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I woke up with a massive headache, I didn't know where I was honestly. I adjusted my vision to the dark room trying to make out something or someone in the darkness "hello? Where the fuck am I at?" I suddenly heard the door creek open a little bit "oh so you finally awake huh?" I looked up to see a figure dressed in all black "who are you exactly?" I was mad confused.

"Don't but for the moment let's have us some fun"he said with a light chuckle.

"This is all your fuckin fault!" Dd yelled in my face I roughly pushed him because I wasn't in the mood to even talk to that Nigga right now "get the fuck out of my face Nigga how is this my fault? You was the one that threw a hit first!?"
I was honestly frustrated and didn't wanna even look at him

"Why are you worried about who threw the first hit. WHEN YOUR GIRL,MY FRIEND IS FUCKIN MISSIN DARRIAN!" I didn't wanna hear it. I walked upstairs but I could hear his heavy ass footsteps following behind me "so that's it huh you girl missing and you just gone run away from your girl that probably needs our help right now."

"We can go and find her later but for the mean time I'm not going out to search for her what if she's just out to her house and needs her space?"
He looked at me disappointedly "are you serious? She can be in danger right now bro I don't give a fuck let's keep calling or let's keep sending a message until we get a sign of her" dd said

"I already told you Nigga what if she needs her sapce or don't wanna talk to us after what we did yesterday" he looked at me with a slight mug
"Don't you go her location?check that dummy" not gonna lie that was a great idea, I pulled out my phone to check and saw something unusual
"Yo it says they last located her at the party we was at and her locatin hasn't been updated since"

My faced dropped now I was really worried. "Yeah bro I think we should do what I said earlier because this shit is getting me mad worried bro" I said stressfully, I ran a hand down my faced and looked at dd who was on his phone typing away to someone.

"See I told yo dumbass listen to me for once dam, I was tryna text her to see if she lets me know she okay but yet no answer." I really started to get worried

"What should we do?, should we wait for a miracle to happen or for her to come back" dd made a confused face "wait what if an opp has her? And won't take her back to her house"

"Enough with the dumb ideas now"
My phone suddenly dinged

It was a message from an unknown number

Hey ashely, I have ya girl so unless u want her back come here by yourself

I already knew who it was by the name "Ashley"
"Fuck, dd look" I said giving him the phone so he can read the text "wtf..."

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