22(for real this time)

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"Wtf.." Dd said with a confused facial expression as he grabbed my phone to take a even better look at the text messages. "Who do you think it is?" I ask.
"Nigga are you dumb!?, what another weird ass nigga calls you Ashley?.."

I shrug my shoulders not really understanding what Dd was trying to say. "oh my- nigga cblu!, he always be calling you Ashley idiot so if the text says "hey Ashley" who you gonna think it is..dummy"Dd walked away to his room to put on a hoodie and shoes so him and ddot can go find Zari.

Ddot sits on the couch stressing about the whole situation but suddenly gets up when he hears Dd walking back to him. "Did you ever peep that cblu nigga at the party yesterday??" Dd asked

"I deadass did now that I think about it but last night I thought I was bugging out or something.. I thought I was seeing shit."

Dd stares at ddot with a intense side eye as he continues speaking.

"okay whatever, text that nigga back though to see how can zari possibly come back home."

Ddot pulls out his phone and begins typing away messages to the person who could potentially be cblu.
a few minutes later "cblu" responds

"Yo Dd the person just texted me back!" As soon as Dd hears this he rushes over to ddot very quickly.
"What did they say?"

Ddot shows him the text message from
"Cblu" saying "come get your girl, imma send you a location. Also come in like 5-6 I needs have my fun with yo bitch"

ddot started getting angrier and angrier by the second after he keep re reading the last piece of what camrin said. "What does he mean have his fun with her?" Ddot shrugs his shoulders and leans back into the couch looking stressed from the whole situation. The room very quiet and awkward but Dd eventually broke the silence.

"So what can we do in these 5-6 hours?"
Ddot shrugs his shoulders again because he really couldn't think about anything.

"We should just take a nap or something while waiting for him to tell you when we can go get your girl."

Ddot nods his head at the sleeping idea. Yeah come on imma go take a nap.
6 hours later.
Ddot is suddenly awakened by dd's harsh shaking
"What Dd what? I was sleeping"
"Get up bro" Dd begins practically dragging out of the house.

(Ik it isn't much but I wanted ti update for y'all but I'm mad tired

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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