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"Zaza would you be my wifey" Ddot said while waiting for an answer.

I honestly didn't know what to say I was shocked because he asked me this out of the blue. I'm not gonna hide the fact I've had a crush on this man since the day we met.

"Yes I will be your wifey" Ddot tightly pulled me into a hug barley letting me breathe Jesus that big fat hippo.

I tapped him on his back to let him know to let me go because I could barley breathe.
"So you my lady nowww"he said cheesing mad hard I nodded my head while smiling mad hard too.

I covered my face with my hands trying to hide the fact I was blushing from Ddot.
"Naw don't hide now mama" he said while removing my hands from my face giving me small pecks on my forehead and cheeks like we just started dating but I don't mind.

"So what you tryna do today beautiful" he said tucking in the loose curls behind my ears.
"I don't know maybe stay here today and go to the park with some people tomorrow??" I said.

It's that the best plan but it's at least something.
"Ok so imma invite dd because you barley talk to that Nigga wassup withcu?" He asked while pushing me a little bit away from him

"Nothing I just have nothing to talk to him about but I guess tomorrow I can talk to him" I said while opening up tiktok first thing I see is a edit of ddot I added it to my favorites and kept scrolling.

"Ayee I saw that so know you favoriting a niggas edits"he Said looking mad happy because I favorited a edit of him.

"Yeahhh" he came over to me pulling me into a hug while laying his head down on my shoulder
"I love you" he pulled me closer to him to the point I could feel his heart beat.

"Calm down ddot we just started dating." I looked at him while laughing.
But he didn't seem to be laughing oh well.
"Now it's a problem saying I love you to my wifey??"

I can already tell this nigga caught an attitude
He looked at me with a mug on his face while giving me a side eye at the same time.

"No it's just you moving too fast." He pushed me away from the hug and got up putting his shoes on walking out my room slamming the door on his way out.

"Bro tf I just said he's moving too fast" I laid down on the bed not giving a fuck about what big cry baby doing right now he can go have his tantrum somewhere else.

I got my phone and started scrolling throughout tiktok bored like always.

Ddot came into the room and laid down next to me hugging me by the waist.
"Ma I'm sorryyyy"he said dragging the y in a low but high tone at the same time.

"Darrian leave me alone" he sat up from the bed looking at me confused
"The government is crazyy ZARIAH"

I didn't even pay attention to him just kept scrolling.
"Maa talk to MEEE" I continued to ignore him until he snatched my phone from my hand putting it into his back pocket.

"Give me my shit back Darrian" I said getting off the bed reaching for my phone which ddot was currently waving around in the air.

I jumped up to get my phone but accidentally knocked both of us down.

"Damm look what you did ddot" I said while rubbing the side of my head
He didn't say anything just looking at me with a smirk

"Tf you lookin a-" before was able to finish I realized where I landed.
On top of ddot i quickly got up feeling embarrassed"naw ma why you moved" he said while still smirking

"Sorry" I said while still embarrassed at the fact I landed on top of him. He walked over to me removing my hands away from my face and lifted my chin up to look at him.

"Don't me embarrassed ma" he said laughing he looked at me dead in the eye he slowly leaned in but before it could happen his phone began ringing.

He quickly went out the room clearly looking annoyed."be right back ma"he said putting the phone up to his ear
Hours have passed and Ddot is still not back.
"Where is this Nigga" I texted him multiple times but he just left me on read.

I laid down and just went to sleep imma have a nice talk with him when he gets home.

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