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I sighed as I turned out of their driveway. Something in me was telling me that I should turn around and go back, but I continued on telling myself that there was nothing to worry about and it was just me being paranoid. Mitch called me and I jumped.

Mitch: Scott, are they okay?

Me: Yeah. Kirstin was resting and Kailyn was doing okay so I'm heading back there. Mitch, something is telling me that I shouldn't have left.

Mitch: Are you sure?

I hesitated as I sighed again. Glancing at the picture that I taped to my dashboard, I felt tears form into my eyes. So much has happened since November and Kirstin is still close to death. Her neck was almost impossible to look at without remembering what Jessica had done to her. I was so scared on the way to the hospital that I could barely see. My eyes had clouded with tears as I was so scared that Kirstin would die on the way to the hospital. Even though I was terrified, I had remained calm for Kailyn's sake. I was drawn out of my thoughts by my ringtone. With a rising sense of dread I looked at the caller ID: Kirstin.

Me: Mitch Kirstie's calling.

Without leaving time for Mitch to say anything else, I answered her call. I forced my voice to sound normal as I greeted my friend.

Me: Hey Kirstie! Miss me already?

I had to say something to help myself but when I heard her voice, I knew something was terribly wrong. And if Kirstin was calling me, then that would mean that something was wrong with Kailyn.

Kirstin: Scott, I need you to come to the cabin. Now!

Her voice shook and I knew that something was terribly wrong with Kailyn. I immediately pulled into a parking lot and turned around. Anger began rising inside of me as I pictured Jessica attacking Kailyn. I didn't need Kirstin to tell me that it was Jessica, I just knew. My blue eyes blazed with a fire that was fueled by one thing: Kailyn's life and safety. I could easily tell that she was crying and the silence told me that she was probably watching something happening to Kailyn. I sighed and continued towards the cabin. Could I make it in time?

Scott: Kirstie, what's the matter.

Even though my heart was pounding and I was terrified and angered by the thought of Jessica beating Kailyn to the point of death. If it was Jessica would she do what she did to Kirstin? I shuddered at the thought of seeing Kailyn in the same state that Kirstin was in. My mind raced as I neared Downtown. I still could not make it in time. Would Kailyn be dead by the time I reached the cabin? I have to make it! I thought desperately as I forced my shaky voice to sound normal. Kirstin's voice was trembling and I could easily sense that she was crying. Poor Kirstin. My heart ached for her and I wasn't even watching what was going on.

Kirstin: It's Kailyn...

Her trembling voice trailed away and I knew instantly that it was in fact Jessica. I gripped the steering wheel, trying to control my anger. Oh that Jessica is going to regret even touching her. I vowed silently as I entered the city part. Groaning to myself as I got stuck at a red light. Ugh, I have a person to save! I screamed as the light took forever. I could sense that Kirstin was watching Kailyn being brutally injured by the person that mercilessly beat her. I shook pictures of Kailyn's bloodied and beaten body lying deathly still from my mind. She'll be okay. If this stupid red light ever changes! I felt like screaming in agony. My voice was angry but I forced it to be calm.

Me: I'm on my way, Kirstie.

We hung up and my mind raced as the light finally turned green. Why is this taking so long! As soon as I got onto the street, I took a deep breath before I reached the driveway. Once I stopped at the gate, I sighed as I stumbled to put in the code. With my mind on one thing, I put in the wrong combination. Instead of putting 0-1-2-4 I put in 0-7-2-4. I realized that a heartbeat too late, and I quickly put in the right code. I didn't hesitate to get up the driveway. As much as I wanted to save Kailyn, I dreaded seeing her body. I didn't want to see how bad she looked. It made me just want to die when I saw Kirstin's body. Am I too late? That question swirled in my head as I drove up the driveway. As soon as I could see the front yard I saw Jessica on Kailyn. My heart lurched as I saw that Kailyn was lying deathly still. Jessica had something in her hand, which was raised. It took me just a heartbeat to realize that it was a knife. No! You will not kill her on my watch! I opened my car door before I had it in park. I put it in park and leaped out. My voice was furious and my blue eyes blazed with rage.

Me: Jessica Peterson, get off of her!

She seemed to not hear me, but I just continued over to them. I grasped Jessica from behind her, being careful not to hurt myself in the process. I wouldn't be much help if I got hurt. As I lifted her into the air, she dropped the knife purposely. I kept myself from crying out when it landed on Kailyn's right shoulder making her cry out in pain. It seared my heart, making me even more furious at Jessica. I slammed Jessica on the ground unknowing what she did to Kailyn. I had a feeling that Jessica had to have done that to Kailyn because I could see a bruise on her exposed arms. Kailyn was still lying deathly still and I feared that I was too late. I knew that I could make her regret doing this by throwing her off the drop off. That's what I did and I rushed over to the motionless Kailyn. No. I breathed as I saw how bad she was injured. Her wrists and ankles were tied so tightly that they were bleeding. I sighed then reached into my pocket and got a hold of the pocket knife that I had gotten a couple weeks ago down in Gatlinburg. Instantly I, as careful as I could, cut the ropes. As the ropes released Kailyn from their grip I could see just how bad she was beaten. "Oh Kailyn" I breathed out as I realized that I should stop the bleeding.

Me: I'll be right back, Kailyn. Stay with me.

I stood up and rushed into the house. Ignoring Kirstin, I grabbed towels and something to bandage the wound. With fear in my blue eyes I rushed back outside to the wounded Kailyn. Her body shook with pain and I wanted to just pull her into my lap and hold her close, but I knew better. I fell onto my knees and quickly got the bleeding to stop. I bangaged it and gently picked her up. She seemed to relax slightly as she felt that I was there. Shh, it's okay, Kailyn. She opened her eyes and I saw that her brown eyes were filled with fear and were glazed with pain. I walked slowly, careful not to hurt her. Kirstin opened the door and I then saw that her brown eyes were unfocused with fear. Poor Kirstin. It made my heart ache seeing her this upset.

Kirstin: Is she going to be okay?

Her voice trembled and it made my heart ache even more as I noticed that her brown eyes were filled with tears. Behind all that fear and concern, was unconditional love. That love almost got her killed though. I had to admit, that love was amazing but at the same time, I almost lost Kirstin due to that unconditional love. I didn't respond, for I knew that my face portrayed what I thought. I could've prevented this whole thing! If only I would have listened to my instincts and came back! Why am I this stupid? Surely I could have prevented Kailyn lying in my arms so still I was sure that she was dead. If she dies in my arms. I shook my head to clear the thought. No, Scott. She'll live. She's strong like Kirstin. I gently placed her onto her bed and covered her. Sighing I sat down beside her. I put my hand on my arm and ever so gently rubbed my thumb over it. My blue eyes filled with concern. More about her shoulder than anything else. That shoulder had been through so much it's a wonder she still has her right arm.

Me: Just rest, Kailyn.

I stood up with a sigh and walked to the door. Pausing in the doorway, I glacned back to see Kailyn resting. Her breathing was laborored and I knew that she was in pain. I promise, I vow that Jessica will pay for what she had done to you. I vowed silently as I stepped outside and gently shut the door behind me.

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