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Zari 6:35pm Harlem,NY

I woke up with a terrible headache and my belly hurting.I looked over to my side seeing ddot scrolling on his phone.

"maa you finally awake" he said putting his phone down and pulling me closer to him." Ma did you pee yourself?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows"no what do you mean"

He grabbed my hand placing it on a specific spot on my ass shit. I quickly got up and turned on the lights just to see his bed stained." I'm sorry I'm sorry" I just stood there out of embarrassment not wanting to look at him

he came over to me holding my chin up for me to look at him"shh ma it's okay it happens here go shower imma change the sheets" he handed me  a towel and walked me over to the bathroom.

"thank you" I said before closing the door, I was embarrassed about what just happened but I have to keep on going on with the day
I started the water setting it on hot trying to have a relaxing shower.

I got in and as soon as I felt the hot water I felt amazing.
I washed up and did what I had to do

"bro hollon I didn't bring no clothes..."
"Omg" I said whining to myself I don't wanna ask ddot for clothes because what if yeah, but I ain't walking around this niggas house naked so I had too ask

"Why today hoe you couldn't wait to come another day always wanna be embrassing me" I stepped out the bathroom with all the clothes o had and made my way to Ddot's room, he was on his phone and had already changed the sheets

"heyyy honey boo boo" he quickly snapped his neck in my direction looking disgusted at the nickname I just called him by"don't call me that shi but Wsp ma" I looked down hesitant to ask him

"can I .. borrow some of your clothes because I forgot to bring some and I didn't know this was gonna happen today I'm sorry" he didn't say nothing but walked over to his drawer searching for something I could wear

"here" he handed me some black Nike shorts and a wifebeater "imma look like a lil nigga" I said jokingly"Bq and just put it on and come lay down with me I miss you".

after I was finished I made my way back into Ddot's room"you look good lil Nigga"he said making sure to say the last part a little bit louder
"you think you real funny huh?" I said crawling into the bed cuddling into his chest

"you tired my little bleeding tomato?"he said pouting out his bottom lip out
I punched his arm and turned away from him facing the wall "Ow!" That's what ya dumbass gets

"I'm sorryyy" he wrapped his hands around me pullin me closer"No you think you funny" I said pushing him away moving further away from him
"ok whatever my little bleeding tomato"

"Say that one more time and imma fuck you up wrd2" "Myyy..little bleeding tomato" i quickly grabbed his hair and started slapping him in a jokingly way but his cry baby ass took it serious

I heard little sniffles coming from Ddot his face was starting to turn red I thought he was just joking but I was wrong."aww who's the little red toma-" "STFU" he moved my hands away from his face and left the room slamming the door

"this is why you can't play around with this man so bipolar" I rolled my eyes and reached over for my phone on the other side of the bed"cry baby smh" I didn't even hit him it was just soft taps but it's whatever

I went on tiktok scrolling through multiple videos without being interested in any of them.
I heard the door of the room slowly open, I looked up just to see Ddot walkin tours me.he crawled into the bed laying his head down on my leg

He was still sniffling and he was still crying "Bro no get ya crybaby ass off me" I grabbed the blanket putting it over me, I continued scrolling thru videos trying to get entertained."ma" I moved the blanket so I can look at him"what do you want" "Gimme kiss please" I shook my head and went back into my videos.

I suddenly felt one of his hands around my neck,"nigga wtf" before I could push him off he quickly leaned in.

"Okok enough let me breathe " I said pulling away"ion know who you be having an attitude with but fix it ma" wasn't his light skin ass just crying?, I turned off my phone getting comfortable under the covers"goodnight imma gts" ddot readjusted himself of the bed wrapping him arms around me" goodnight I love you.. my little bleeding tomato"

"Alr bro."

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