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❛ 𝐌𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏, you always sleeping bro ❜I said gently shaking her so she can wake up

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❛ 𝐌𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏, you always sleeping bro ❜
I said gently shaking her so she can wake up.I don't know how she can hours sleeping dosen't she get tired of it?

"bleeding tomato..." I felt a burning sensation on my cheek  seconds later this girl just slapped me"Ow what did I do" I rubbed my cheek in a circular motion trying to make it hurt less.she got up from the bed making her way to the door"what did I tell you about that shit Darrian" she said pointing her finger at me."sorry " she finally exited the room making her way to the bathroom

"Abusive much" I scoffed making my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face
"Hi ma, you still mad I'm sorry" she gave me a stern look before going back to washing her face.
"What did I do stink stink" I placed both of my hands around her waist pulling her closer to me
"Let me go bro" I kept her in my arms while she kept threatening to slap me if I don't let her go.

"I just wanna hold you ma relaxxx" I put my head in the crook of her neck closing my eyes really enojoying the moment"don't worry  my bleeding tomato it will be over soon" i quickly pushed her off me realizing what I just said i don't know why the words 'bleeding tomato'get her so upset." I'm sorry I'm soryy" took 3 steps back making sure I don't get snatched up by my hair

She sighed loudly Turing her full attention tours me"I'm really tired of your shit Darrian" she walkways says that but the next minute she wanna be all lovely dovey but I can't complain I like it."brooo get off of me" she said pushing me by my chest, like what's up with this girl? Just woke up and already with an attitude

"Okay bye" I walked away making my way to the kitchen to find something to eat "MA WHAT IS HERE  TO EAT?" I leaned over the kitchen island waiting for response from her but no answer "yo?" i scoffed realizing she was ignoring "ohh alright"
𝐙𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐇  11:36am

It has been really quite since I didn't reply to ddot maybe he's finally learning how to make something for himself or just went back into the room.

I was still in the bathroom when I felt Ddot's loud footsteps coming into the bathroom"yo get out imma shower." I was gonna do what he said because I wasn't really in the mood to even talk to him. I nodded my head, pick up my phone and got out the bathroom after I got out he slammed the door mad hard I think the neighbors heard that because damn he slammed it mad hard

I walked over to his room feeling tired he woke me up too early knowing we not doing anything today. I threw myself on the bed and got under the covers moving from side to side trying to find the best position to go back to sleep."oh yeah that's good" right after I got comfortable my phone started ringing"I JUST LAID DOWNNN" I groaned picking up my phone.

"Tf does David want bro!" I answered the face time call with my face all up in the screen
"Back ya ugly ass up from the camera" he said sealin the blunt with his tongue
"bro stop playin with me bro,wassup??" I said trying to end the conversation faster so I can go back to sleep.

"You tryna go to this block party keem and quan are hosting mh??" I stopped and thought about it, I mean if I went I could've stayed out the house without being bored but the other thing is I would have to ask ddot for permission to go because you know how he can get sometimes

"Sure I'll go David what time?" I purposely called dd by his first name it was funny seeing him get mad at me for saying his government
"You gon do what??" Ddot said coming behind me snatchin the phone from my hands

"yoo wsp gang, I was just tellin ya gf to stop callin me by my gov because next time I see her imma boom her shi" dd and Ddot both laughed at was dd just said thinkin he's funny
"Yo dd how crystal doin?" The room went quite before I grabbed my towel that was neatly folded onto of Ddot's nightstand "dam gang...you gon let her violate like that?" Ddot said before passin' the phone back to me

"Anyway u coming or not!? It's at 7pm hurry and make ya mind up" ddot suddenly snapped his neck at me "yo yo yo, yo bro go where?? She didn't ask me if she could go" his controlling ass said loud enough for the whole universe to hear
"Yo Zariah who u asked to go to wherever"
"I don't have to ask YOU for permission. But it's just a block party that keem and quan hosting type shi" he ran his hands through his face trying to come up with something to annoy tf out of me

"Ok you can go" I immediately felt relieved he wasn't following along to be on my ass 24/7
"But only if I go with you too" I looked up to see him grinning" bro I should slap u, get ready bro"
He got up the bed pullin me closer,right infront of him"I'm not your bro" he pulled me into a long kiss before I pulled away knowing I have to get ready

"I need to shower.. um I guess get ready meanwhile I get out"he nodded his head and went over his closet to see which outfit would be best for the block party.

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