Kirstin's POV

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I woke up and stretched. My brown eyes seemed to be unfocused from sleep as I stood up. I glanced around for Scott, and then I heard a noise outside. Huh? My pace quickened as I walked to the window where I could see the front yard. I stared in horror as I spotted Jessica approach the unexpecting Kailyn. Kailyn! Behind you! I cried silently. I fumbled to open the window to cry out to her, but I was too late. My brown eyes filled with tears as Jessica covered Kailyn's mouth and forced her onto the ground. She tied ropes around my friend's wrists, which were so tight that I could see a red substance seeping from her wrists. No! Leave her alone! I cried again as I pounded on the window. Jessica also tied her ankles, and I gasped as I realized that if she were to pull the ropes, it would cause terrible pain. Please stop! Am I not enough? My mind fogged, and it was impossible to think as I watched Jessica continuously and mercilessly beat Kailyn's back and legs. I could tell that Kailyn was weakening quickly, and I sighed, knowing that Kailyn wasn't going to make it. Oh, Kailyn, I am sorry.

My heart leaped as I saw Kailyn weakly lift her head and look in my direction. Her brown eyes blazed with determination, and I stared in shock as she kicked upward with her legs and threw Jessica off. Jessica landed with a thud and lay unmoving for several heartbeats. I relaxed, but that moment lasted only three heartbeats because Jessica had recovered. She lifted Kailyn off the ground and slammed her onto the ground several more times. I stared in horror as Jessica sat on top of Kailyn's beaten back. Kailyn didn't move anymore, and I feared that she was dead. Jessica started beating her back and legs again, and then I realized I should call Scott. I felt for my phone; my heart dropped as I dropped it on my foot. I didn't even feel the pain. I picked it up and instantly dialed Scott. He answered immediately and I wished he hadn't left since we were resting.

Scott: Hey Kirstie! Miss me already?

Kirstin: Scott, I need you to come here. Now!

My voice shook, but Scott didn't hang up. I stared in horror as Kailyn tried to dislodge Jessica, but she was too weak. Much to my dismay, Jessica pulled the rope around Kailyn's wrists tighter, and I shuddered as I heard Kailyn cry out in pain. She glanced up, and we locked eye contact, and I mouthed: "I love you, Kailyn." Kailyn wasn't going to make it. I know Jessica won't stop unless Kailyn dies or Scott gets there in time. My voice still trembled, and tears flowed down my face as I watched Jessica continue to beat her back.

Scott: Kirstie, what's the matter?

Me: It's Kailyn...

My voice trailed away as I watched Kailyn's energy and strength drain from her beaten and bloodied body. Scott's voice was calm, but I sensed that he was angry.

Scott: I am on my way.

We hung up, and I pressed my forehead against the glass and willed Scott to hurry. Scott, please hurry. I sighed as I knew there was no way that he could make it in time. My heart dropped when I saw Jessica reach into her back pocket and pull out something that I knew had to be a knife. Please no. No. You can't! She can't do that! No! Please don't. I thought desperately as she lifted the knife. I forced myself to look away, unable to bear to watch the person I had loved as a daughter be killed. I turned towards the window when I thought I heard a car pull into the driveway. Scott? Did he make it after all? I wondered as I searched for his car to come up the driveway. He had shown up in time, but Jessica could still deal her death blow. Could Scott get up the driveway in time? My eyes searched for his car to appear, but it felt like an eternity that I didn't see him. As Jessica lifted the knife higher, Scott's car reached the top of the driveway. I sensed that he was furious and that he had seen Jessica. Oh, thank goodness he made it. Scott stopped his car and put it in the park before he leaped out and, with his anger-filled voice, called out. His blue eyes were blazing with rage as he bolted towards Jessica, posing to kill Kailyn.

Scott: Jessica Peterson, get away from her!

Scott quickly reached them and grasped her from behind, out of reach of her knife. He was angry because he did what I had seen Jessica do to Kailyn at least five times. I couldn't help myself from straightening up and smirking at Jessica. She didn't see me, but I watched with horror as she released the knife, which fell on Kailyn's right shoulder. No! Kailyn cried out in pain, making Scott even more furious. He slammed Jessica as hard as she had done to Kailyn multiple times. How did Kailyn survive? I wondered as I saw her lying deathly still. Oh no! Kailyn might still not make it! Hurry Scott! I willed him on silently as I watched with a weird sense of pleasure as he threw her off the drop-off. Serves her right! You mess with Kailyn; you mess with us. Maybe Jessica has learned her lesson to not mess with her anymore. Scott rushed over to her side, and I could tell he had softened. He took out his pocket knife and cut the ropes. She can relax a bit now. I commented silently as I watched him stand to his feet and rush into the house.

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