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Zari Harlem,NY 6:35pm

I was sitting down on Ddot's lap.watching him play 2k what he typically does every other day,I was leaned back playing with his hair he looked so focused on the game he wasn't even talking to me.

Just yelling in the mic I wanted to do something else than just sitting down on Darrian's lap watching him play the game.

"Baby" no answer

Was this nigga ignoring me? I took one side of the head set off his ear to maybe see if he couldn't hear me because of the game.
"Didn't you hear me?" He put the controller down and looked at me I can tell he was annoyed.

"Yo worda bro fuck you want Zariah"
"I was just tryna do something with you.."
"Don't you see I'm doing something dam leave me alone"

And with that he put his headset back on I just sat there in silence re thinking about what ddot just said to me I leaned forward and started fidgeting with my hands why this man likes to start arguments?.

but today I'm not gonna waste anytime with this nigga I think if I just get up he wouldn't do shi so that's exactly what I'm gonna do, I got up snatched my phone from his other side of his lap I slid my crocs in and walked out the room.

I felt Ddot's heavy footsteps quickly  follow behind me he reached for my arm but I yanked it away.

"ma where you going come back" I didn't listen to anything he said and slammed the door right on his face he tried to run after me but I just walked away I wasn't tryna argue with him so I just left.

I was in my bed rolling up before someone busted in my room without any warning I thought it was my annoying little brother but it was ddot he stood in the door frame waiting for me to say something.

"What do you want Darrian?"I sat up in my bed lookin right back at him he looked good but still I was mad at him he came over to me sitting down next to me he put his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Ma cmon I'm sorry I can give you my attention all of it now" he looked down at my hands lookin down at the pre rolled blunt on my hand thinking if I should just let it go

"MA..." I snapped out of my thoughts when ddot called out to me I quickly turned my head to face him


"Bro you didn't hear me?"

"No sorry but it's ok I forgive you papi"

I  put my hand on his cheek caressing it leaned in and kissed him
Couldn't stay mad at this fine mf forever...

"Alr Alr ma let me breathe " I didn't know how long the kiss was but it was definitely long
"Cmon lay down" ddot laid down putting the blanket over him not all the way tho

I laid down on his chest looking to my side waiting to see if ddot was gonna say something.
"I love you mama "he leaned down and kissed my forehead," I love you more"

After a couple minutes I heard ddot snoring mad loud he fell asleep bro I wanted to do something with him whatever you cannot do anything with him always sleeping, smoking or playing 2k

I got up and went to the living room sitting down on the couch I started getting mad because of ddot not paying that's much attention to me.

I was zoned out until I felt a tap on my shoulder,I turned around to see sleepy ddot standing there with his hand out tours me rubbing his eye

"Cmon mami why you got up" he dragged me into the room and laid me down on his chest while rapping one of his arms around me.

"I love you ma"

"I love you too".

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