Chapter 12

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Neil's P.O.V.

A loud crying abruptly wakes me up in the middle of the night. I hastily get out of bed. Looking at my wife, I find her waking up too.

"Put on something!" I tell her as she goes to march out of the room, naked. It was a rainy night. Audrey fell asleep early. One thing led up to another.

My wife quickly puts on her bra and underwear while I put on a shirt , before we rush to our baby's room.

Opening the door, I see my baby girl on the floor, crying her heart out. She must have fallen out of her bed. Acting quickly, I pick her up in my arms.

It's when I realise she is still asleep. She is having a nightmare. "Wake up, precious. It's just a bad dream. We are here, baby. Mrs. Millie and I are here." I bounce her in my arms, trying to wake her up.

"Wake up, peanut!" Millie gets panicky.

As we are trying to de-escalate the situation, an even worse thing happens. An excruciatingly loud thunder crash rocks our whole home.

Audrey gets a death grip on my shirt before she starts wailing. "MAMA! DADA!" She screams bloody murder.

I freeze. Nothing seems to be real. The voice of my baby yelling 'Dada' echoes through me. This is not real. A single tear falls out of my eyes.

"Neil! Neil!" Millie nudges me, breaking me out of my trance.

I get back to the problem we have right now. Audrey has no intention of calming down any time soon.

We try multiple times to wake her up. All in vain. So I change the tactics. I sway her in my arms to get her asleep once again. This seems to be working a little better. Her wails slow down.

Suddenly my shirt feels damp. Looking down, I see Audrey had an accident. Poor baby must be so frightened.

"Bring a change of her clothes, she wet herself." I whisper to my wife. She quickly brings another pair of pyjamas.

I try to lay Audrey on her bed to change her, but she clings to me. "You'd have to help me out, babe." I tell Millie.

Successfully we manage to change our little girl out of her clothes while she stays in my arms. We settle with just her underwear, not to make her any more uncomfortable. We know how much she hates clothes.

"Take her, I'm going to make her a bottle." I carefully pass my tiny baby to Millie.

"We'll be in our room." She tells me softly as I go downstairs.


Millie's P.O.V.

"Oh, baby. I thought you were never going to say that again!" I whisper as I cradle my sleeping child. It was over two weeks ago, when she first called me that name. We were getting hopeless.

"The thunder frightened you, didn't it, baby? Don't worry, Dada's going to fix your room. So no sound gets in it." I mumble to myself. It breaks my heart to see her face all red, covered with tear streaks.

Grabbing some baby wipes from the bedside table, I wipe down her face. My silly girl fusses about the wipes, even in her sleep.

"When are you going to call me Mama while you're awake, huh?" I smile, kissing her tiny knuckles. "You don't have to rush though. Take all the time you need."

While I'm crazily talking to my asleep Audrey, Neil comes back with a bottle and our girl's favourite two stuffed toys.

We watch in absolute bliss as she drinks her bottle.

"The baby loves those melons too." My husband laughs. Audrey has her head pressed against my left breast, as she keeps her tiny hand on my right.

We watch our adorable baby as I lay her down between us. I pat her tummy as she sleeps peacefully. "You don't know how much we love you, baby."

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