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Zariah's POV:

"Cmon cmon" keem grabbed my hand pulling me into a large crowd gathered around some commotion that I couldn't see "keem what you tryna show me?" he didn't say anything but grabbed my hand again pushing past the large crowd.

"Look isn't that ya nigga over there letting a girl dance on him?" He pointed towards a diretion
that's when I finally saw ddot just letting a girl give him a lap dance freely"This nigga got me so fucked up right now, hold this for me real quick"
I handed my drink over to keem so I can go deal with Ddot

I felt tears roll down my eyes with every step I took. I didn't wanna look dumb so i quickly wiped the tears away too look a little bit more decent in this whole situation.this broke my heart how come he just posting up with a new bitch literally giving him a fucking lap dance I don't wanna hear nun of his excuses

"Darrian what the fuck are you doing" upon seeing me he quickly pushed the girl off of his lap which caused her to fall onto the floor "look it's not what it looks like though it is but ju-" I slapped him across the face before he could've said anything more dumber than that"me and you are DONE bro after all the love I gave you? Yeah sure we argued sometimes but this is what u do?"

He just simply shrugged acting unbothered at the        whole situation.
"Bro are you serious?"
                                                                         "Let's just go home ma we can discuss this all at my home no need to be making a scene infront of all these people" oh no I was gonna make a scene infront of all these people since he wanted to make me look dumb in front of everyone "no bro I ain't going no where with you, why did you do this?"

"I don't know I just felt like it sorry" I couldn't take this nigga seriously anymore. "Darrian just leave me alone don't even try to talk to me again"
He tried to caress my cheek but he wasn't gonna use this lovely dovey shit anymore "don't touch me bro go touch that other girl that was just all up on you"

"Bro stop crying come here" I didn't realize I was crying I didn't feel when the tears came out they just did.

He tried to pull me into a hug but I quickly pushed him away from me "don't touch me bro"Dd  came behind me pushing ddot away from me "yo gang she just said not to touch her and to leave her alone"

"Nahh bro that's wild you gon choose this smooch over gang?" Why is he calling me a smooch when he was just doing one?
"Bro it's not even like that just give her,her space for a while it's clear she don't wanna talk to you or have anything to do with you"

"yeah whatever stop picking sides and why you even here this doesn't involve you" ddot same up to dd pushing him hard on the floor, at this point everybody's phone was out recording the whole situation "YO WTF" dd got up doing the most unexpected thing he jumped onto ddot punching him repeatedly

I wiped my tears away and quickly went over to both of them trying to separate them "KEEM HELP ME BRO WHERE ARE YOU?" No matter how hard I tried to separate them they just kept throwing punches at eachother.

All of a sudden I heard gun shots all around me
"DARRIAN AND DAVID GET THE FUCK UP BRO BEFORE WE GET SHOT" they kept going I wasn't trying to go to the hospital again but at the same time I was gonna leave 2 of the people that meant a lot to me behind

"BRO PLEASE GET UPPP" everybody started running all around the place and in different directions.

I don't remember what happened next all I remembered was someone dragging me away from the scene I didn't recognize them because they had a shiesty covering their whole face.

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