Chapter 4

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Millie's P.O.V.

I get out of my car, grabbing my purse. I'm genuinely excited today for our little shopping today.

"Good morning, ma'am." One of my employees greets me, a little scared.

"Morning." I greet her, my expression cold. I don't even realise my demeanor change. I know I should not be like this, but I can't help it. I was not like this before, but many things happened.

I watch as she scampers out of the parking lot. I sigh.

As I approach the building, I come to a cute sight. Audrey is squatting next to a pigeon, waving at it. I can't, she is too adorable.

The pigeon flies away as I get near Audrey. She pouts before she notices me. "Hi, Mrs. Millie!" She shouts, still squatting.

"Hi, Audrey." I smile at her. "Come on, should we go in?" I hold my hand out.

She stands up jumping and holds my hand. "Did you see the p-pi-pigeon, Mrs. Millie?" She jumps on her toes, clearly excited.

"I did, sweetheart. It was beautiful, wasn't it?" I say in an equally enthusiastic voice. She vigorously nods at my words.

"Let me take your bag, pea." I tell her, getting it out of her shoulders.

We start walking towards the building. "Did you eat breakfast, Audrey?" I ask, looking down at her.

"Uh-huh." She tells me, doubts laced in her voice. I sigh.

"Oh no, I haven't had my breakfast yet. I thought you could join me. Would you eat some with me, pea?" I ask her.

"Okay" She tells me, already distracted. She keeps skipping on a particular color of tiles. I chuckle.

We walk into the building.

"Good morning, Millie." Grace greets me. Grace is the only one besides Catherine, who calls me by my name in office. She has been the receptionist since we started and is a very nice lady.

"Good morning, Grace. Everything alright?" I ask her with a smile.

"Everything is fine." She replies with a smile. "Oh, good morning to you too, young lady." Grace greets Audrey once she stands up from her desk.

"I couldn't even see her from behind the desk." Grace laughs.

"Good morning." Audrey mumbles, feeling embarrassed.

"You two go ahead, I'm going to get some coffee." Grace tells me before going to where the coffee maker is.

I feel Audrey scoot closer to me as we walk through the office. I know she is getting all kinds of stares from the other employees. I just hope no one bothers her when I'm not around.

Soon we reach the seventeenth floor. I take Audrey to my office.

"Mrs. Millie, my desk is not here!" She giggles, like I forgot where it is.

I fake gasp. "I thought it was here! Where did it go?" I ask her, kneeling down to get closer to her level.

My little girl bursts out in laughter. "It is outside, silly!" She points her finger gesturing where it is.

"Oh, silly me." I smile like crazy. "Maybe I'm forgetting things because I'm hungry!"

"Come on, sit on the couch." I stand up. I sit Audrey on the couch, picking her up. "Sit still, I'll be back in a second." I tell her, before getting into the kitchen I have in my office.

I kind of knew she wouldn't eat anything, so I packed two PB&J sandwiches. Putting the sandwiches in a plate, I cut one into small pieces to make easier for Audrey.

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