3: a nice little chat

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you followed the man with the pink mullet into an office. before you walked in, he had untied you and threw you a new shirt since he had torn your old one. the shirt you were wearing faintly smelled like fresh laundry and musk.

i wonder whose shirt this is, you thought to yourself.

the office you entered was massive. it had to be bigger than your apartment, which wasn't that big but still.

your eyes moved around the room. there were a few couches in the room, all oriented to face one desk. behind there sat a guy with platinum blonde hair with an undercut. he sat with his legs crossed on his office chair and seemed to be eating something and hadn't looked up at you yet.

is that... dorayaki?

you stopped walking and stood awkwardly near the entrance you came in. you fiddled your fingers together, silently wishing your hands were still tied so you would know what to do with them.

pinkie cleared his throat. "boss, honey is here."

the boss looked up at his number two and chewed his dorayaki slowly. he swallowed, putting his snack down and turned his attention to you. you flinched under his intense stare.

his irises were black and had severe bags under his eyes. it looked like he hadn't gotten a good night of sleep in years. his face looked young, but he looked like he had seen some shit.

"it's really her, huh?" he said, monotone.

"that's what we believe." he assured the boss. "we did find her where he said she was. and she had a lot of computer equipment in her apartment. our guys are over at her place now."

you felt slightly irritated at the thought of them ransacking your apartment. just when you had gotten your set up complete.

you recalled what the men in your apartment said, that your father sent them. apparently he was the one who told them where you were.

where is he now? you wondered.

you couldn't wait to beat his ass.

it had been several years since you last saw him. the man who always claimed to be your father was always in debt and asking you for money when this guy wasn't even your real father. he just happened to marry your mom when you were younger. he never cared about you, nor did he ever treat you like a daughter.

the boss speaking again broke your train of thought. "sanzu, leave. y/n, sit down." the blonde's hand gestured towards the couches near the center of the room.

"are you sure you don't need me here too boss?" sanzu asked, but the blonde cut him off.

"i'll be fine." the blonde snapped.

sanzu let out a small huff and gave you a hard look as he passed by you to exit the room. his expression seemed to tell you that you shouldn't try anything funny in his absence.

the door closed behind him, but you felt like your feet were planted to the ground. you knew you needed to get moving, but for some reason fear paralyzed you.

"i told you to sit down. don't make me tell you again." the blonde growled at you, his expression terrifying.

you took a small inhale and forced your feet to move. you were on guard, and somehow it felt even more menacing to be alone with the boss than it was with him and sanzu. he looked like he could kill you without a second thought.

you made your way toward the nearest couch and pointed at the spot in front of you. "is here fine?" your voice was shaking more than you wish it were.


you awkwardly sat on the couch, facing towards him. his eyes bore right through you.

desperate to escape his intense stare, your eyes wandered around the room again. to your surprise, it was just the two of you.

the boss stood up from his chair and sauntered over to you. he stood over you, forcing you to tilt your head back to look up at him.

"so, tell me. are you really honey?" he demanded.

wow, he really wasn't pulling any punches.

"uh..." you felt uncertain about the next words you were going to say. it was the first time you were ever admitting out loud what your true identity was.

you weighed your options for a moment.

you knew better than to play dumb with this man. even though he wasn't that big physically, his aura was massive. and pinkie had already tipped his hand by calling you by your nickname multiple times.

combined with the fact that it was your father who gave you up, there was only one logical conclusion...

they knew who you were.

"yes." you finally said.

"prove it" he demanded.

you swallowed. "what do you mean?" how did he want you to prove yourself? did he want to perform some sort of tests?

"prove to me that you're honey the hacker or i'll kill you." he said. you flinched at the words.

you felt your heart pounding against your rib cage. you knew he wasn't bluffing by the way the threat effortlessly rolled off his tongue. "okay. what do you want to know? or do you want me to show you on a computer?"

he licked his lips. this was the answer he had been hoping for. the boss leaned in closer to you, still veering over you.

"is it true that you broke into a government database?" he whispered, his eyes looking deep into yours.

your breathing hitched. "yes," you whispered.

you felt yourself leaning away from him, desperate to leave his menacing gaze, but he just brought himself closer to you, closing the distance you created. he stood in the gap between your legs so you couldn't close them.

"how did you do it? and could you do it again?"

you swallowed. "well, i first gained access to their database through a sql injection attack. uh, sql stands for structured query language, and it's a very popular -"

he cut you off and crossed his arms over his chest. you were really testing his patience. "don't bore me with the details. just answer the question."

you felt yourself blush out of embarrassment. "ah, well essentially i was able to gain access through a common attack method. their security isn't the best since it's pretty old and not well maintained. based on what i've heard, they still don't have good funding for security, and i could probably get in again. just in a slightly different way."

"so yes?" he tilted his head slightly, looking for the answer he really wanted.

"yeah, i think." you said, biting your lip.

the blonde's eyes glanced down at your mouth, noticing your nervous tendency. he smirked and brought his eyes back to yours. he suddenly stood up straight before sitting on the table in front of you, leaning back on his hands.

"yes is the only answer if you want to live." he told you.

you solemnly nodded, looking down. you clenched your fists in your lap, trying your hardest to keep him from seeing your trembling hands. how the hell did i end up in this situation? also breaking into the government's system again?

this is some shit you did NOT want to sign up for.

"i have another question for you." he said, bringing you back to reality.

you raised your head up, looking at the blonde. you couldn't tell if you were making it up, but his gaze was softer than last time.

"what's someone with your skills doing working part time at a cafe?" he asked you. "what happened?"

you paused for a moment, and you were sure you had just misheard him.


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