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It's been a couple days since the incident happend don't get me wrong I'm still mad about it but everytime I bring it up Zari always tells me she doesn't wanna be remembered about it so I just think about it to myself.

"I'm bored asf" I said while munching on some Doritos don't ask ok I been thinking about Zari a lot recently but I haven't seen her since the day that the thing happened

She's been texting and calling me but that's not enough I want my baby momma here in my arms
I took my phone from out of my pocket dialing her number.


"Wsg ma can you come over I miss you"

"I don't know if I can rn Darrian"

"Tf you calling me Darrian for ?? Did I do anything "

"No dam im just tired" where tf this behavior coming from

"Ay idk what yo thot ass friends telling you but fix ya attitude before I fix it for you" I hung up on her face which I knew was gonna get her mad but oh well

What? You yes you don't be in the comments calling me bipolar 🙄

I was taking a long drag outta my blunt before I heard someone BANGING on my mf door. I got up sliding my slides on making my way to the door opening it to see Zari's short ass standing there with her arms crossed looking mad.

"Omfg what"I said while grabbing her by her arm dragging her into the living room. She sat down at the far end of the couch not wanting to sit near me she was still crossing her arms at me like let it go.

"So Darrian what was that about..."

"Bro I already told you chill with the government Zariah" I don't like getting called by my first name and she dosent either so it's fair

"OK fine ddot what was that about"

"Look I'm not tryna argue withcu I was js mad I wanted to see my shorty myb" she finally stopped crossing her arms and ran into my arms giving me a hug Barley letting me breathe.

I laughed slightly to her clingy ass"Alr Alr mami get up" she lifted her head up from my stomach looking at me with a mug.I looked back at her too
We made direct eye contact before I slowly leaned in giving her a kiss one of the longest ones probably

"Ddottt" she said while covering her face cheesing mad hard.


I was currently laying on Ddot's chest meanwhile ddot was snoring his away,this man gave me like about 20 kisses today I love his clingy ass well sometimes.

I stared looking for my phone careful not to wake up ddot but that didn't work.
"MA stop moving so much go back to sleep" he pushed me back down to his chest while going back to snoring away

"Bro let me go" I pushed his hand away I think I did it too hard but oh well,I got up going to the bathroom I turned the faucet on splashing my face with cold water, all of a sudden I felt hands slowly wrap around my waist I knew it was already ddot so I js sighed in annoyance.

He leaned into me getting close to my ear
"Listen ma do that shi again and you'll see what happens."he kissed my cheek and walked away.

Ngl I got butterflies but I was tryna act strong so I just ignored it.

I walked over to the living room looking over at Ddot sitting down looking into space,I walked over to him sitting on his lap."what?"

"Wdym what I wanna be with my man" I leaned in giving him a kiss I really did miss him a lot
"I love you".

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